OPINION Should college in the U.S. be free? Should college debt be forgiven?

ppl complain and complain about crime and never think constructively about ways to reduce it. you can solve a lot of problems in society by simply making education affordable. you can cut out a lot of madness by affording ppl certain opportunities for social mobility and ensuring them a quality education.

Trade schools have always been an option. My sister's ex-husband went to a trade school to repair airplanes. Nigga pocket stayed swole. Last I heard he owns a nice ass crib in the sticks with a couple of acres. My wife's cousin's husband went to trade school late in life and came out as a boilermaker. Did his apprenticeship, journyman shits, and is now a master boilermaker at 48 (never too late for it). Dude is clearing serious money.

Auto and aviation mechanics are always in demand. Plumbers, CNC operators, dental/medical assistants, all sorts of shit people can get into without going to college and you can come out the other side making decent coin.
i dont know where you have been @AZTG but i admire how you debate and the way you articulate your view points.

im watching and learning papas

I just be in and out. Sometimes im in the mood and join in on a topic, most times Im just too lazy and keep my thoughts to myself.

Appreciate the kind words though love
Fam, top universities around the world maintain their top university status just by having crazy high acceptance criterias. Making schools free wont mean U of M isnt a top college anymore.

This literally happens all around the world. My cousin is in one of the top universities in the world right now and not paying shit cause she scored high as fuck on whatever exam.

This is stockholm syndrome man. Americas systems are built on scams and even though there are better systems all around the world, yall still defending these scams here even though they fucking the average joe over.

Maybe yall mfers should travel abroad more and see different systems that exist out there. Some of yall might be some see it to believe it ass mfers.
I think his point is ur cousin is getting a free education by figuring out what she needed to do to get that free education and doing it...
Trade schools have always been an option. My sister's ex-husband went to a trade school to repair airplanes. Nigga pocket stayed swole. Last I heard he owns a nice ass crib in the sticks with a couple of acres. My wife's cousin's husband went to trade school late in life and came out as a boilermaker. Did his apprenticeship, journyman shits, and is now a master boilermaker at 48 (never too late for it). Dude is clearing serious money.

Auto and aviation mechanics are always in demand. Plumbers, CNC operators, dental/medical assistants, all sorts of shit people can get into without going to college and you can come out the other side making decent coin.

trade schools are important and college should STILL be affordable for all

imagine this:

I think his point is ur cousin is getting a free education by figuring out what she needed to do to get that free education and doing it...

we all got a cousin, uncle, sister, brotha, step aunt, gender fluid niece that did that one thing and since they did that one thing everyone else should be able to do it irregardless of class and accessibility.
I think his point is ur cousin is getting a free education by figuring out what she needed to do to get that free education and doing it...

Nah see school is free for everyone in most developed nations. Im sure you know but ill break it down a bit for others.

In most countries, you cant just go to school for whatever you want. Certain schools offer certain degrees and careers, and the only way to get into them is to score high as fuck on profeciancy tests.

So basically, the acceptance rate to be a doctor might be 2,000 points. The only people that can go to school to be a doctor are people that get a minimum of 2k points. And then the best med schools might require you to score 2,500, and if you do, you're in the top school to be a doctor, for free.

This type of system also helps the economy grow. Lets say theres a shortage of programmers. That year schools will decrease the points needed to get into IT programs and that way more programmers will be introduced into the work force.

On the flip side, if there are too many psychologist degree having people and not enough jobs, for a few years the points to get into a psychology degree will be higher than becoming a doctor even though schooling to be a doctor is tons more difficult.

Buuuut lets not demand this from the biggest economy in the world and instead work 60 hours a week and eat nothing but ramen noodles while taking 12 twelve credits. Shits hilarious.
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Its the same shit when people get upset at Bernie saying there shouldnt be any billionaires and poor people get upset.

Its like bruh theres only a few hundred billionaires in America in total, fuck them. Why yall care about them? Let bernie tax them, it dont hurt yall. Stupid mfers man.

Same shit when AOC said peoples income after their first 10 million should get taxed at 70% and regular people got upset saying it wasnt fair. Like yo how many people do you know that make over 10 million a year? Its only a few thousand of them at most, fuck them. They dont give a fuck if shit is unfair to millions of us regular people, so why do yall care about shit being unfair to them?


America sells the dream that anybody at any time can be rich and wealthy. Which is false as hell. It’s ingrained into culture that you can be rich too. So instead of folks realizing rich people don’t give a fuck about you they rather defend them and their money
lets talk about the countless ppl with degrees unable to work in their respective job fields. lets talk about jobs offering to pay $15 to those with tenured degrees. lets talk about the millions of americans drowning in debt.

fuck the bootstrapism here.

just because you survived on oodles and noodles every day for 6 years at uni doesnt mean everyone else can or should.

the whole “i did it so you should/can” is the problem

you shouldnt have had to suffer throughout your college career and neither should anybody else.

My little sister has a degree in African American studies from U of M.

She used to work as a bank teller. Right now she has an ebay hustle to make ends meet.

Just because you have a degree, that doesn't make you viable in a job market, particularly if the degree is highly specialized for something like AA Studies.

"If there is no struggle, there is no progress" - Fredrick Douglass

Yes, if I can do it, other niggas can do it. Folks come here from other countries shacked up 4-5 to a two bedroom apt, working fast food jobs, FOCUSED on getting their degrees. I've seen them muhfuckas. I've been to their cribs, I've watched them graduate and go on to good careers. Why do they have this mindset but we don't??? Why are our African brethren ok with sittin off in lil ass apartments in the hood catching the freight splittin' costs on everything in the name of bettering themselves but we can't do the same???

Nah fuck that. We can do it too. You just don't want to be uncomfortable in life.
ppl complain and complain about crime and never think constructively about ways to reduce it. you can solve a lot of problems in society by simply making education affordable. you can cut out a lot of madness by affording ppl opportunities for socioeconomic mobility/advancement and ensuring them a quality education.

greed and “if I can do it you can too” like the struggle builds character. All this shit need to be free for real I think black people shouldn’t even have to pay for school but that ain’t gonna happen.
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America sells the dream that anybody at any time can be rich and wealthy. Which is false as hell. It’s ingrained into culture that you can be rich too. So instead of folks realizing rich people don’t give a fuck about you they rather defend them and their money

Shit is stupid as fuck.

I fully support the rich in saying fuck Bernie and fuck taxes and all that. Everyone should be trying to get the max from their situation.

And in that same token, if a mfer says hes gonna tax the rich, which wont effect you, and give you free schooling, which benefits you, you should support that mfer.

Instead, there are millions of people who are poor supporting the rich keeping their money.

Shit is illogical as fuck and like you said its all built on this scam that we are taught. "If you work hard you can have billions too"

All the while a mfer is working 3 jobs just to get by and the billionaire is on an island sleeping till noon.

We got some of them in here. "I worked hard to make it and so can everyone else.", not realizing it shoulda never been that hard to begin with.
Nah fuck that. We can do it too. You just don't want to be uncomfortable in life.

as a Black woman, I am completely over being uncomfortable in this life. I want better. I want folxs to demand better. Its 2020 for fucks sakes. all these systems should overhauled.
I’m at the hospital right now lol and I agree but once again it’s the system we have today so we gotta deal w it....vote for Bernie and maybe we won’t but until then .... this where we are w it

Maybe we gotta make shit fair
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Having to research how to get a affordable college is hard?

Shit is simple as fuck.

Y’all do know it’s possible to work and go to school?