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Work Out, Get Fit Thread


Nice Legs @Cain
Why thank you ma'am
This week has been my first week back at the gym in quite sometime. Like since i was 16. Ive been going first thing in the morning at 5AM and staying until about 645AM to run home and shower and head to work. Shits really helped improve mood and shit during the day.

I always wanted to go after work, but by the time I get off of work i dont want to do a damn thing but go home or go hang out with friends. Im incredibly weak now though after not working out for over 10 years and losing a bunch of weight.
This week has been my first week back at the gym in quite sometime. Like since i was 16. Ive been going first thing in the morning at 5AM and staying until about 645AM to run home and shower and head to work. Shits really helped improve mood and shit during the day.

I always wanted to go after work, but by the time I get off of work i dont want to do a damn thing but go home or go hang out with friends. Im incredibly weak now though after not working out for over 10 years and losing a bunch of weight.

It will get better, you will get stronger. I won't say it will get easier because if it's easy, You are doing it wrong. lol

Congrats!! Great job Lou
Ok folks I am on Week 7 Day 1 of this running app I downloaded.

I have monster legs from all that biking, but I loathe running.
It's a great app because it starts you off small and then builds and becomes more difficult as you move forward. Below is the screen shot of Week 1 Day 1's exercise vs where I am today.

I will break down today's workout for you. It's a bit confusing looking at the screenshot if you are not familiar. But you can see the signifcant difference from Week 1 Day 1.
  1. start off with brisk walking for 5 min
  2. then she tells you to run for 3 min
  3. the sprint at 80% of your top speed for 30 seconds,
  4. then run again for 3min
  5. then Sprint at 80% of your top speed for 30 seconds
  6. then FINALLY she give you a break and allows you to walk for 1 min.

That repeats for 3 cycles and then you walk and stretch for 5 min for cool down.

Yeah.. I STAY passing out afterwards, but the key is NEVER stop.. even if you have to slow down your running speed... never STOP. You will be so proud of yourself and you will get better.

Also.. if you can't run outdoors, you can do this on the treadmill and elliptical. When I am on the elliptical I make sure to put my resistance on 8 to give myself that extra challenge.

There are 8 weeks in total at 3 workouts a week. I only have 5 workouts left and I will start again. Let me know if you care to join me.

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I ate all types of wrong this weekend Smh and didn't hit the gym up. I'll have to totally detox this week and go twice as hard on my routine.
I'm going to Jamaica in June and I been telling myself since fuckin August that I was gonna get my act together.
I lost 30 pounds and just quit. Since January, I have been with the bullshit saying I'm gonna get my act together, here it is the end of March and I'm still on the BS.
I have 2 months and about 20 days to get something right! I'm dead ass serious now.
I'm going to Jamaica in June and I been telling myself since fuckin August that I was gonna get my act together.
I lost 30 pounds and just quit. Since January, I have been with the bullshit saying I'm gonna get my act together, here it is the end of March and I'm still on the BS.
I have 2 months and about 20 days to get something right! I'm dead ass serious now.
how much more do you wanna lose?
yeah don't use numbers. i only get weighed @ the drs. measurements and clothes are the best measure.

I realized that when I wore the same size at two different weights.