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Should Black Entertainers Defer To Black Activists On Black Topics

lol because all folks that vote cant possibly think that Black celebs enlisting the help of community activists is a good idea right?

Quit being ridiculous.

If people continuously roll with the stance that "If you dont agree with me 100% on everything then your viewpoint isn't valid" nothing will get accomplished

all the voting niggas think that lebron speaking on shit he doesnt understand is ok because hes Black and has a school lmaoooo

i dont need folks to agree, i need folks to read
all the voting niggas think that lebron speaking on shit he doesnt understand is ok because hes Black and has a school lmaoooo

i dont need folks to agree, i need folks to read

You take Dos type leaps of creating shit out of thin air when you disagree with something people say and use that disagreement to try and discredit the entirety of everything a person has done. That won't get you so far because at no point will you agree with everything a person says, even people you hold in high esteem. Going by your metrics there's not 1 person qualified to speak on these issues on a consistent basis. You say you want folks to read, yet you often fail to comprehend anything that doesn't say exactly what you want exactly how you want it said. That's not a good strategy to go with. You don't want people to read, you want them to simply agree with everything you're saying w/o challenge and that's just now how shit gets done
You take Dos type leaps of creating shit out of thin air when you disagree with something people say and use that disagreement to try and discredit the entirety of everything a person has done. That won't get you so far because at no point will you agree with everything a person says, even people you hold in high esteem. Going by your metrics there's not 1 person qualified to speak on these issues on a consistent basis. You say you want folks to read, yet you often fail to comprehend anything that doesn't say exactly what you want exactly how you want it said. That's not a good strategy to go with. You don't want people to read, you want them to simply agree with everything you're saying w/o challenge and that's just now how shit gets done

idc what yall niggas do tbh

yall challenge everything i say so what difference does it make lmaooo ???

folks disagree with me all the time. im on various platforms and debate with ppl ALL. THE. TIME. ppl can hold whatever view they wish to have about any given subject.

just like i have the right to say “yall voting niggas rarely have good ideas”

is what it is.
theres plenty of ppl that are qualified to speak on this subject. the niggas yall are championing are not.

dont be mad at me, hold your heroes to higher standards
plus the conversation changes when ppl read and engage in material that focuses on abolishment and liberation.

there is a groupme coming up my friend is hosting if yall would like to join

You take Dos type leaps of creating shit out of thin air when you disagree with something people say and use that disagreement to try and discredit the entirety of everything a person has done. That won't get you so far because at no point will you agree with everything a person says, even people you hold in high esteem. Going by your metrics there's not 1 person qualified to speak on these issues on a consistent basis. You say you want folks to read, yet you often fail to comprehend anything that doesn't say exactly what you want exactly how you want it said. That's not a good strategy to go with. You don't want people to read, you want them to simply agree with everything you're saying w/o challenge and that's just now how shit gets done

I caught that.
None of these entertainers are uncompromising when it comes to black american issues. They move like politicans that bait and switch the gullible. Its a new day and if these entertainers aren't saying and doing what the black american grassroots wants and demands then they will be dealt with publicly.
idc what yall niggas do tbh

yall challenge everything i say so what difference does it make lmaooo ???

folks disagree with me all the time. im on various platforms and debate with ppl ALL. THE. TIME. ppl can hold whatever view they wish to have about any given subject.

just like i have the right to say “yall voting niggas rarely have good ideas”

is what it is.

There you go again. I actually agree with a good portion of what you say and often catch flack from niggas on here for it. You've made the mistake in the past of coming at me over your own misunderstanding or simply being wrong and instead of admitting that you either just go radio silent or try to change the subject and start blaming "ya'll". Just because you can participate in a conversation where somebody disagrees with you doesn't mean you're holding your own. It just means you're a part of the conversation. I haven't championed one person in this thread, I don't have heroes that are celebrities and as I said in my 1st post I've actively said for years that seeing celebrities as social justice figures is a dangerous game to play. But I'm also not about to dismiss the entirety of everything a person is and stands for simply because I disagree on how they plan on getting to the greater end goal for Black people. That's a tactic that's going to work against you not for you. Since you say the people that others have mentioned aren't qualified in your eyes to speak how about naming more people that do? If all you can do is constantly tell people what they're doing wrong, at some point you will be asked well just what exactly are you doing right that qualifies you to be the arbiter of what is always right and wrong way to do things.
None of these entertainers are uncompromising when it comes to black american issues. They move like politicans that bait and switch the gullible. Its a new day and if these entertainers aren't saying and doing what the black american grassroots wants and demands then they will be dealt with publicly.


