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Should Black Entertainers Defer To Black Activists On Black Topics

Them doing a ton of good things does not negate the fact that they have fucked shit up before does it? Can they not be called out when they make bad decisions just because they've made good ones before? These niggas are not immune to criticism.
Well we should be just as loud and vocal to point out the good they do and maybe give a pass because they still at it and are not perfect.

niggas are dying, losing their eyes during peaceful protest, going missing, risking their lives to enact change and yall are championing Black celebs????

whew chile*
Slow down. Take it back a step.

The Milwaukee Bucks knew exactly what the fuck they were doing. They were the ones who decided not to play and they didn't notify anybody. You know like a real walk off the job type of protest.

But once the likes of LeBron and CP3 got involved they took control of the situation thinking they had all the right answers and it ended up being some watered down shit when it started out thorough as fuck with the Milwaukee Bucks.


Ohhhh, ok I gotcha. During this convo, I personally wasn't making any distinction between the bucks and niggas like Lebron and Cp3. If we get into that, this is gonna be a long one. Lol.

But yeah, I feel you.
Well we should be just as loud and vocal to point out the good they do and maybe give a pass because they still at it and are not perfect.

Are you saying that people aren't loud enough pointing out the good things LeBron James does and we should give him a pass when he fucks up bigly?
And here is my problem with black celebrities. If you're a celebrity and you're black for some reason people in then black community feel like that just because you "made it" or you're "put on" that you are somehow above reproach.

No nigga

U still a nigga

The whole persona of a black celebrity is built around them being some sort of saving grace for black people and it's wrong and ignorant to believe that
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Are you saying that people aren't loud enough pointing out the good things LeBron James does and we should give him a pass when he fucks up bigly?

in what way did he “fuck up bigly” and what are the after effects of his fuck up?
Ohhhh, ok I gotcha. During this convo, I personally wasn't making any distinction between the bucks and niggas like Lebron and Cp3. If we get into that, this is gonna be a long one. Lol.

But yeah, I feel you.

See it's just that when LeBron James, Jay-Z, T.I., or any other black celebrity gets asked about any real shit all of a sudden their opinions get elevated as if what they are saying is what we all need to hear. The reality is that a lot of these niggas are so far removed from "the life" that they can't accurately speak on it.

That's how you end up with Mayor Bottoms, Killer Mike, and T.I. crying on the news because people in Atlanta were rioting in downtown Atlanta and other business districts after yet another lynching of a black man by cops was once again filmed. They got on TV crying about how we are better than that which is a disgusting mischaracterization, and how we were destroying our own community, another statement that was obviously false since the main area destroyed was not in fact a black community.

Those niggas got on TV doing all that crying only for the same Atlanta police who protesters were protesting against to come out the very next night and harass two young black college students which was also caught on tape. You can't make this shit up.
in what way did he “fuck up bigly” and what are the after effects of his fuck up?
LeBron intervened in what was about to become one of the largest and most powerful protest in recent memory and threw cold water on the flames in the disguise of "progress"

LeBron and Chris Paul co-opted the movement that the Milwaukee Bucks started which immediately spread to other sports like baseball and even fucking Hockey. Kenny Smith even walked off set on TNT. But once LeBron and Chris Paul started "leading" the whole entire movement died. It resulted in nothing that wouldn't have easily been done without the protest so the protest was for nothing because those niggas didn't know what the fuck they were doing.
LeBron intervened in what was about to become one of the largest and most powerful protest in recent memory and threw cold water on the flames in the disguise of "progress"

LeBron and Chris Paul co-opted the movement that the Milwaukee Bucks started which immediately spread to other sports like baseball and even fucking Hockey. Kenny Smith even walked off set on TNT. But once LeBron and Chris Paul started "leading" the whole entire movement died. It resulted in nothing that wouldn't have easily been done without the protest so the protest was for nothing because those niggas didn't know what the fuck they were doing.

They didn’t make the Bucks play

They didn’t make other teams play

Again. Bucks and all the other NBA teams did that for 1 game and that what exactly they set out to do.

They stayed in the bubble because they knew they was gon come right back out there

And them not playing does nothing.
They didn’t make the Bucks play

They didn’t make other teams play

Again. Bucks and all the other NBA teams did that for 1 game and that what exactly they set out to do.

