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U ever find out you wasn't as cool with someone as you thought you were?

Word, that’s why I don’t fuck with nobody, it’s surprising how insecure and jealous people are. Added to that, most times you are just existing. Trying to just survive and people are jealous. I feel bad for people like that.

Lol when niggas go silent for years and then hit you out the blue about some fuckin forex trading….
Lol when niggas go silent for years and then hit you out the blue about some fuckin forex trading….
I can’t front, I ain’t a hater but I definitely go silent then hit you out for what ever you were good for if I needed. But I do that more with family than friends. Once I don’t talk to someone for a few months, you can consider us not friends anymore
When I worked in defense I was on a project where I had to enlist the help of corporate IT to get some things done 'cause I didn't have access to anything outside of my bay's lab. IT sends this white dude Mike to us and we got cool 'cause I was his direct contact for the project so we were constantly interacting and working through our problems to get shit done. I remember early on dude asking me where I went to school, what was my degree and all, and I told him I didn't have a degree but thought nothing of it 'cause everyone in my group knew I was the only engineer in the division without a degree.

Time moves on and I'm sent to other projects when the government decided they wanted something else and pulled funding. Ended up on another project where, once again, we had to go to corporate IT to get shit done in one of our labs and I was the point of contact. They sent Mike again and it's like "aiight bet, I'm familiar with dude so I know shit will get done. We had a couple of meetings and dude was hitting me with these complex ass questions in front of everyone, apparently trying to make it seem as if I didn't know shit but I answered everything without an issue. Meet up with dude in the lab and he's still on some "we cool" shit so we just kicking it while we work and there's a couple of cats on the project working side-by-side with us. We all hit lunch together on multiple occasions, grab a quick beer on break, just some cool shit.

One day I'm talking with one of the other engineers about a re-design we were considering and I mentioned I'd have IT sent Mike over again. He was like "You sure about that??? I mean he does good work and all but he does not like you one bit. Like, borderline hatred". Shit surprised the fuck outta me 'cause aside from the one meeting me and dude was cool, but apparently Mike had been talking mega shit about me whenever I wasn't around. Talmbout I'm a hack, I don't really know shit, he doesn't even understand how I got the job in the first place, etc. And it was every time I left the room; my coworker said it was annoying the shit out of everyone 'cause literally if I went to the bathroom the moment the door closed on the lab he launched into some tirade about how I was unfit to have my position. I told him I had no problems with Mike at all and didn't understand where this was coming from 'cause he was always cool around me. We ended up having IT send us a different dude 'cause now I'm pissed and I wasn't about to risk losing my job over this clown.

Once we secured funding from the gov't, I got moved to another project. A few months later I got a request for a meeting with my division head (a bruh, and he's the one that brought me in on a contract, then had me hired). I go in his office and our HR rep is there and so is Mike. Now I'm wondering what the fuck he's said to them, but when we got into the discussion it turns out Mike "found" some illegal mp3's on my PC during a "routine" scan of our desktops. I let it be known that they weren't illegal because they were of my own music and a few DJ mixes of mine. Still wasn't supposed to have anything like that on my PC because it means I've connected a non-authorized USB device to my PC to transfer them to it, which I argued "nope, burned on DVD and dropped them that way". After a whole back and forth about it I conceded that I wasn't supposed to put them on my machine regardless, took the ding to my record and left but not after telling HR I'd be down to see her alone. Before I made that stop, I called the lead in network security and asked if Mike worked under him now, to which he responded "hell no, I wouldn't want that retard anywhere near my group, why?". I told him about the meeting I had and he was like "So Mike used his admin rights to jump on your PC to look for something to incriminate you... Yeah, I'll let his manager know 'cause unless he has specific task where he needs to do that, he's not supposed to just look at anyone's PC like that.". I went to HR, told her about the shit between myself and Mike, had her go ask my previous team about it to confirm it, then told her I spoke with the netsec lead and what that led to.

