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Democrats Block Reparation Cali Bill

You, Rain, and Monk think that she won't/shouldn't be impacted directly, bro that's all good. Fine, have that thought. I don't care, it's 3 of yall vs hundreds of them black folks in Cali that think otherwise, but don't shame the folks who want to say that they are upset at the democratic political party that represents her, and that she may feel an impact from this situation on election night.

This is what YOU, RAIN, AND MONK are doing. IF those folks are mad at the democratic party and want to not vote for her, Let it be. Yall are speaking down on those folks' intelligence and honestly the 3 of you all are no better knowledgeable than those people in Cali.

They can do 2 things at 1 time; Not vote for the democrats in Cali and Not vote for Kamala when election time comes, and they have every right to do so. Your shaming tactics of them not understanding Civics 101 has nothing to do with how those black folks choose to move. Knowing the function on what the federal and state do doesn't not matter to those hundreds of thousands of black folks in Cali who just saw their bill get shot down by the very people that they put into office to help get it passed.

Let me see if I can make you, rain, Monk, understand more clearly, these folks may feel (this just my opinion) that they've supported this party for so long, some all their adult lives, this party hasn't done much, if anything to help improve their conditions in the state. They see other folks/races are not citizens get things passed for them, idk. The black folks in that state has finally put together something for themselves that would help them be in a better condition, only to see the bill shot down by the very people that they've supported for 60 plus years, the democratic party, they are upset and saying as WHOLE these people aint shit, all they do is lie, they are no better than the Republicans, case in point with this bill being shot down on their time.... now they truly see it being done in their own backyard and those black folks are like the hell with ALL DEMOCRATS and that's where you, Rain, and Monk have the disconnection, but I know you 3 see the correlation to this. I know yall do
It's not that hard to understand that.

If you go to your employer, Company B, Company B has paid you the lowest wage possible, every year, or other year, Company B, "local" say to you , AP, we will address your issues, with your wages and working conditions, you work in a basement current at Company B, you the only one working down there, Company B doesn't address those issues. AP, you finally sit down and write a proposal and state what you want in wages, and what kind of working conditions you want to have at this Company B, and Company B, shoots the shit down.

If they shoot down those conditions, would you or should I say this, would most people if in this example still support All of the rest of Company B's?? Would most people still go work at a Company B establishment across the world? The answer would b NO.

I'm not speaking down on the people in Cali. I'm speaking on your logic you're trying to project not making any sense in terms of assigning direct blame. Nobody is shaming anyone but your lack of understanding how things work vs how you want them to work is clouding your pov and making you distort things people are saying
The problem with your example is political parties are not exactly the same as businesses. In your example, the local version of Company B can't always act unilaterally without permission the larger Company B, and when the local company messes up the larger company can hammer the local company. So yeah, if local Company B fucks you over, going at the whole company makes sense because the larger company is ultimately responsible for everything the local company does and the larger company can punish the local version for bad actions.

That's not how political parties work. Kamala may be considered the head of the democratic party, but she doesn't have anything to do with state politics. She can't force state politicians to make the decisions she wants and outside of refusing to campaign for them or lowering some of the money that the DNC contributes to their campaigns, she can't really punish them for not doing what she wants.

Again, this is the problem with your stance. You don't understand how any of this works. That's why you keep making analogies that don't really fit. You're free to vote for or not vote for whoever you want. However, we're not shaming you by pointing out that you don't seem to understand how politics work. Also, you keep bringing up that lots of people in Cali are mad at the whole Democratic party, but you're ignoring why they are actually mad. As I already said in one of the many posts you just ignored, people in Cali believe that higher ups in the DNC colluded with the state representatives and got them to vote the reparations bill down. I already said, and I'm sure everyone here agrees that if that's what actually happened, then Kamala should be punished.

I think you're not getting it but again, this may have been the last straw for many of those black folks in Cali

They've seen what the Democratic Party trick are as a WHOLE, Some, if not many of those black folks who are upset, may have thought, if we go through the process of creating our own bill for us, i's dotted, t's crossed this can get pass and help us. We've supported these folks for 60 plus years, dayum they can at least give us something "in my opinion, this could have been many of the black folk in Cali thought process"

Once the bill got shot down, they are on some, we won't SUPPORT NO DEMOCRATs. for here on out.

