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Should Black Entertainers Defer To Black Activists On Black Topics

I'm curious to know who @Race Jones think is an appropriate person to speak on the black lives

If we all in agreement that Blacks as a whole don't all want or need the same thing, it stands to reason we could never have just 1 leader to be our voice. Multiple voices for multiple topics, for multiple reforms

I find it odd that a person can be wrong about a topic and suddenly they dont need to speak on anything every again

Who said we need one leader? Civil rights movement had many leaders?
Another question tho do black people lean too much on famous black opinions? Why we gotta get rappers and entertainers to make real shit appealing? We are not kids.

I dont think we lean on famous black opinions like that...

I think those of us that are aware and try to stay in tune with the shit that's going on out here... we try to keep in the know.

Folks that dont look out for that type of information... some of them just might be made aware of it because they follow some entertainer that tweets or speaks about it.

Just because those entertainers have a large platform and speak on something does not make them an expert on the subject.. and I think that's where we need to make the distinction
Ain’t we on a discussion board tho? Are we on tv influencing kids? Didn’t you say the influence on kids from rap is real. If we know that then shouldn’t we know that an entertainer speaking on things they not well learned on is just as bad. Again I’m use Boosie and his comments. I ain’t saying he need to stfu and rap but we can’t take him serious.

But many times the ones that aren’t about social justice and etc let the world know Young Thug said he don’t be on it and Wayne said some nonsense. But nobody has asked Young Thig about any of that stuff recently

I said words carry more weight than a movie.

So these dudes are trying to do good and nobody is perfect.
Who said we need one leader? Civil rights movement had many leaders?

While this is true going by what she said earlier that she doesn't want Black celebrities to speak on shit then at some point those leaders would become disqualified because they would eventually become "celebrities" once their reach and influence got big enough...so by that logic nobody will ever be good enough.

As for the thread itself I've said it many times that people often conflate being famous and the ability to generate money with intelligence and it's not always true. As soon as somebody comes up people put this expectation of social responsibility on them when that's just not something everybody is built for. So just because somebody is rich and/or famous doesn't mean they all of a sudden can speak out on certain issues. They should defer to people who are experts in whatever field or issue that they consider most important. Everybody got different roles to play in this. Some people are good at organizing, some are good at speaking out, and some are good at just being a bank and funding things that helps to create larger platforms. Just let people get in where they fit best
If a reporter ask LeBron how he feels about BLM or what HIS community goes thru, he should NOT say, 'well let me defer to Dr Cornel West......'

Ain't nothing wrong with giving your opinion on what you believe to be the truth

For every time Bron *and just using him for example* has misspoke or misquote a fact; you find him putting in actionable work. To dismiss him simply cause he can't spit the Autobiography of Assata Shakur by heart is craziness

No one person is going to say the right thing all the time. And just because a person get money and moves outta their hometown don't mean they outta touch with they roots lol. Cut off your own ppl and allies cause they don't feel like you do on EVERY subject matter is dangerous and will leave you isolated like a mofo
If a reporter ask LeBron how he feels about BLM or what HIS community goes thru, he should NOT say, 'well let me defer to Dr Cornel West......'

Ain't nothing wrong with giving your opinion on what you believe to be the truth

For every time Bron *and just using him for example* has misspoke or misquote a fact; you find him putting in actionable work. To dismiss him simply cause he can't spit the Autobiography of Assata Shakur by heart is craziness

No one person is going to say the right thing all the time. And just because a person get money and moves outta their hometown don't mean they outta touch with they roots lol. Cut off your own ppl and allies cause they don't feel like you do on EVERY subject matter is dangerous and will leave you isolated like a mofo

lmaoooo and here come more excuses for dumbness
and rofl @ cornel west

nobody is saying lebron cant speak about Black issues altogether. it just would help if that nigga was abreast on certain social ills outside of “vote” and “arrest the killers of breonna taylor”
yall still looking to celebs to help yall, the same way yall looking to politicians to save you

elle oh fucking elle
and it would help you and him if you read books by assata and davis.

i for one am tired of having these circular conversations
but im not expecting niggas that still vote and say things like “its chess not checkers” to understand why Black celebs should enlist the help of community activist during walk outs and stalemates
im being facetious there

sorry to ruin “gotcha” your gotcha moment

wasn't a gotcha. I just thought the contrast of those two posts was funny lol.

I agree that if folks that have large platforms decide to utilize those platforms to speak out on things, that they should be knowledgable about what they're speaking on. No argument there.
wasn't a gotcha. I just thought the contrast of those two posts was funny lol.

I agree that if folks that have large platforms decide to utilize those platforms to speak out on things, that they should be knowledgable about what they're speaking on. No argument there.

so why are you one upping post that are stating the opposite?
but im not expecting niggas that still vote and say things like “its chess not checkers” to understand why Black celebs should enlist the help of community activist during walk outs and stalemates

lol because all folks that vote cant possibly think that Black celebs enlisting the help of community activists is a good idea right?

Quit being ridiculous.

If people continuously roll with the stance that "If you dont agree with me 100% on everything then your viewpoint isn't valid" nothing will get accomplished