Mike almost got walked out of the building with all his shit. He barely held on to his job but they stripped him of his domain admin rights and NetSec heavily monitored everything he did moving forward.

HR hit me about a week later to come see her. We took a walk to grab coffee across the street so the convo was off-record. She told me that what came out during his disciplinary meeting was that Mike was basically pissed that he was in IT with a bachelors and here I was with no degree walking in the door as a senior engineer, a level that usually required a masters with phd work. He was hourly, I was on salary. I had more vacation time than him, my benefits were better blah blah blah. Basically, he was jealous of where I was versus himself and tried to get everyone to see that I was unworthy of the position. My old team member basically told her that while dude was competent in IT shit, there was no way he could have done the shit I had.

At the end of our talk, she told me that she spoke with my boss and they ended up removing the incident from my HR record because he wasn't authorized to be on my machine in the first place.

I’m halfway through and once you said he was white but y’all was cool I knew some fuckery
Can't say I have. Or even paid attention to it. Folks I was cool wit back in day...I no longer communicate. Not b/c of any issues. Just life man.

I'd probably still be communicating wit them if I was on FB or Twitter. But I have no need to be on either one.
intersting. Never heard something like this before. This is a wild way to live.
I believe friends talk to each other every other week, or every other month. Really close friends talk every week or every other day. So if we can go months without communicating, you are a close associate, or an associate. I wouldn’t call you a friend. So the amount of information I share with you cuts down and the amount of things I do with you cuts down. Experience, has set this standard for me and it works well.
Bruh the outcome...
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Oh I know some racial slurs was dropped too behind personal closed doors. Fucc him.

Oh most definitely. I have zero doubt I was all kinda names.

Crazy shit 'cause dude was a serious weed head. Grew his own in his crib and all that (back then weed was still 100% illegal in AZ). You'd think a cat like that would be more "liberal" in his thinking but apparently not.
Cant remember many.

In college I had one friend who kept trying to get with the women I was dealing with. Keep in mind this was a mfer in the circle and we would chill all the time. Shit was weird and nasty. The first girl told me and I approached dude and was like dog wtf? And he apologized and said he didnt know. Which was wild for him to not know. But I was like aight bet, everyone gets one.

Like 2-3 months go by. Me and the girl stop dealing and I have this new girl im messing with. She one day showed me texts of dude blatantly trying to get with her.

I saw that shit, went to where homie was hanging out and just swung at him. No words. He went down, and i got a few stomps in before I was dragged off dude and we never had another word again.
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Last week.

Went out for a friend's B-day party he invited me to. He was with his closer friend whom he grew up with, while me and the guy had only met a few years back and got real cool with each other. Hell, I planned his bachelor party run in BK, taking him to like, six spots.

Thought the guy he was with was cool with me too, till he said some slick shit while we all were taking a pic, "Shoutout to the ones that were here before '03!"

Had to sit there for a min and just think on some shit, cause I was cordial and friendly to all, so I wasn't anticipating the shots.


Also, was just confused why invite someone out just to shit on em lowkey. Weird, nasty shit. Think I'll keep my distance from dude for a minute, cause he allowed it.

Had the same situation with a relative I was close with when we were kids. But he moved out of state for college.

Made the same kinda slick comments about “niggas who actually been here these last 8 years” while we took some pics.

like, fam… YOU MOVED!! I was supposed to pick up and follow?

I took 4 days off paid vacation to travel all the way down here for your wedding. Saw the nigga ONE day for about 30 minutes at pop’s house, and didn’t talk to him at all after the that. I chalked it up to being busy with wedding shit.

But then the nigga blew me off almost completely at the reception too. I didn’t expect to get baby sat, but damn…

I almost took my $500 gift envelope back, but my wife talked me down.
Had the same situation with a relative I was close with when we were kids. But he moved out of state for college.

Made the same kinda slick comments about “niggas who actually been here these last 8 years” while we took some pics.

like, fam… YOU MOVED!! I was supposed to pick up and follow?