That's not hard to understand imo
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Are you just saying anything dude?

Explain to everyone how is it racism from your standpoint, what makes you think racism was the cause of this bill not passing?

What racist stopped the bill since you stated that it was racism?

How did YOU get this to be racism, please explain that to me

It's not that hard to understand at all. Racism is the root of the bill not being passed. And it's not about 1 person yelling out "I'm racist so fuck this bill." It's about the system and it's design to prevent certain things from happening unless they get the approval of the majority of white people. That's the racism....
I'm not speaking down on the people in Cali. I'm speaking on your logic you're trying to project not making any sense in terms of assigning direct blame. Nobody is shaming anyone but your lack of understanding how things work vs how you want them to work is clouding your pov and making you distort things people are saying

My logic is what is in the article.

You truly are speaking down on those people because I am basically telling you what those black people in Cali are doing. I don't live in Cali.

That's how those people are moving. All I did was cosigned it.

I am cosigning what they are doing and want to do...so if you're speaking down on my logic which is co-signing them to leave the Democratic party out to dry, then you are truly speaking down on them folks by using shaming tatics
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I'm not sure what you posted this article for, it doesn't prove anything.

Again, the bill was set to go, ready for approval, it made it through all the stages that the bill had to go through, a WHITE republican motioned for the bill to get approved and passed, a second motion was needed by ANY DEMOCRATIC PERSON, BLACK OR WHITE nothing was said.


Did you read the article and can you kindly explain then how it doesn't address your question?
It's not that hard to understand at all. Racism is the root of the bill not being passed. And it's not about 1 person yelling out "I'm racist so fuck this bill." It's about the system and it's design to prevent certain things from happening unless they get the approval of the majority of white people. That's the racism....

Dude. I'ma do you this favor because at this point you're just babbling and deflecting, cop pleas

Racism was your reasoning on why the bill got shot down, now if one was not educated on this situation, they would read this and go with what you said, You don't know the process or how it went but you're in here advocating for how things process in legislature. But I will bring out the lack of knowledge in your post on racism being the reason. That's why I asked you to explain how racism in this situation happened and you just rambled out some generic talking point which doesn't fit what actually happened, so I will tell you what happened and lets see if RACISM was the factor in with what you posted

The Bill went through all the stages to get signed, it was on its last step for approval by the governor.

A white republican motion for the bill to be brought up on the floor

"A second motion by the Democratic members is needed" Any Democratic person could motion a 2nd motion on the Bill, Anyone, white or BLACK



Tell me how is that racism buddy?? How did racism play a part in a black democratic or white, but let's use black to second motion the bill??
Speaking as basically a life long Cali resident…

Truthfully this isn’t gonna matter in the grand scheme as much as y’all online think it will. Most of us didn’t have faith that it was EVER gonna go through or assumed it’d get tied up in the courts and we’d never see a dime anyway.

Reparations for ADOS are a pipe dream. The mere thought of begging your oppressors to be fair is kinda laughable in itself.

Also I’ve learned that black folks in our parents generation are way too easily pacified and pragmatic to demand such a thing.

Reparations arent going to be given, we are going to have to TAKE. And we just ain’t ready to do that yet.
You, Rain, and Monk think that she won't/shouldn't be impacted directly, bro that's all good. Fine, have that thought. I don't care, it's 3 of yall vs hundreds of them black folks in Cali that think otherwise, but don't shame the folks who want to say that they are upset at the democratic political party that represents her, and that she may feel an impact from this situation on election night.

This is what YOU, RAIN, AND MONK are doing. IF those folks are mad at the democratic party and want to not vote for her, Let it be. Yall are speaking down on those folks' intelligence and honestly the 3 of you all are no better knowledgeable than those people in Cali.

They can do 2 things at 1 time; Not vote for the democrats in Cali and Not vote for Kamala when election time comes, and they have every right to do so. Your shaming tactics of them not understanding Civics 101 has nothing to do with how those black folks choose to move. Knowing the function on what the federal and state do doesn't not matter to those hundreds of thousands of black folks in Cali who just saw their bill get shot down by the very people that they put into office to help get it passed.

