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U ever find out you wasn't as cool with someone as you thought you were?

That’s nothing to do with the south, I don’t like when people pretend for me. We all got a side of us that we show others that’s not 100% who we’re are, that’s cool. Ion care bout that…I don’t like when people think they have a feel for you and pretend to be someone you should fuck wit, just to fuck wit you. Be a whole nother person, and pretend to care about or be about shit they ain’t about just to fuck wit you. No to rob you, not to scam you, not any other reason..just to be in your presence….nah..you too insecure to be around me. If your insecurities makes you do that..who’s to say what else they make you do.

Id rather someone be a bitch wit a good heart, than act like they have a good heart, and be a bitch

How do you go to this from not seeing a mfer for a few months though? Thats the part that loses me
Never cared to have a lot of friends. I’m still close with my best friend I met back in 1998…my handful of close friends I’ve known over 10 years

I would say I’ve had instances where I would know people I thought I was “cordial” with, to find out they were harboring some kind of animosity or resentment over silly stuff…like us having differing opinions on minor things, or (not to sound cocky) I would be more popular with females and someone would try to stir up discord because of that. Or just because they simply didn’t like me but didn’t have the balls to plainly and simply say it so they would gossip..

Body language doesn’t lie. But out of silly pride dudes try to act like the issue isn’t there when it is…one particular friend I confronted was doing this and I noticed it over the span of a few years because I rarely saw him. He would nitpick over dumb stuff and I cut him off because of it. We’re grown men not high school kids….he felt so unappreciated (though contributing nothing) lol
How do you go to this from not seeing a mfer for a few months though? Thats the part that loses me
Y’all mushing all points together..when I’m broadening mine. He said it was a south thing, and I clarified that it wasn’t. It’s in line with who I am, and in response added additional information of how I am. Those two points aren’t blended into one point. They are two individual points, blended into the same conversation, about one subject.

As in, I think like this,…it also explains why I am the type of person to turn a friend into an associate after months of no contact.
That’s nothing to do with the south, I don’t like when people pretend for me. We all got a side of us that we show others that’s not 100% who we’re are, that’s cool. Ion care bout that…I don’t like when people think they have a feel for you and pretend to be someone you should fuck wit, just to fuck wit you. Be a whole nother person, and pretend to care about or be about shit they ain’t about just to fuck wit you. No to rob you, not to scam you, not any other reason..just to be in your presence….nah..you too insecure to be around me. If your insecurities makes you do that..who’s to say what else they make you do.

Id rather someone be a bitch wit a good heart, than act like they have a good heart, and be a bitch
You’re reading too deep into why someone falls back, I just had an hour+ convo with a friend I haven’t talked to since 2020 today sometimes life happens
You’re reading too deep into why someone falls back, I just had an hour+ convo with a friend I haven’t talked to since 2020 today sometimes life happens
Lol…I’m not reading too deep..that’s just who I am. That’s what I like to do..I personally believe for me…based on who I am. If I don’t talk to you in 3 months we are not friends. Because I would not, not have communication with someone I consider a friend. I have high standards for friends so if you exceed or meet those standards, I hold you in high esteem, I will not let it go that long without touching bases with you..fuck what you got going on..if it’s bad enough to cut out what we got going, it’s bad enough for a nigga to get involved, my friends don’t go unsupported by me…but if I consider you an associate….I’m sorry, prove your worth to me. My time is worth something, prove you can afford me.
Lol…I’m not reading too deep..that’s just who I am. That’s what I like to do..I personally believe for me…based on who I am. If I don’t talk to you in 3 months we are not friends. Because I would not, not have communication with someone I consider a friend. I have high standards for friends so if you exceed or meet those standards, I hold you in high esteem, I will not let it go that long without touching bases with you..fuck what you got going on..if it’s bad enough to cut out what we got going, it’s bad enough for a nigga to get involved, my friends don’t go unsupported by me…but if I consider you an associate….I’m sorry, prove your worth to me. My time is worth something, prove you can afford me.
Prove you can afford me is interesting lmao it’s your mindset tho so I can’t hate
By that I mean, be a person worth my time..have good dialogue, be a good person, be interesting, have interests I have shit like that. I don’t mean buy me shit..cause i see if I’m not really specific..y’all be thinking I mean some other shit
The girl that you keep making cry and shit. Would you consider her a friend? Random question, I know. I’m just tryna get a clearer picture of a couple things. Cuz I’m starting to see a pattern.

My closest friends I rarely talk to.

My one friend, we do talk regular cuz we party up on the PS5 regularly.

And I have my friends I text about boxing n shit.

But one my my best friends lives in Jersey, and we go ridiculous amounts of time without talk or text. But when we catch up... It's all love.

I need to hit Philly/Jersey up bad..... Like real bad
The girl that you keep making cry and shit. Would you consider her a friend? Random question, I know. I’m just tryna get a clearer picture of a couple things. Cuz I’m starting to see a pattern.

