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Work Out, Get Fit Thread

I was thinking if a dude is doing a single exercise for glutes vs compound movement that also target glutes... What does that mean?
This gym I joined be having us hit those adductors hard. Put that resistance band around your thighs and act like a dog pissing on a hydrant. Never thought I’d experience such pain in my hips.
Seen a debate on IG about whether it’s gay for a dude to do movements that target glutes

I gotta agree to an extent, it seems a little suspect to be isolating glutes when there’s so many compound movements that will get the job done

Y’all out here hip thrusting?

Lol sounds like you want lower back issues. Foh
As a person who works at a desk for years hip flexors need the work and squatesand everything include the glutes. I couldn’t squat for real, had issues with RDL too.

But this is a good exercise but hilarious