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The Official 2016-2017 NBA Thread

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Lol, KD might get a ring from the bench. If so, since their record was better last year a critic could make the arguement he literally had a negative effect on the team.

All in all I hope he gets a ring in Golden State.... hopefully then he will pull a Lebron and head to Wizards to make his hometown team great.
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pels get only one caw after last nights win
Won't say that til career is over but it's not outlandish to say that he most likely would be.

Even if not top 5 he's clearly a lock for top 10. How do you overrate obviously great players? Lol
I wouldnt top 5 of all players, that is reserved for the likes of Jordan, Kareem, Wilt etc.... But I would say he is top 5 If you had to pick one person at each position. He is not as good as Durant fundamentally, but Durant cant lead a team. And he is better than the great small forwards of the past (Bird, Pippen, Dr J, Elgin Baylor, Rick Barry, Barkley, Dominique)
That's a bogus reason to call somebody top 5 tho. That's like saying "well he would be top 5 if we were talking about best rappers from texas" , yea he's top 5 small foward, but overall? Man hell no.
Nawww, you cant compare guards to forwards, each position requires different skills. If anyone was going to build a team with the best person at each position, he deserves a spot on that team, period! It is NOTHING like comparing "best rappers from Texas", it is more like comparing best lyricist ever to best story teller ever. It is not one of 50, it is one of 5 if you want to make the best parts that equal a whole. Again, different skills for different lanes.

When people talk about top 5 everybody wants to fill that list with guards and maybe one big man. Placing WAY TOO MUCH emphasis on the ball handlers. Yeah they look nice and get most of highlight reel percentage but realistically dominate centers and PF have always ran the league and been more important factors in games. They have the highest FG % and rebound % and you might think you would want Jordan, Kobe or Iverson with the ball down 1pt with 5 seconds seconds on the clock but statistically you would ALWAYS have a better chance of winning if it was in the paint with Shaq, Hakeem or Kareem.
5 of the 6 you just named are all better than Lebron and you couldn't say with a straight face that they aren't.
Lebron has lost more than he has won in the finals.

Lebron got there so easily cuz he was in the weak ass eastern conf. What other east conf contenders has there been since he's been in the league? I'll give u 2 years with the Celtics, other than that it's been a cake walk into the finals for him. But once he faced real competition in the west, he folded more times than not.

All fax
Yes, he has lost more than he won, but how many of those times did he have a team with the required 3 superstars it takes to win a championship. Dawg as a 19/20 year old he took the team with the worst or 2nd worst record the year before to the playoffs.

What about the fact that him being on a team, any team means they make the playoffs. Tell that to Kobe the last few years, or Jordan with the Wiz.
  • 3 superstars occured over the last 10 years or so. Does the fact that both of the teams you mentions had arguable 2 of the top 10 players who have EVER played in the league (at the time) make Kobe or Jordan more talented?....

How about having one of the top 3 coaches EVER?
1. Pippen wasn't top 10 in the league
2. Kobe didn't have a top 15 player on his team when he got his next 2 rings.
3. These teams had wayyyyy stiffer competition compared to Lebron who faced mediocre teams for the majority of his career on his way to the finals, where he lost most of the time.
4. Lebron has had a top 10 player as a teammate for the past 7 years of his career.
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