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Work Out, Get Fit Thread

@Black_Samson what are "Andros"? Could you explain these in simple people talk? What are benefits and negatives to taking them?
Aint that what McGwire was taking?

That shit is kinda classified as a prohormone kinda classified as a steroid, depends on the sanctioning body.

A high grade test booster with a shit ton of side effects.

I do know it causes:

In Males
- Acne
- Bad breath
- "Roid rage" (increased tendency for violence in some individuals)
- Increased estrogen levels that can lead to breast development in males and the possibility of breast cancer.
- Kidney and liver damage
- Premature baldness
- Enlarged prostate
- Decreased sperm count
- Testicle shrinkage
- Loss of sexual drive
- Infertility

In Females
- Disruption of the menstrual cycle
- Deepened voice
- Facial hair growth
- Enlarged clitoris
- Lowering of HDL Cholesterol (the good cholesterol)

If you havent hit your middle aged test dump then i wouldnt bother
Welp winter is here and there is no let up i was braving the cold in the 30's now itwont touch 30 till next week.. so much for that
I agree, i usually do 3 sets of 1 min planks on my cardio/core days. Shits aint no joke. Can do the first plank for a minute no problem. Second plank is difficult after 40 seconds, 3rd plank im struggling the entire time lol. I figure once i can do that 3rd plank without any trouble I will up it to 1.5-2 mins but itll probably be awhile before i get there haha. Been seeing a lot of abdominal gains since i started them though.

I also been doing Hanging Leg/Knee raises. Will hang from a pull up bar or something similar then do 10 full leg raises, then after 10 Immediately start doing knee raises. I feel like the knee raises hit my lower abs much better and the leg raises kind of work the upper ones better. Usually do 3 sets of 10 and 10 at the moment.


I prefer planks over crunches 1st and foremost because it is much better for your lower back and neck. Also planks do a much better job of strengthening your whole core. Most people make the mistake of thinking your abs are all that consist of your core. When in actuality, your core is essentially everything between your neck and hips.

Stronger core also improves your balance, overall power, stregnth, agility and explosiveness.
Not sure if a thread has been made yet if so my apologies.

I recently started working on my back by doing lat pulldowns and assisted pull ups, the first time I worked them I felt the pain the day after but the past 2 sessions have felt not as great I think I need to work on my form a lot more and maybe drop the weight, this summer I will be in my physical prime!

I need to dedicate myself a lot more and stop being lazy I feel like I know what I need to do so now I must do it! how are you guys getting on with working out? and drop any tips you have especially regarding muscle gains!
I want to start a 3 day a week routine. I was thinking of grouping chest & legs for lets call it "A" work out.
Then arm (including shoulder) & back as a "B" work out.
From there alternate A,B,A week one, then B,A,B week the next week and continue like that.
Can you think of any tweaking to that or improvements?
I want to start a 3 day a week routine. I was thinking of grouping chest & legs for lets call it "A" work out.
Then arm (including shoulder) & back as a "B" work out.
From there alternate A,B,A week one, then B,A,B week the next week and continue like that.
Can you think of any tweaking to that or improvements?
Incorporate a leg day.

Tired of black folk neglecting their legs.
Nigga, I said leg and chest is a day by itself
Look up starting strength

They have an app in the play store for about 9 bucks, but it's worth it imo.

Before basketball season kicked off, I was going 3x a week. It does all the calculating work for you.

Season is winding down, I'ma bout to get back on it and do it all the way up until the start of next season
Nigga, I said leg and chest is a day by itself
No such animal.

I just dont see a point in forcing blood diluted with lactic acid into the legs if its avoidable.

Oxygenated blood would serve you better.

Thats why i said incorporate a leg day.
But if time doesnt permit, i would suggest legs and back being one day.
In terms of gains, I have seen good returns on switch up my lift routine every three months (from heavy to light). Has prevented plateauing.
Here's what I do 2-3 days per week.

20 minutes hiit on treadmill, 1 or 2 minutes fast, 1 or 2 minutes at a jog.

Overhead press
Bent over row or other upper back lift
Tricep curl
Bicep curl
Incline bench

All of the above 1 set by 12 reps.

Same weight for bench, squat, and deadlift. Should these weights all be different? In what proportions? Squat 2x bench, etc.?

Just trying to lose weight and tone up some.
Here's what I do 2-3 days per week.

20 minutes hiit on treadmill, 1 or 2 minutes fast, 1 or 2 minutes at a jog.

Overhead press
Bent over row or other upper back lift
Tricep curl
Bicep curl
Incline bench

All of the above 1 set by 12 reps.

Same weight for bench, squat, and deadlift. Should these weights all be different? In what proportions? Squat 2x bench, etc.?

Just trying to lose weight and tone up some.

the weight depends on you, your ability or even your goals and or program...not definite

losing weight and toning up is damn near all diet...building muscle helps, but its gonna come down to diet
the weight depends on you, your ability or even your goals and or program...not definite

losing weight and toning up is damn near all diet...building muscle helps, but its gonna come down to diet

I know, and that's the part I struggle with. I'm good during the week while working, then it all falls apart on the weekend.

Question for everybody in terms of diet, is intermittent fasting effective? Basically don't eat anything between 8pm and noon the next day?