Welcome To aBlackWeb

U ever find out you wasn't as cool with someone as you thought you were?

Getting married... mfs act nutty with big events. My cousin had a attitude when i got married I think because he wasn't my best man... we haven't been close since... wish each other happy bday and speak at gatherings but that's it

Why wasn’t he the best man?
Glad I haven't had this problem cause I'm a good judge of the space I'm in with people.
When I worked in defense I was on a project where I had to enlist the help of corporate IT to get some things done 'cause I didn't have access to anything outside of my bay's lab. IT sends this white dude Mike to us and we got cool 'cause I was his direct contact for the project so we were constantly interacting and working through our problems to get shit done. I remember early on dude asking me where I went to school, what was my degree and all, and I told him I didn't have a degree but thought nothing of it 'cause everyone in my group knew I was the only engineer in the division without a degree.

Time moves on and I'm sent to other projects when the government decided they wanted something else and pulled funding. Ended up on another project where, once again, we had to go to corporate IT to get shit done in one of our labs and I was the point of contact. They sent Mike again and it's like "aiight bet, I'm familiar with dude so I know shit will get done. We had a couple of meetings and dude was hitting me with these complex ass questions in front of everyone, apparently trying to make it seem as if I didn't know shit but I answered everything without an issue. Meet up with dude in the lab and he's still on some "we cool" shit so we just kicking it while we work and there's a couple of cats on the project working side-by-side with us. We all hit lunch together on multiple occasions, grab a quick beer on break, just some cool shit.

One day I'm talking with one of the other engineers about a re-design we were considering and I mentioned I'd have IT sent Mike over again. He was like "You sure about that??? I mean he does good work and all but he does not like you one bit. Like, borderline hatred". Shit surprised the fuck outta me 'cause aside from the one meeting me and dude was cool, but apparently Mike had been talking mega shit about me whenever I wasn't around. Talmbout I'm a hack, I don't really know shit, he doesn't even understand how I got the job in the first place, etc. And it was every time I left the room; my coworker said it was annoying the shit out of everyone 'cause literally if I went to the bathroom the moment the door closed on the lab he launched into some tirade about how I was unfit to have my position. I told him I had no problems with Mike at all and didn't understand where this was coming from 'cause he was always cool around me. We ended up having IT send us a different dude 'cause now I'm pissed and I wasn't about to risk losing my job over this clown.

Once we secured funding from the gov't, I got moved to another project. A few months later I got a request for a meeting with my division head (a bruh, and he's the one that brought me in on a contract, then had me hired). I go in his office and our HR rep is there and so is Mike. Now I'm wondering what the fuck he's said to them, but when we got into the discussion it turns out Mike "found" some illegal mp3's on my PC during a "routine" scan of our desktops. I let it be known that they weren't illegal because they were of my own music and a few DJ mixes of mine. Still wasn't supposed to have anything like that on my PC because it means I've connected a non-authorized USB device to my PC to transfer them to it, which I argued "nope, burned on DVD and dropped them that way". After a whole back and forth about it I conceded that I wasn't supposed to put them on my machine regardless, took the ding to my record and left but not after telling HR I'd be down to see her alone. Before I made that stop, I called the lead in network security and asked if Mike worked under him now, to which he responded "hell no, I wouldn't want that retard anywhere near my group, why?". I told him about the meeting I had and he was like "So Mike used his admin rights to jump on your PC to look for something to incriminate you... Yeah, I'll let his manager know 'cause unless he has specific task where he needs to do that, he's not supposed to just look at anyone's PC like that.". I went to HR, told her about the shit between myself and Mike, had her go ask my previous team about it to confirm it, then told her I spoke with the netsec lead and what that led to.

Mike almost got walked out of the building with all his shit. He barely held on to his job but they stripped him of his domain admin rights and NetSec heavily monitored everything he did moving forward.

HR hit me about a week later to come see her. We took a walk to grab coffee across the street so the convo was off-record. She told me that what came out during his disciplinary meeting was that Mike was basically pissed that he was in IT with a bachelors and here I was with no degree walking in the door as a senior engineer, a level that usually required a masters with phd work. He was hourly, I was on salary. I had more vacation time than him, my benefits were better blah blah blah. Basically, he was jealous of where I was versus himself and tried to get everyone to see that I was unworthy of the position. My old team member basically told her that while dude was competent in IT shit, there was no way he could have done the shit I had.

