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Work Out, Get Fit Thread

My workouts be kicking my ass in a good way. I remember when I was doing a lot and not even sweating. I'm glad I found some challenging videos

I've been doing 20-hour fasts and I love it but hunger is starting to become a problem. I may go back to 16 or 18-hour fasts
Yea IF is the shit.
that was initially how I dropped from 220 to 146
I’d eat dinner by 6:30pm.
Even when you reseey and I was working out I was doing IF.

i would go the whole day forgoing food and eat in the evening.

worked out in the morning.
Might try this for a couple of days first to see how my glucose levels handle this but might mean I'll have to work out in the evening cause lifting on an empty stomach would certainly tank my glucose and have me fainting
Might try this for a couple of days first to see how my glucose levels handle this but might mean I'll have to work out in the evening cause lifting on an empty stomach would certainly tank my glucose and have me fainting
It’s not for everyone.
Just like most diets, I suggest consulting with your Dr.

Today, I did my first v sit pull up. I only did one to see if I could do it and to my surprise, I did that shit with ease. I was mad at myself for not getting my homeboy I work out with to record it and it felt like I could've done more

Then, I did a 1RM of 225 on the flat bench. I again was pleasantly shocked.

Today, I did my first v sit pull up. I only did one to see if I could do it and to my surprise, I did that shit with ease. I was mad at myself for not getting my homeboy I work out with to record it and it felt like I could've done more

Then, I did a 1RM of 225 on the flat bench. I again was pleasantly shocked.

Now you can quit tip toeing lol
Brah, idk why I was doubting myself but I just wanted to see if I could do it and I had such a high afterwards.

I wanna keep working on that cause I feel like that's the next level for me and body weight exercises.
That’s how it goes brother.
Build on what you are already good at and the rest will follow thru osmosis and education
Man I laid around and got some niggas workout videos in my algorithm and buddy full of shit.

He is a big proponent of bodyweight exercises and I do believe there is some validity to the things he says but when this nigga made a video about how to last longer in bed or rather what exercises you need to do, the nigga says he normally tells niggas to practice semen retention, I cut that shit right off after that.

Oh so you one of THOSE niggas huh. FOH
Man I laid around and got some niggas workout videos in my algorithm and buddy full of shit.

He is a big proponent of bodyweight exercises and I do believe there is some validity to the things he says but when this nigga made a video about how to last longer in bed or rather what exercises you need to do, the nigga says he normally tells niggas to practice semen retention, I cut that shit right off after that.

Oh so you one of THOSE niggas huh. FOH
Drop the lank...for research purposes, of course