They stayed in the bubble because they knew they was gon come right back out there

And them not playing does nothing.

No. Them not playing was a protest. That ended as soon as they played. They played because niggas like LeBron and Chris Paul thought that they needed to consult Obama who advised them to play.
No. Them not playing was a protest. That ended as soon as they played. They played because niggas like LeBron and Chris Paul thought that they needed to consult Obama who advised them to play.

That’s exactly what didn’t happen
But like I been saying

you have fault in folks trying to make a difference but can’t match their resume when it comes to helping the hue

And I’ll never tell nobody they can’t do something and just to shut when they are actually trying to make a difference.

That’s some white folks slave shit
See it's just that when LeBron James, Jay-Z, T.I., or any other black celebrity gets asked about any real shit all of a sudden their opinions get elevated as if what they are saying is what we all need to hear. The reality is that a lot of these niggas are so far removed from "the life" that they can't accurately speak on it.

That's how you end up with Mayor Bottoms, Killer Mike, and T.I. crying on the news because people in Atlanta were rioting in downtown Atlanta and other business districts after yet another lynching of a black man by cops was once again filmed. They got on TV crying about how we are better than that which is a disgusting mischaracterization, and how we were destroying our own community, another statement that was obviously false since the main area destroyed was not in fact a black community.

Those niggas got on TV doing all that crying only for the same Atlanta police who protesters were protesting against to come out the very next night and harass two young black college students which was also caught on tape. You can't make this shit up.

Fam, this is just patently false. When sensible, influential, seemingly-intelligent, and well-meaning black people talk...we pay attention.

When Jay, or Killer Mike Or Tip talk, we pay attention. When Boosie talks, we tell that nigga to STFU and come on here and say funny things about him.

When Jessie Williams talks, we pay attention. When Terry Crews talks, we tell that nigga to STFU and come on here and call him names.

When Bomani Jones talks, we pay attention. When Jason Whitlock talks, we tell that nigga to STFU and come on here and make fun of his boot-licking and punchable ass face.

We aren't sycophants who will take cues from any nigga with a recognizable face and a couple dollars.
it's a no win situation... if entertainers speak out from their viewpoint... those that dont agree with them will tell them to stfu... and that they aren't paid to speak on these issues and they should just enjoy that they're getting paid well to entertain people.

If they dont speak... or if they dont speak loudly enough... according to.... whoever the fuck ever... folks gon trash them for not using their platform to bring attention to things that affect people that look like them.

Can't please everybody... as it's been stated in this thread previously... they can either choose to speak out and shine a light... or they can choose not to. I just hope that if they do decide to utilize their platform that they do so responsible and are aware and educated on what they're speaking on so that they dont do more harm than good.
Are you saying that people aren't loud enough pointing out the good things LeBron James does and we should give him a pass when he fucks up bigly?
what means more to you?

The hundreds of people he employs and educates or what you call a fuck up?
Brian Kemp is the main cause of voter suppression in GA and here's this dumbass nigga using his big black celebrity platform to spread this nonsense but since he made Run The Jewels and has sat on a few round tables we should give him a pass right?

And here is my problem with black celebrities. If you're a celebrity and you're black for some reason people in then black community feel like that just because you "made it" or you're "put on" that you are somehow above reproach.

No nigga

U still a nigga

The whole persona of a black celebrity is built around them being some sort of saving grace for black people and it's wrong and ignorant to believe that
It’s call having hope. Being happy one of us made it. Celebrating that person as they give back.

With so much shit going on against black people the last thing I’m going to do is point out a black person ain’t perfect.

And the fact you say he still a nigga is sad on many levels.
Who are you to say about their knowledge on something?

Why you feel the need to post in threads you don’t have absolute knowledge on?

What we doing here yall

Ain’t we on a discussion board tho? Are we on tv influencing kids? Didn’t you say the influence on kids from rap is real. If we know that then shouldn’t we know that an entertainer speaking on things they not well learned on is just as bad. Again I’m use Boosie and his comments. I ain’t saying he need to stfu and rap but we can’t take him serious.

But many times the ones that aren’t about social justice and etc let the world know Young Thug said he don’t be on it and Wayne said some nonsense. But nobody has asked Young Thig about any of that stuff recently