Let me see if I can make you, rain, Monk, understand more clearly, these folks may feel (this just my opinion) that they've supported this party for so long, some all their adult lives, this party hasn't done much, if anything to help improve their conditions in the state. They see other folks/races are not citizens get things passed for them, idk. The black folks in that state has finally put together something for themselves that would help them be in a better condition, only to see the bill shot down by the very people that they've supported for 60 plus years, the democratic party, they are upset and saying as WHOLE these people aint shit, all they do is lie, they are no better than the Republicans, case in point with this bill being shot down on their time.... now they truly see it being done in their own backyard and those black folks are like the hell with ALL DEMOCRATS and that's where you, Rain, and Monk have the disconnection, but I know you 3 see the correlation to this. I know yall do
It's not that hard to understand that.

If you go to your employer, Company B, Company B has paid you the lowest wage possible, every year, or other year, Company B, "local" say to you , AP, we will address your issues, with your wages and working conditions, you work in a basement current at Company B, you the only one working down there, Company B doesn't address those issues. AP, you finally sit down and write a proposal and state what you want in wages, and what kind of working conditions you want to have at this Company B, and Company B, shoots the shit down.

If they shoot down those conditions, would you or should I say this, would most people if in this example still support All of the rest of Company B's?? Would most people still go work at a Company B establishment across the world? The answer would b NO.
Even though my slogan is "if you quoted it, you read it"... I in fact did not read all of that because you are still conflating issues when you really don't have to to support your position on this particular topic.

For the record I read the first paragraph and it was clear you are not reading to comprehend.

With that being said, see you at the next "debate" 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾
Even though my slogan is "if you quoted it, you read it"... I in fact did not read all of that because you are still conflating issues when you really don't have to to support your position on this particular topic.

For the record I read the first paragraph and it was clear you are not reading to comprehend.

With that being said, see you at the next "debate" 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾


If you didn't read the entire post but you deem it as me not comprehending whatever you want me to comprehend Lol? Like what kind of logic is that.

How would you know by not reading the entire post if I..... you know what lol.

I'd rather you not even posted this on this board Lol
Heck. I told you all that! We've been giving these answers. It's just you people who think they the better party ain't listening.

I knew it wasn't gonna go all the way and if reparations were given, it was gonna be some fine print and games played w/ it. Obviously, that democrat party that a lot of you on this site bend over for don't give a flip about your well-being.

And most of you all still finna show up and vote for Sis Skee-Wee. Democrats need loyal, uneducated, illiterate, people that will die on they shield as democrats regardless of what they do and they found you people. That's why they blocked it.

Do you know. How. Many. Lives. Could've. Been. Impacted. With. That. $$.


Supposed to had already got reparations tho. We not gettin' reparations only for blacks, ADOS, FBA, or whatever term you wanna use. If we did, it'll be shared with other groups like illegal aliens/migrants. That's just my opinion.


You know, I don't trust any politician, etc.., but I really do hope that Cali does right by ya'll. Blacks in Cali could really use that $$.

We already discussed this because I'm still doubtful, but that $$ really is supposed to be for us and only us.

LBJ told many of you before you were even born, he'd have yo black azz votin' democrat for the next 200 years. And I still got a lot of lip from one of you pro-democrat whatever accounts. Us gettin' the right to vote was all a political ploy.

Heck. I told you all that! We've been giving these answers. It's just you people who think they the better party ain't listening.

I knew it wasn't gonna go all the way and if reparations were given, it was gonna be some fine print and games played w/ it. Obviously, that democrat party that a lot of you on this site bend over for don't give a flip about your well-being.

And most of you all still finna show up and vote for Sis Skee-Wee. Democrats need loyal, uneducated, illiterate, people that will die on they shield as democrats regardless of what they do and they found you people. That's why they blocked it.

Do you know. How. Many. Lives. Could've. Been. Impacted. With. That. $$.

LBJ told many of you before you were even born, he'd have yo black azz votin' democrat for the next 200 years. And I still got a lot of lip from one of you pro-democrat whatever accounts. Us gettin' the right to vote was all a political ploy.

