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Superman is gay

This I agree with. Creating new characters makes more sense. Only thing is though people will still bitch and complain about that because their issue is with the gay part

This is a newer character and you see what's happening.
He reads all those shits. He in his 40's and been reading since he was a kid, it's his hobby. No different than people spending to go see this same characters in movies as far as I see it.

So he's not a kid. Go back and read my question that you responded to with your brother as the answer.
not vulnerable because society deems it so.. because of exactly what you said “promiscuity”. While both heterosexuals and homosexuals will and do fall under this, homosexuals are more prone to a whole list of things heterosexual ppl aren’t. we cannot deny that either. And again, children, who are very susceptible to the things they consume should be protected from this kind of stuff. They do not understand that “hey maybe I’m gay andni can experiment” hey maybe no. They should be protected from any adult sexual content.

There's nothing wrong with having lots of sex UNLESS ur having sex unprotected. That isn't a distinctly or exclusively homosexual thing. Lots of straight people do it and catch HIV/aids. It has been or is rampant among opposite sex couples in African countries. This a a question of exacting self responsibility. Are gay ppl inherently devoid of that? No.

It's not even like Gay ppl have more casual sex because it's a merely a lifestyle thing. It's also the gender role dynamic. Women play hard to get for fear of seeming easy or indecent. Men give no shits about that. There's no stigma. So they fuck a lot.

And ever consider they'd tend towards hard partying/clubbing because it acts as a liberating release for what they've traditionally kept bottled up?

I'll repeat: the lifestyle is one that many ppl take part in, but it's obviously a higher chance it can take a turn for the worse when the dismissal of your identity starts affecting your mental health, and thus your decision making.

We know the toll environment can take on an impoverished person, yet the same ppl don't wanna extend that sympathy to gay ppl. K den.
If your issue is adult content in comics then why let your kid read any of them? Comic book characters have been drug addicts, drunks, cheated on their spouses, committed mass murders, advocate for a whole bunch of shit that isn't kid friendly. Does that draw your same ire? Are you gonna shield your kids from the story of Cyclops getting caught cheating on Jean Gray because that's not kid friendly?

I screen the things they consume.. so yes.
I screen the things they consume.. so yes.

So basically you only allow them to read the most basic comics there are because anything DC or Marvel you're getting heavy adult themes. Comics ain't been just for kids for about 6-7 decades now. Have you made a thread about Spiderman having an iteration where him and another character literally can't control their sexual attraction and start smashing anytime they're around each other? You letting them watch the X Men movies and the love triangle between Cyclops, Wolverine and Jean or making a thread about how that's not kid friendly?
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And again, children, who are very susceptible to the things they consume should be protected from this kind of stuff. They do not understand that “hey maybe I’m gay andni can experiment” hey maybe no. They should be protected from any adult sexual content.

Sexual content? Like what, two men kissing in a comic? Should they also be protected from a man and a woman kissing or does that not overstep ur boundary of what's too sexual?

Besides, Even if what ur saying were true, it'd imply being gay or bi is wrong. And I don't believe that.

I honestly don't know what role exposure plays in making a person gay. I've always thought it was a purely natural born inclination.

Could exposure at an early age make someone bi- curious? Maybe? if so, so what? Ppl grow up free to make their own decisions.
So basically you only allow them to read the most basic comics there are because anything DC or Marvel you're getting heavy adult themes. Comics ain't been just for kids for about 6-7 decades now

my kids don’t read comics, but if they did, I would screen as I do with the the youtuber’s they watch and the social media content that’s out there. It’s my duty as a parent to protect them, yes. It’s my duty to raise kids correctly and not allow them to fall into the garbage that exists. Garbage being devious licks trends on tiktok, not joining in an area of a school dance where they’re having lap dances and vaping, not allowing YouTube rage videos and vulgar videos to be their regular subscriptions, etc.
Having sex with a lot of different folks is not good for your overall health. Mentally or physically

It'd make me happy asf to bang out every dime I saw, I'll tell u that. Wrap my shit in three condoms if need be . I'm taking that opportunity and I'd wager most every man , if so mutually obliged by free love, would too. We're humans, man.
Sexual content? Like what, two men kissing in a comic? Should they also be protected from a man and a woman kissing or does that not overstep ur boundary of what's too sexual?

Besides, Even if what ur saying were true, it'd imply being gay or bi is wrong. And I don't believe that.

I honestly don't know what role exposure plays in making a person gay. I've always thought it was a purely natural born inclination.

Could exposure at an early age make someone bi- curious? Maybe? if so, so what? Ppl grow up free to make their own decisions.

like i said, we have gay family members, one of their sons tried it out because of his dad being gay and he thought why not, maybe it’s my thing. so yeah, that’s there, too. And again, children don’t understand. That’s the problem. We gotta talk to them about “the birds andthe bees” so yeah, this also has to fall into the category.