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Work Out, Get Fit Thread

Not at all:
Monday - chest day
Tuesday - Back day
Wednesday - Leg day
Thursday - arm day
Friday - chest day 2
Saturday (if I make it) leg day.
Step your incline game up people.

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Todays my rest day from lifting so I just did some Cardio and Core workouts. Did this on the treadmill. I only had my incline at 6.0 if im not mistaken. Tried Jogging on the shit a real slow jog, but still couldnt do it for more than like 3 mins lol. Legs be on fire after a little bit so i just kept it at a brisk walk but was still burning
Im just getting back into it and have almost 0 stamina for shit lol. But Mon-Wed-Fri are my lift days, 5 sets 5 reps of bench, squats, deadlifts, bent rows, dumbell curls(3x8) Tricep Pulldown(3x8), and a couple other things. There is a set of exercises that i do on week 2 but i cant remember them. But ill start out a lower weight and add 5-10 pounds after one of the sets of 5 reps.

I warm up on lift day by just jogging on the treadmill for 20-30 mins. Make sure i do at the very least 1.5 miles before i get off.

Then tuesday and thursday i will do Cardio and Core workouts. I try to use something besides the treadmill like a bike or stairmaster for the cardio days, but today i was to lazy and just did tread. For Core, im still trying to get a good routine and figure out which exercises are best. I do plank and use a couple different ab machines right now, but will look for more exercises.
Todays my rest day from lifting so I just did some Cardio and Core workouts. Did this on the treadmill. I only had my incline at 6.0 if im not mistaken. Tried Jogging on the shit a real slow jog, but still couldnt do it for more than like 3 mins lol. Legs be on fire after a little bit so i just kept it at a brisk walk but was still burning
No need to jog it. Put it on an incline of 12.5 and speed of 3.5 for 10min trust me. You'll feel it
I hate that sore spot you get between your shoulders from the bar when you do squats. My legs and that spot was still sore as fuck but had to do 5 sets of squats today and that shit hurt.

My glutes are the sorest part of me right now and i cant figure out how to stretch my ass cheek muscle.
I'm seeing results in my upper arms but they r nowhere near that permanently flexed look I want. how much lifting do i gotta do to get that?

any arm workout suggestions ppl?
I'm seeing results in my upper arms but they r nowhere near that permanently flexed look I want. how much lifting do i gotta do to get that?

any arm workout suggestions ppl?

I work from home today so this morning I decided to do something I very rarely do, use the gym in the building, considering I pay an arm and a leg plus half a bushy tail for a tiny apartment that I share.

Did cardio, squats and dumbbell and humped a couple of machines that I don't know the names.

Now I can barely walk and my arm are shaking so bad I can't type.

Today was my first day of my second week. Waking up earlier, at 4AM now. Its crazy, but i actually look forward to working out now. Feel good doing it and it makes at least my mornings a lot better and has been helping with my anxiety a lot. Weekend was great to rest and i dont think im starting to feel sore after this mornings workout, even though i was doing higher weight than last week.

Also, its still not great, but my stamina has increased a bit just since last week. Was able to jog a mile and a half without slowing down to a walk today during my warm up. Tomorrow's strictly cardio and Core though so we will see how it goes tomorrow haha.
Wasn't going but I'm on my way now. It's a tornado warning here in the city but I was challenged to go so I'm going.

2hrs in the gym then straight to bed
Bruce Lee Abs and Running 5MI tonight. UGH. Hubby better love me real good for all of this ISH.