There you go again. I actually agree with a good portion of what you say and often catch flack from niggas on here for it. You've made the mistake in the past of coming at me over your own misunderstanding or simply being wrong and instead of admitting that you either just go radio silent or try to change the subject and start blaming "ya'll". Just because you can participate in a conversation where somebody disagrees with you doesn't mean you're holding your own. It just means you're a part of the conversation. I haven't championed one person in this thread, I don't have heroes that are celebrities and as I said in my 1st post I've actively said for years that seeing celebrities as social justice figures is a dangerous game to play. But I'm also not about to dismiss the entirety of everything a person is and stands for simply because I disagree on how they plan on getting to the greater end goal for Black people. That's a tactic that's going to work against you not for you. Since you say the people that others have mentioned aren't qualified in your eyes to speak how about naming more people that do? If all you can do is constantly tell people what they're doing wrong, at some point you will be asked well just what exactly are you doing right that qualifies you to be the arbiter of what is always right and wrong way to do things.

Blackrain idc about how you wish to view celebrities lmaoooo like????? what do you want me to say here. i completely disagree with you on giving ppl like lebron and jayz a platform to spew bullshit.

Im not dismissing them as a whole, im dismissing their weak ass ideas and talking points.

Black celebs dont speak for me and a lot of poor Black folks and they are completely out of touch.

i gave several names in the thread who are qualified to hold these conversations. davis being one.

im not wrong, nobody is wrong here.
we all are just bouncing around ideas in this thread

some ideas are better than others (MINES) lol

i go radio silent because im not going to keep going back and forth with ppl on certain subjects. whats the use?

if im wrong i say im wrong but on subjects like this, where i know what im talking about????

listen, hold your breath
I dunno where your thread went but I was responding to your question.. I been thinking about it myself and I do..I would never say this in the company of wypipo.. And I know this sounds bad but some of them arent articulate enough to speak about certain issues. They cant convey what needs to be said or what we need done. I dont want them speaking for me. We need them to bring awareness and use their platform to bring eyes to it..but once they have they need to pass it on to somebody more educated on the issues. For example, I applaud Lebron for speaking out .. but he toes the line and he cant talk worth shit. When Taylor Rooks asked him about him reading the Autobiography of Malcolm X his response was disgusting.. That should tell you all you need to know.. Their hearts are in the right place though.. And I know black people are not a monolith but we need a leader in my opinion.. We cant stay on code without one

Once they use their platform and speak their mind there's no turning back. Journalists/reporters/fans will constantly ask them about their views. I just wish that more celebs who want to preach about politics take their time to educate themselves on all sides of whatever topic they're talking about. Having a huge platform to influence others means you need to be educated on the subject.
Blackrain idc about how you wish to view celebrities lmaoooo like????? what do you want me to say here. i completely disagree with you on giving ppl like lebron and jayz a platform to spew bullshit.

Im not dismissing them as a whole, im dismissing their weak ass ideas and talking points.

Black celebs dont speak for me and a lot of poor Black folks and they are completely out of touch.

i gave several names in the thread who are qualified to hold these conversations. davis being one.

im not wrong, nobody is wrong here.
we all are just bouncing around ideas in this thread

some ideas are better than others (MINES) lol

i go radio silent because im not going to keep going back and forth with ppl on certain subjects. whats the use?

if im wrong i say im wrong but on subjects like this, where i know what im talking about????

listen, hold your breath

This is how I know you're not reading. I specifically said I'm against people holding famous people like LeBron and Jay-Z up as social justice leaders as they do. How about you take a breath and read what is actually being said and not just to respond to what you think is being said.
This is how I know you're not reading. I specifically said I'm against people holding famous people like LeBron and Jay-Z up as social justice leaders as they do. How about you take a breath and read what is actually being said and not just to respond to what you think is being said.

im speaking in general

i feel like you just want to debate to debate

because if we agree then what is this exchange for?