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Superman is gay

Your kids don't read comics...then refer to my first 2 posts. You're bitching about something you're not even going to buy. You're just upset to be upset. You can find better shit to spend your energy on that would actually affect your kids life

I buy comics. Mainly for the artwork, although I do read them and enjoy storylines. Also, I never mentioned MY kids, I mentioned children in general. Assumptions landed on my kids.
The more partners you have the bigger the risk you.....

You know what. Nevermind

I understand it carries a greater risk of catching disease. I understand it carries the risk of limiting meaningful relationships or straight up ruining relationships and creating baby momma's and daddies. I get all that. But i stand by there being nothing inherently wrong with promiscuity if one can be sensible about it.

This is a question of sexual freedoms vs culturally promoted restraint. Sometimes restraint and moderation is the best way forward. Sometimes it's asking for too much.

I'm just being a realist. If every man had the opp to casually ask a woman to bed they'd go for it. The temptation is too strong. Humans are like that, we give in and get ourselves into shit. Some can finesse their way around the bad consequences. those are the smart, responsible hedonists. The type who can eat a chocolate bar every other day and have the sense to workout to keep the calories at bay. On the other side u got the ones principled enough to keep their dick in their pants for all but their one and only. That's cool, good for them.

For what it's worth I do think most ppl should avoid multiple sexual partners. The cost to society for fun nights out aren't worth the risks that impulsive idiots get themselves into. I'm not saying go out and bang a broad per day. My point is, I can fuck a lot and be smart about it. But if others can't, tough. We'll have to deal with the consequences of human nature.
I understand it carries a greater risk of catching disease. I understand it carries the risk of limiting meaningful relationships or straight up ruining relationships and creating baby momma's and daddies. I get all that. But i stand by there being nothing inherently wrong with promiscuity if one can be sensible about it.

This is a question of sexual freedoms vs culturally promoted restraint. Sometimes restraint and moderation is the best way forward. Sometimes it's asking for too much.

I'm just being a realist. If every man had the opp to casually ask a woman to bed they'd go for it. The temptation is too strong. Humans are like that, we give in and get ourselves into shit. Some can finesse their way around the bad consequences. those are the smart, responsible hedonists. The type who can eat a chocolate bar every other day and have the sense to workout to keep the calories at bay. On the other side u got the ones principled enough to keep their dick in their pants for all but their one and only. That's cool, good for them.

For what it's worth I do think most ppl should avoid multiple sexual partners. The cost to society for fun nights out aren't worth the risks that impulsive idiots get themselves into. I'm not saying go out and bang a broad per day. My point is, I can fuck a lot and be smart about it. But if others can't, tough. We'll have to deal with the consequences of human nature.
How old are you?
30. So apparently the beginning of the long, slow degradation of our physical and mental prime? Yay.

Well you should have reached a point when comes to having sex with a bunch of women was not really a good thing.

Unless you know, you look like a pile of shit and couldnt get any play and if thats the case..... Im sorry
There’s those who don’t see a problem because they don’t care and those who do because of the effects it has on a society and the affects it has on the human body. Statistically, homosexuals have higher std rates and have higher chronic health issues - they’re poorer in health. This is why it’s seen as an issue. Children do not understand this.

gays can make gay comics for themselves and do their own thing, but it really shouldn’t be allowed to be mixed into things like this IMO. of course, that’s being “hateful” and we gotta watch for feelings.

You wildin fam.

Its gay people walking around on the street. Straight people give birth to gay kids. And supermans kid can just as well be gay
Free love isn't love, nor is it free, you goddamn degenerate hippie commie, free love advocate.

I'll admit , when I wrote that i instantly conjured up thoughts of women with Daisy's in their hair kumbaya-ing at a 60s folk festival clouded in weed smoke.

Maybe I got the rose tinted glasses on too.
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I buy comics. Mainly for the artwork, although I do read them and enjoy storylines. Also, I never mentioned MY kids, I mentioned children in general. Assumptions landed on my kids.

Well gay people been seeing straight people on TV and in media their whole lives and they're still gay...so unless you think seeing gay people is some almighty powerful force that overtakes heterosexuality then you're worrying for nothing. That and again unless you're going to also make threads about the myriad of adult themed topics that aren't based in homosexuality you're worry comes off as hypocrisy.
Well you should have reached a point when comes to having sex with a bunch of women was not really a good thing.

Unless you know, you look like a pile of shit and couldnt get any play and if thats the case..... Im sorry

No need for the apologies, I don't know you.

But you'd be implying everyone who looks good would get nuff play and fuck numerous broads. That's not always how it works. I gave the hypothetical scenario where women would be open to being easy. In that case, I'd probably be open to being easy with them because, hey, opportunity strikes. And I'm not irrational enough to believe that many if not most men wouldn't do the same. Take that how u will.