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Work Out, Get Fit Thread

yeah im not even gone fake like im eating light down there lol

back on track when we get home tho

my lil home gym just getting finished up.....got the table outta there so the elliptical can fit

need to be on that batch twice a day
yeah that shit'll kill you

I got a sweet tooth and eat when im bored
Just opened a can of tuna and tried to eat that shit straight from the tin, shit was too dry so I grabbed some doritos and put tuna on the top of them, think I am starting to become a beast with this shit! did legs today and enjoyed it usually leg day is a shitty day. I tried sumo deadlifts and they worked well, definitely hit the ham strings with them and was much easier on my lower back and easier to hold my form, I still have posture problems and need to fix that shit.
Progress pic (nh just in case). Feel like my gains are starting to plateau so I’m gonna challenge myself more now that I got the consistency part down.

Back in the gym this week

Cleaning out or rather drinking all the alcohol in my house.

About to go 10 weeks with no alcohol
Same here @AP21, got a week before I start the new job so I’m a hit the gym again tomorrow

Going from 1 day off to 3 days off so I should be able to get back to a healthy routine
Same here @AP21, got a week before I start the new job so I’m a hit the gym again tomorrow

Going from 1 day off to 3 days off so I should be able to get back to a healthy routine
Good shit man
Aight, I need to go to the store and stock up on some food to stay out of the fast food trap.


Stop lurking nigga
Shit I had an inconsistent 2 months, i gotta play catch up.

Hit legs this weekend and now i cant fucking walk right...
but you can still type

run me some shit to eat/cook nignog