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Agnostic - I need evidence.

You not gonna find it.

The definition of religion is “a particular system of faith and worship.”

And the definition of faith is “strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.”

That’s what makes the whole concept bogus. It’s specifically designed to Euro step the mind’s need for objective evidence.

A blend of Nichiren and Zen though.
Isnt agnostic = non-religious

Real question. The poll results and ppls comments are confusing me
It's the belief that there's no proof either way to believe or disbelieve in a God as that kinda shit is above our pay grade, so to speak. So the existence or lack thereof of God is plausible, but none of our business...lol
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From my experiences talkin to "religious" folks, most jus hedging their bets

on sum "Well, jus in case god is real, Ima believer"
I identify is a Hebrew Israelite.

Still working on learning and adhering to the tenants based on scripture. But the more I've researched and learned about the old ways, the more questions I have about the Abrahamic religions and their true teachings.

I think what most of us think about when it comes to "Christianity" is a bastardization of it's true teaching.