I took 4 days off paid vacation to travel all the way down here for your wedding. Saw the nigga ONE day for about 30 minutes at pop’s house, and didn’t talk to him at all after the that. I chalked it up to being busy with wedding shit.

But then the nigga blew me off almost completely at the reception too. I didn’t expect to get baby sat, but damn…

I almost took my $500 gift envelope back, but my wife talked me down.

Ayo fucc dat. We suppose to be familia. I would've took that gift back.
In middle school, the dude who I thought was best friend basically turned on me to get favor from some other people. When I approached him about it, he was like "we really ain't all that." Keep in mind, I knew dude since we were like 4 years old in preschool. My mom taught his brothers in elementary school. We had as long a history as two middle schoolers could have.

That shit really caught me off guard. It changed my whole perspective on friendship in general. Ever since then I've never really considered anyone a friend, just acquaintances and associates. My wife is pretty much the only one I consider a friend now.
I believe friends talk to each other every other week, or every other month. Really close friends talk every week or every other day. So if we can go months without communicating, you are a close associate, or an associate. I wouldn’t call you a friend. So the amount of information I share with you cuts down and the amount of things I do with you cuts down. Experience, has set this standard for me and it works well.

...that's what's up.

Lmaoo, mfers is mad emotional reading some of these.

I would be so disgusted if I heard someone say something like "to those who been here the past x years"

Like fam you in your emotions cause I wasnt around? I cant even imagine. Shit disgusting.

And I’m the type that’s like… no matter how long it been, whatever it was the last time I seen you, that’s how it is when I see you again.

Every time he came home to visit or I went out there, it was always on some cool shit. We go out for drinks or whatever. Kick it at the family functions. It was all love.

But niggas living life. I understand we as adults can’t always kick it like that. We all got responsibilities and obligations. So I don’t hold it against people if they don’t holla or pull up in a while.

But damn if you feel some kinda way hit me on the phone.
And I’m the type that’s like… no matter how long it been, whatever it was the last time I seen you, that’s how it is when I see you again.

Every time he came home to visit or I went out there, it was always on some cool shit. We go out for drinks or whatever. Kick it at the family functions. It was all love.

But niggas living life. I understand we as adults can’t always kick it like that. We all got responsibilities and obligations. So I don’t hold it against people if they don’t holla or pull up in a while.

But damn if you feel some kinda way hit me on the phone.

The last line is the nasty part.

You had all this time to hit me and clear it up.

But instead you waited for years and throwing shows at your wedding? Disgusting.
Lmaoo, mfers is mad emotional reading some of these.

I would be so disgusted if I heard someone say something like "to those who been here the past x years"

Like fam you in your emotions cause I wasnt around? I cant even imagine. Shit disgusting.

But what makes it worse...how much of an effort did THEY put into reachin out to you? To include you in their lives??

Muthafuccas want folks to always reach out to them...be there for them...but don't return the favor.
I believe friends talk to each other every other week, or every other month. Really close friends talk every week or every other day. So if we can go months without communicating, you are a close associate, or an associate. I wouldn’t call you a friend. So the amount of information I share with you cuts down and the amount of things I do with you cuts down. Experience, has set this standard for me and it works well.

How old are you?
Lmaoo, mfers is mad emotional reading some of these.

I would be so disgusted if I heard someone say something like "to those who been here the past x years"

Like fam you in your emotions cause I wasnt around? I cant even imagine. Shit disgusting.

Like ain’t we grown and shit what about my life
In middle school, the dude who I thought was best friend basically turned on me to get favor from some other people. When I approached him about it, he was like "we really ain't all that." Keep in mind, I knew dude since we were like 4 years old in preschool. My mom taught his brothers in elementary school. We had as long a history as two middle schoolers could have.

That shit really caught me off guard. It changed my whole perspective on friendship in general. Ever since then I've never really considered anyone a friend, just acquaintances and associates. My wife is pretty much the only one I consider a friend now.

Damn man that sucks