At the end of our talk, she told me that she spoke with my boss and they ended up removing the incident from my HR record because he wasn't authorized to be on my machine in the first place.
Childhood friend from 11 years old until about 25. Hung out consistently went almost everywhere together had thanksgiving at his parents house then he got around a different crowd started snorting coke and changed on me. My last 6 months in Maryland dude had issues with me over trivial shit but would never tell me to my face claimed I wasn’t a good person and “why do we have to do what Jeff wants to do” and throw me under the bus, but when I confronted him he’d say nothing was wrong. It got to the point where I just stopped communicating with him and relocated (offered him the fade before I left but he kept trying to make posts online) then it got weird when I moved to VA he’d message me memes at 5 in the morning, then when I’d try to respond he’d block me so I couldn’t defend myself, (he’d go on like 30-0 runs of messages threatening to kill me) he’s made 6 burner accounts harassing me until like last month. He told a mutual associate he didn’t like me because I turned his car radio off (I don’t remember doing that but we were close friends for years) so when we finally got on 3 way for the 1st time in 5 years(I literally would tell him I didn’t have a problem with him because he’d go 5 months to a year back on Facebook status updates that had nothing to do with the topic randomly saying grow up or some random slanderous shit) this dude was screaming at me at 8AM “YOURE A MAN RIGHT, ANSWER THE FUCKIN QUESTION “ for 2 minutes straight when I asked him to elaborate on his issue with me he gave me no reason just a bunch of yelling and voice breaking. I used to give dude rides home from work and legitimately look out for him and I know multiple things about him that could ruin his life but I’m not stooping to his level. My biggest takeaway was that he’s on hard drugs , I just wanted a convo to have a resolution but the mutual associate said he’s created a scenario in his head that I did him wrong when he’s the user. My fiancé had to beg me not to pull up on him last time I was in Maryland
Childhood friend from 11 years old until about 25. Hung out consistently went almost everywhere together had thanksgiving at his parents house then he got around a different crowd started snorting coke and changed on me. My last 6 months in Maryland dude had issues with me over trivial shit but would never tell me to my face claimed I wasn’t a good person and “why do we have to do what Jeff wants to do” and throw me under the bus, but when I confronted him he’d say nothing was wrong. It got to the point where I just stopped communicating with him and relocated (offered him the fade before I left but he kept trying to make posts online) then it got weird when I moved to VA he’d message me memes at 5 in the morning, then when I’d try to respond he’d block me so I couldn’t defend myself, (he’d go on like 30-0 runs of messages threatening to kill me) he’s made 6 burner accounts harassing me until like last month. He told a mutual associate he didn’t like me because I turned his car radio off (I don’t remember doing that but we were close friends for years) so when we finally got on 3 way for the 1st time in 5 years(I literally would tell him I didn’t have a problem with him because he’d go 5 months to a year back on Facebook status updates that had nothing to do with the topic randomly saying grow up or some random slanderous shit) this dude was screaming at me at 8AM “YOURE A MAN RIGHT, ANSWER THE FUCKIN QUESTION “ for 2 minutes straight when I asked him to elaborate on his issue with me he gave me no reason just a bunch of yelling and voice breaking. I used to give dude rides home from work and legitimately look out for him and I know multiple things about him that could ruin his life but I’m not stooping to his level. My biggest takeaway was that he’s on hard drugs , I just wanted a convo to have a resolution but the mutual associate said he’s created a scenario in his head that I did him wrong when he’s the user. My fiancé had to beg me not to pull up on him last time I was in Maryland
LMAO, I told y'all years ago about messing with a man's car radio
LMAO, I told y'all years ago about messing with a man's car radio
Lol I didn’t do that shit tho, he said that but he told me he didn’t like how my current fiancé talked to a guy that was in our circle for 3 weeks in 2009 (high school for me) and they didn’t kiss, he claimed I’m a scumbag because I took my friends girl, that same friend doesn’t even care just bullshit trivial reasons. I shot him $400 for rent in like 2016 but buddy doesn’t remember that lls
When I worked in defense I was on a project where I had to enlist the help of corporate IT to get some things done 'cause I didn't have access to anything outside of my bay's lab. IT sends this white dude Mike to us and we got cool 'cause I was his direct contact for the project so we were constantly interacting and working through our problems to get shit done. I remember early on dude asking me where I went to school, what was my degree and all, and I told him I didn't have a degree but thought nothing of it 'cause everyone in my group knew I was the only engineer in the division without a degree.

