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Work Out, Get Fit Thread

Gym log: Day 15

I've been going to the gym every single day since I joined Crunch Fitness. Oddly, I'm able to get up at 6-6:30am, get dressed, and get on the road with only minor haggling with myself about getting up. Some things I've noticed:

1. I'm recovering a lot faster. I was sore everywhere after day one but pushed through it to go on day 2. Now I might be a little stiff for a few hours but that's about it.

2. I've been able to increase my treadmill speed for the same amount of time every day as well as the weight on most of the machines. I say most because the leg press machine maxes out at 385lbs and that's what I work with (I'll move to a proper leg press soon enough).

3. My weight started going up... Significantly. Because of that I'm adopting an on-off keto diet: On one week, off the next. Today is day three of that and I'm down 10lbs as of this morning. I'll continue this for the foreseeable future.

4. It's still hard as hell to get up off the floor. I've neither lost enough weight nor strengthened my body to make this a trivial matter.

So far, so good. I'm hoping to get back to my pre-pandemic weight of 240 by the end of the year.
Bruh. You need rest and stretch days
Bruh. You need rest and stretch days

So, 4 days in, going every day, alternating muscle groups when I go.

The mental hurdle, right now, is getting it through to my brain that I've only been at it for fuckin 4 days and there's not going to be any results to see yet. My recovery time has shortened every day tho, I do see that change.

Each muscle group gets it's day of rest. Today I did chest, arms, shoulders, and back. Tomorrow will be core and legs. The only thing I do every single day is spend the first 30 minutes on the treadmill.
Each muscle group gets it's day of rest. Today I did chest, arms, shoulders, and back. Tomorrow will be core and legs. The only thing I do every single day is spend the first 30 minutes on the treadmill.
A lot of people don’t realise that without regular stretch days you’re not getting enough out of your workout when you do workout. You’re just making yourself more and more stiff and setting yourself up for your body breaking as you age.

Also not giving your entire body days of rest is counterproductive. You’re just breaking your body working out so much like this, but you do you baby! Shrug
Just in case anybody doesn’t know, you NEED to rest, stretch and massage yourself regularly, whether or not you workout. Moderate to high intensity workouts lead to inflammation, which leads to chronic health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes etc. You need to battle inflammation too as it is DEADLY to your health.

Plus, you can’t keep leaving your joints and muscles in a state of being torn and worn out with no rest. That’s how you end up in old age unable to move well and sick af.
If you’re taking a pre-workout, it’s likely a physiological response to the amount of caffeine you’ve ingested

In other words, anxiety

Nah, I'm not taking a pre-workoout. The only caffeine I get these days is from tea that I might have with lunch (if at all). I've been drinking water almost exclusively except for that one bit of tea if I have it.
Been maintaining for a few months i was doing ban assisted pullups because I felt like my biceps were torn just been kicking it doing a lil jump rope in the am everyday and playing ball on the weekends/monday

This plyometrics channel is pretty interesting for anyone interested not sure if ill do it my self but..(probably wont)

Men are really lucky. They don’t have to deal with constant hormonal changes causing bloating and making their stomach extended so people can’t even see your abs gains. And having to pay extra attention to your gut health to prevent bloating.
Tried 10 grams of honey with Himalayan salt before my workout.

I'll report back in a few days after a few more workouts of doing this
Is that supposed to be a pre-workout regimen or for some other benefit?
Allegedly it provides you a pump.

Now I know salt does help aid in getting a nice pump but I think combining it with a fast acting carb like honey adds an additional benefit also

Maybe larger veins to allow more blood flow.. IDK

But the shit was kinda good lol

I'll be going to the gym 4x this week so I'll be able to have more data to report