I fuck wit it, you and a few others when yall have time press these dudes to spit out real concrete factual answers, it's always 3 or 4 that stick together, no names need to be said, look at the reactions. It's like they take turns switching talking points that makes no logical sense.

I salute the kickback, I don't see how you and other keep it up, I just was bored today and wanted to support Goldie board and also wanted to see if they would touch this issue once it happened. I see that they didn't lol.

If you didn't read the entire post but you deem it as me not comprehending whatever you want me to comprehend Lol? Like what kind of logic is that.

How would you know by not reading the entire post if I..... you know what lol.

I'd rather you not even posted this on this board Lol
Fam, why do I need to read anything beyond the introduction to your response when it's clear you keep changing the narrative of the topic at hand

What does Gregory Abbott in Texas have to do with Jeff Landry here in Louisiana?

They're both Republicans governors so by your logic, if Abbott shoots down legislation in Texas for _______, Landry is somehow responsible for his actions right?

Well don't let the cat hold your tongue too long.

I heard life under democrats was soooooo prosperous.

Here's what crazy on niggas asking for reparations. Every single platform that Republicans run on squeezes the pockets of every citizen except for the wealthy 1%. Cutting taxes easily pays for reparations and much more.

Democrats run on platforms that allow people to actually prosper. The Child Tax Credit expansion and Student Loan forgiveness alone has offered millions in relief.

Republicans oppose both. Democrats support both.

But since it wasn't an only Black ADOS Child Tax Credit or only Black ADOS Student Loan Forgiveness, niggas will say that Democrats aren't doing anything for you.

Meanwhile Republicans are defunding your public schools and funneling money to the private schools that the majority cannot afford all while changing the curriculum to white Christian nationalist religious bullshit.

Kamala been vice president this whole fucking time and now is when yall key in on her mistakes and random peoples shit takes about her on Twitter?

Like right now is the appropriate time?

I guess now would be the appropriate time since they blocked that reparations bill.
My logic is what is in the article.

You truly are speaking down on those people because I am basically telling you what those black people in Cali are doing. I don't live in Cali.

That's how those people are moving. All I did was cosigned it.

I am cosigning what they are doing and want to do...so if you're speaking down on my logic which is co-signing them to leave the Democratic party out to dry, then you are truly speaking down on them folks by using shaming tatics

Lol. No I'm not speaking down on those people. You can't tell me who I'm speaking down on especially when I didn't speak on those people. I spoke on your logic. So unless your logic and pov is representative of every Black Cali person then you're wrong again. Again nobody even mentioned them not leaving the Democratic party. The issue was your failure to assign blame to the correct entity and trying to do a failed catch all
Dude. I'ma do you this favor because at this point you're just babbling and deflecting, cop pleas

Racism was your reasoning on why the bill got shot down, now if one was not educated on this situation, they would read this and go with what you said, You don't know the process or how it went but you're in here advocating for how things process in legislature. But I will bring out the lack of knowledge in your post on racism being the reason. That's why I asked you to explain how racism in this situation happened and you just rambled out some generic talking point which doesn't fit what actually happened, so I will tell you what happened and lets see if RACISM was the factor in with what you posted

The Bill went through all the stages to get signed, it was on its last step for approval by the governor.

A white republican motion for the bill to be brought up on the floor

"A second motion by the Democratic members is needed" Any Democratic person could motion a 2nd motion on the Bill, Anyone, white or BLACK



Tell me how is that racism buddy?? How did racism play a part in a black democratic or white, but let's use black to second motion the bill??

the same bill that Gavin Newsom own supporters say he killed with the changes he made would've still been signed? That bill still needs support to go through...and guess who that is? All he did was basically extend it out for more "studies to be done on the issue". That's just more bullshit to try and give people a sip of water when they're asking for a full cup
I see a looooot of KH supporters on this site slow to move they feet to threads like this.

Didn't even make this thread, so if @Knock_Twice didn't make it, you all wouldn't have known.

So glad, I'm damn near the last person on this platform to be a democrat. Just all kinds of bytch ways about you people even tho, you supposed to be the "better" party.