Time moves on and I'm sent to other projects when the government decided they wanted something else and pulled funding. Ended up on another project where, once again, we had to go to corporate IT to get shit done in one of our labs and I was the point of contact. They sent Mike again and it's like "aiight bet, I'm familiar with dude so I know shit will get done. We had a couple of meetings and dude was hitting me with these complex ass questions in front of everyone, apparently trying to make it seem as if I didn't know shit but I answered everything without an issue. Meet up with dude in the lab and he's still on some "we cool" shit so we just kicking it while we work and there's a couple of cats on the project working side-by-side with us. We all hit lunch together on multiple occasions, grab a quick beer on break, just some cool shit.

One day I'm talking with one of the other engineers about a re-design we were considering and I mentioned I'd have IT sent Mike over again. He was like "You sure about that??? I mean he does good work and all but he does not like you one bit. Like, borderline hatred". Shit surprised the fuck outta me 'cause aside from the one meeting me and dude was cool, but apparently Mike had been talking mega shit about me whenever I wasn't around. Talmbout I'm a hack, I don't really know shit, he doesn't even understand how I got the job in the first place, etc. And it was every time I left the room; my coworker said it was annoying the shit out of everyone 'cause literally if I went to the bathroom the moment the door closed on the lab he launched into some tirade about how I was unfit to have my position. I told him I had no problems with Mike at all and didn't understand where this was coming from 'cause he was always cool around me. We ended up having IT send us a different dude 'cause now I'm pissed and I wasn't about to risk losing my job over this clown.

Once we secured funding from the gov't, I got moved to another project. A few months later I got a request for a meeting with my division head (a bruh, and he's the one that brought me in on a contract, then had me hired). I go in his office and our HR rep is there and so is Mike. Now I'm wondering what the fuck he's said to them, but when we got into the discussion it turns out Mike "found" some illegal mp3's on my PC during a "routine" scan of our desktops. I let it be known that they weren't illegal because they were of my own music and a few DJ mixes of mine. Still wasn't supposed to have anything like that on my PC because it means I've connected a non-authorized USB device to my PC to transfer them to it, which I argued "nope, burned on DVD and dropped them that way". After a whole back and forth about it I conceded that I wasn't supposed to put them on my machine regardless, took the ding to my record and left but not after telling HR I'd be down to see her alone. Before I made that stop, I called the lead in network security and asked if Mike worked under him now, to which he responded "hell no, I wouldn't want that retard anywhere near my group, why?". I told him about the meeting I had and he was like "So Mike used his admin rights to jump on your PC to look for something to incriminate you... Yeah, I'll let his manager know 'cause unless he has specific task where he needs to do that, he's not supposed to just look at anyone's PC like that.". I went to HR, told her about the shit between myself and Mike, had her go ask my previous team about it to confirm it, then told her I spoke with the netsec lead and what that led to.

Mike almost got walked out of the building with all his shit. He barely held on to his job but they stripped him of his domain admin rights and NetSec heavily monitored everything he did moving forward.

HR hit me about a week later to come see her. We took a walk to grab coffee across the street so the convo was off-record. She told me that what came out during his disciplinary meeting was that Mike was basically pissed that he was in IT with a bachelors and here I was with no degree walking in the door as a senior engineer, a level that usually required a masters with phd work. He was hourly, I was on salary. I had more vacation time than him, my benefits were better blah blah blah. Basically, he was jealous of where I was versus himself and tried to get everyone to see that I was unworthy of the position. My old team member basically told her that while dude was competent in IT shit, there was no way he could have done the shit I had.

At the end of our talk, she told me that she spoke with my boss and they ended up removing the incident from my HR record because he wasn't authorized to be on my machine in the first place.
This was wild
When I worked in defense I was on a project where I had to enlist the help of corporate IT to get some things done 'cause I didn't have access to anything outside of my bay's lab. IT sends this white dude Mike to us and we got cool 'cause I was his direct contact for the project so we were constantly interacting and working through our problems to get shit done. I remember early on dude asking me where I went to school, what was my degree and all, and I told him I didn't have a degree but thought nothing of it 'cause everyone in my group knew I was the only engineer in the division without a degree.

