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Should Black Entertainers Defer To Black Activists On Black Topics

I mean...you'd have to ask Lebron for the specifics. But from what was being reported, he consulted Obama on how to turn the fact that they had decided to sit out the game into some sort of actionable plan to get some demands met. They came up with forcing owners to allow NBA arenas to be used as voting places, donations to causes, etc.

basically told that nigga
“shut up and keep dribbling”
a strike only works when you have a list of demands and withhold services until demands are met.

obama in all his years of organizing knows this and instead he told them to keep playing and work to turn nba arenas into voting centers

i have to laugh to keep from crying
Yeah we are debating two different things. You keep talking about the quality of the advice that was given, if it was helpful or not, whether or not the nigga was even the right person to consult, etc.

I'm not arguing with any of that.

But if you go back to the question before that which is about weather or not black celebrities should defer to black activist then I think the celebrities continuing to show their ass when they get these platforms answers that question.

These niggas are not built to enact real change.
And this couldn't have been done without Obama?

Prolly. But I honestly don't understand the point of that question. It's almost like you think I'm saying he was RIGHT for consulting Obama. Or that it was NEEDED. Or GOOD advice.

I'm not making any sort of value judgment on that one way or the other.
What y’all doing

Who y’all consulting?

lmaoooo its always some clown ass asking what niggas are doing. funny how ppl with few resources end up doing more than the entertainers you dick eat 24/7 and the politicians you give your votes to
It's almost like you think I'm saying he was RIGHT for consulting Obama. Or that it was NEEDED. Or GOOD advice.

I'm not saying that. I'm saying maybe the niggas doing the protesting didn't know what the fuck they were doing and they need to stop acting like that just because they hold a certain platform that they have the right answers.

Yes the fuck you can fault them. You can fault them for not knowing what the fuck they're doing.
OK and what?

We been faulting them for how long?

OK.....They don't know what they are doing. You fault them. What's next?

If you want to point fingers fine.....They the bad people.

But doing that does nothing in my book. They showed us what they think of us. We telling them what we think of them.

None of this builds up or helps our community.

Only think I want from any white person is to stay out my way.
I'm not saying that. I'm saying maybe he niggas doing the protesting didn't know what the fuck they were doing and they need to stop acting like that just because they hold a certain platform that they have the right answers.

They didn't know what the fuck they were doing...so they reached out to a nigga who was an organizer in his past life and used to be POTUS.

Same shit some are saying in here

If the nigga is saying some ignorant shit like Killer Mike and T.I. or they are clearly out of their element like LeBron and Chris Paul then yes they need to shut the fuck up.

I mean let's keep it real now. We all know how to hustle and scheme somebody. Anybody who knows how t hustle knows when they are in over their head or getting ahead of themselves. For some reason certain black people feel like that when they reach a certain celebrity status that they are immune to the old mantra of "Playa's fuck up" cause a lot of these niggas are fucking up. It's okay to bop them over the head for fucking up too.
If the nigga is saying some ignorant shit like Killer Mike and T.I. or they are clearly out of their element like LeBron and Chris Paul then yes they need to shut the fuck up.

I mean let's keep it real now. We all know how to hustle and scheme somebody. Anybody who knows how t hustle knows when they are in over their head or getting ahead of themselves. For some reason certain black people feel like that when they reach a certain celebrity status that they are immune to the old mantra of "Playa's fuck up" cause a lot of these niggas are fucking up. It's okay to bop them over the head for fucking up too.

Who are you to say you or somebody else are more knowledgeable than them though.

Like it or not James and Paul has done a ton of good and that’s a fact.
They didn't know what the fuck they were doing...so they reached out to a nigga who was an organizer in his past life and used to be POTUS.


Slow down. Take it back a step.

The Milwaukee Bucks knew exactly what the fuck they were doing. They were the ones who decided not to play and they didn't notify anybody. You know like a real walk off the job type of protest.

But once the likes of LeBron and CP3 got involved they took control of the situation thinking they had all the right answers and it ended up being some watered down shit when it started out thorough as fuck with the Milwaukee Bucks.


Who are you to say you or somebody else are more knowledgeable than them though.

Like it or not James and Paul has done a ton of good and that’s a fact.

Them doing a ton of good things does not negate the fact that they have fucked shit up before does it? Can they not be called out when they make bad decisions just because they've made good ones before? These niggas are not immune to criticism.
So bop them for trying but never hold them silent rich do nothing niggas accountable.

It's a lot of people not doing shit. Rich or poor.
But those who may fumble their way to something are the idiots?

Slow down. Take it back a step.

The Milwaukee Bucks knew exactly what the fuck they were doing. They were the ones who decided not to play and they didn't notify anybody. You know like a real walk off the job type of protest.

But once the likes of LeBron and CP3 got involved they took control of the situation thinking they had all the right answers and it ended up being some watered down shit when it started out thorough as fuck with the Milwaukee Bucks.


Owners was too.

Don’t forget that part.

everybody will never agree on something
Them doing a ton of good things does not negate the fact that they have fucked shit up before does it? Can they not be called out when they make bad decisions just because they've made good ones before? These niggas are not immune to criticism.

Who’s perfect?