Yes…My closest friend, and I don’t keep making her cry, she cry’s easy
Lol…I’m not reading too deep..that’s just who I am. That’s what I like to do..I personally believe for me…based on who I am. If I don’t talk to you in 3 months we are not friends. Because I would not, not have communication with someone I consider a friend. I have high standards for friends so if you exceed or meet those standards, I hold you in high esteem, I will not let it go that long without touching bases with you..fuck what you got going on..if it’s bad enough to cut out what we got going, it’s bad enough for a nigga to get involved, my friends don’t go unsupported by me…but if I consider you an associate….I’m sorry, prove your worth to me. My time is worth something, prove you can afford me.

I just have so many questions. How old are you? Do you have friendships over 10 years old? Do your friends all stay near you? What's the difference between a friend and associate to you? Like if you haven't heard from someone in 3 months they better not hit you up asking for a ride somewhere?

A lot of this sounds sassy, haha. No offense, but I'm getting string sassy vibes. Like you haven't spoken in 3 months so you're gonna change up your attitude? "My time is worth something, prove you can afford me". I can't picture saying that in a non-sassy way. Even after you explained it it sounded like you were looking for a person to date.
I just have so many questions. How old are you? Do you have friendships over 10 years old? Do your friends all stay near you? What's the difference between a friend and associate to you? Like if you haven't heard from someone in 3 months they better not hit you up asking for a ride somewhere?

A lot of this sounds sassy, haha. No offense, but I'm getting string sassy vibes. Like you haven't spoken in 3 months so you're gonna change up your attitude? "My time is worth something, prove you can afford me". I can't picture saying that in a non-sassy way. Even after you explained it it sounded like you were looking for a person to date.
I think the issue here is that most of you haven’t gotten to the point in your life where you realIze the affects others have on your well being. Y’all are at the level of your surroundings and haven’t elevated above your surroundings. Because when y’all do, y’all will see that a lot of people…a lot of people, are not worth y’all time. Y’all accept a lot of people in your lives for the sake of company, and a lot of those people are not worth your time. We only live once, each day has 24 hours, most of us are awake for at most 10, in that 10 hours. I’m not wasting any of that time by choice, dealing with anyone that doesn’t make me feel thankful to be around them. That’s where I’m at. Y’all ain’t..that’s cool. But that’s where I’m at.
I think the issue here is that most of you haven’t gotten to the point in your life where you realIze the affects others have on your well being. Y’all are at the level of your surroundings and haven’t elevated above your surroundings. Because when y’all do, y’all will see that a lot of people…a lot of people, are not worth y’all time. Y’all accept a lot of people in your lives for the sake of company, and a lot of those people are not worth your time. We only live once, each day has 24 hours, most of us are awake for at most 10, in that 10 hours. I’m not wasting any of that time by choice, dealing with anyone that doesn’t make me feel thankful to be around them. That’s where I’m at. Y’all ain’t..that’s cool. But that’s where I’m at.

Let me find out this nigga sleepin’ 14 hours a day. SMH.
Let me find out this nigga sleepin’ 14 hours a day. SMH.
8 hours max asleep and 6 hours by yourself..awake..as in up and socializing

Y’all really tryna clown me in here for giving a fuck about the quality of people I fuck wit..makin it a feminine characteristic

All of This says more about y’all than me
Lol…I’m not reading too deep..that’s just who I am. That’s what I like to do..I personally believe for me…based on who I am. If I don’t talk to you in 3 months we are not friends. Because I would not, not have communication with someone I consider a friend. I have high standards for friends so if you exceed or meet those standards, I hold you in high esteem, I will not let it go that long without touching bases with you..fuck what you got going on..if it’s bad enough to cut out what we got going, it’s bad enough for a nigga to get involved, my friends don’t go unsupported by me…but if I consider you an associate….I’m sorry, prove your worth to me. My time is worth something, prove you can afford me.

This is needy as fuck lol
Lol…I’m not reading too deep..that’s just who I am. That’s what I like to do..I personally believe for me…based on who I am. If I don’t talk to you in 3 months we are not friends. Because I would not, not have communication with someone I consider a friend. I have high standards for friends so if you exceed or meet those standards, I hold you in high esteem, I will not let it go that long without touching bases with you..fuck what you got going on..if it’s bad enough to cut out what we got going, it’s bad enough for a nigga to get involved, my friends don’t go unsupported by me…but if I consider you an associate….I’m sorry, prove your worth to me. My time is worth something, prove you can afford me.

But I mean you have admitted you aren’t the best friend like when you told us about that one lady you’re cool with and how she super soft and you’re the opposite. And as a person who has gone to therapy and had a lot of shit to get over it just seems real wild to cut somebody off you considered a friend because of lack of communication for a short amount of time as adults. Yes folks change but not that much in a short time.