Time moves on and I'm sent to other projects when the government decided they wanted something else and pulled funding. Ended up on another project where, once again, we had to go to corporate IT to get shit done in one of our labs and I was the point of contact. They sent Mike again and it's like "aiight bet, I'm familiar with dude so I know shit will get done. We had a couple of meetings and dude was hitting me with these complex ass questions in front of everyone, apparently trying to make it seem as if I didn't know shit but I answered everything without an issue. Meet up with dude in the lab and he's still on some "we cool" shit so we just kicking it while we work and there's a couple of cats on the project working side-by-side with us. We all hit lunch together on multiple occasions, grab a quick beer on break, just some cool shit.

One day I'm talking with one of the other engineers about a re-design we were considering and I mentioned I'd have IT sent Mike over again. He was like "You sure about that??? I mean he does good work and all but he does not like you one bit. Like, borderline hatred". Shit surprised the fuck outta me 'cause aside from the one meeting me and dude was cool, but apparently Mike had been talking mega shit about me whenever I wasn't around. Talmbout I'm a hack, I don't really know shit, he doesn't even understand how I got the job in the first place, etc. And it was every time I left the room; my coworker said it was annoying the shit out of everyone 'cause literally if I went to the bathroom the moment the door closed on the lab he launched into some tirade about how I was unfit to have my position. I told him I had no problems with Mike at all and didn't understand where this was coming from 'cause he was always cool around me. We ended up having IT send us a different dude 'cause now I'm pissed and I wasn't about to risk losing my job over this clown.

Once we secured funding from the gov't, I got moved to another project. A few months later I got a request for a meeting with my division head (a bruh, and he's the one that brought me in on a contract, then had me hired). I go in his office and our HR rep is there and so is Mike. Now I'm wondering what the fuck he's said to them, but when we got into the discussion it turns out Mike "found" some illegal mp3's on my PC during a "routine" scan of our desktops. I let it be known that they weren't illegal because they were of my own music and a few DJ mixes of mine. Still wasn't supposed to have anything like that on my PC because it means I've connected a non-authorized USB device to my PC to transfer them to it, which I argued "nope, burned on DVD and dropped them that way". After a whole back and forth about it I conceded that I wasn't supposed to put them on my machine regardless, took the ding to my record and left but not after telling HR I'd be down to see her alone. Before I made that stop, I called the lead in network security and asked if Mike worked under him now, to which he responded "hell no, I wouldn't want that retard anywhere near my group, why?". I told him about the meeting I had and he was like "So Mike used his admin rights to jump on your PC to look for something to incriminate you... Yeah, I'll let his manager know 'cause unless he has specific task where he needs to do that, he's not supposed to just look at anyone's PC like that.". I went to HR, told her about the shit between myself and Mike, had her go ask my previous team about it to confirm it, then told her I spoke with the netsec lead and what that led to.

Mike almost got walked out of the building with all his shit. He barely held on to his job but they stripped him of his domain admin rights and NetSec heavily monitored everything he did moving forward.

HR hit me about a week later to come see her. We took a walk to grab coffee across the street so the convo was off-record. She told me that what came out during his disciplinary meeting was that Mike was basically pissed that he was in IT with a bachelors and here I was with no degree walking in the door as a senior engineer, a level that usually required a masters with phd work. He was hourly, I was on salary. I had more vacation time than him, my benefits were better blah blah blah. Basically, he was jealous of where I was versus himself and tried to get everyone to see that I was unworthy of the position. My old team member basically told her that while dude was competent in IT shit, there was no way he could have done the shit I had.

At the end of our talk, she told me that she spoke with my boss and they ended up removing the incident from my HR record because he wasn't authorized to be on my machine in the first place.

Bruh the outcome...

Oh I know some racial slurs was dropped too behind personal closed doors. Fucc him.
Lol I didn’t do that shit tho, he said that but he told me he didn’t like how my current fiancé talked to a guy that was in our circle for 3 weeks in 2009 (high school for me) and they didn’t kiss, he claimed I’m a scumbag because I took my friends girl, that same friend doesn’t even care just bullshit trivial reasons. I shot him $400 for rent in like 2016 but buddy doesn’t remember that lls
I hope you ain't turn that man car radio off... ain't no coming back from that shit
Yea that happened to most of the friendships I had from 18-23ish
Word, that’s why I don’t fuck with nobody, it’s surprising how insecure and jealous people are. Added to that, most times you are just existing. Trying to just survive and people are jealous. I feel bad for people like that.