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Should Black Entertainers Defer To Black Activists On Black Topics

idk what you want me to say????

mike and tip werent saying nothing profound per usual and turned their backs on protestors.

they also championed police and gave voting as a resolution for state violence

it was a hot ass mess

I mean, I asked several questions in my reply. None of those questions got answered. You just replied that you were bored...rather than actually addressing anything.

I'll ask the questions again:

Your statement:
i think its asinine that you find it ok for hypervisible Black folks to speak on subjects that can potentially harm other Black ppl because they have a large platform lol
My question:
You don't want black celebrities to speak on subjects that can potentially harm black people? It sounds like you are trying to muzzle hypervisible black people, because...you disagree with them? Maybe I'm wrong. What are these subjects that you don't want them to speak on?

Your statement:
none of these nig nogs have consulted with ppl in the field that have been doing activist/organizing work for quite sometime and that is telling
My question:
And what are you basing this off of? An assumption? Or is there actual information out there that confirms that none of these people have spoken to people in the field who have been doing the work? Serious question. Maybe there is some info out there that I missed.

Your statement:
riddle me this, how come white folks dont enlist katy perry or tom hanks to speak on issues that plague their communities like the opioid crisis?
My question:

At a certain point, the litmus test for what WE find acceptable and and for the quality of OUR standard operating procedure has got to be something OTHER than 'Are white people doing this?'. It's silly. We been combating the 'white is right' mentality since we came to this bitch. Why are WE still perpetuating it in private, among family, on forums like this, when we all know that it's bullshit?
You don't want black celebrities to speak on subjects that can potentially harm black people? It sounds like you are trying to muzzle hypervisible black people, because...you disagree with them? Maybe I'm wrong. What are these subjects that you don't want them to speak on?

i dont what Black celebrities speaking on jack shit.

the subject: none
I mean, I asked several questions in my reply. None of those questions got answered. You just replied that you were bored...rather than actually addressing anything.

I'll ask the questions again:

Your statement:
i think its asinine that you find it ok for hypervisible Black folks to speak on subjects that can potentially harm other Black ppl because they have a large platform lol
My question:
You don't want black celebrities to speak on subjects that can potentially harm black people? It sounds like you are trying to muzzle hypervisible black people, because...you disagree with them? Maybe I'm wrong. What are these subjects that you don't want them to speak on?

Your statement:
none of these nig nogs have consulted with ppl in the field that have been doing activist/organizing work for quite sometime and that is telling
My question:
And what are you basing this off of? An assumption? Or is there actual information out there that confirms that none of these people have spoken to people in the field who have been doing the work? Serious question. Maybe there is some info out there that I missed.

Your statement:
riddle me this, how come white folks dont enlist katy perry or tom hanks to speak on issues that plague their communities like the opioid crisis?
My question:

At a certain point, the litmus test for what WE find acceptable and and for the quality of OUR standard operating procedure has got to be something OTHER than 'Are white people doing this?'. It's silly. We been combating the 'white is right' mentality since we came to this bitch. Why are WE still perpetuating it in private, among family, on forums like this, when we all know that it's bullshit?

Just let it go fam
And what are you basing this off of? An assumption? Or is there actual information out there that confirms that none of these people have spoken to people in the field who have been doing the work?

the conversations would be different if they spoke to real organizers and activist

lebron could have led a strike that would have probably flipped society upside down but instead this nigga went to motherfucking obama for advice

and that 12 hr stunt he pulled turned into:

At a certain point, the litmus test for what WE find acceptable and and for the quality of OUR standard operating procedure has got to be something OTHER than 'Are white people doing this?'. It's silly. We been combating the 'white is right' mentality since we came to this bitch. Why are WE still perpetuating it in private, among family, on forums like this, when we all know that it's bullshit?

i only used white ppl here because it works. im not even trying to center them in this conversation. Im stating why is it that Black politicians enlist the help of celebrities like jayz and killer mike to speak on subjects that affect Black communities???

none of these niggas are credible

you never see any race of ppl do this other than us
i only used white ppl here because it works. im not even trying to center them in this conversation. Im stating why is it that Black politicians enlist the help of celebrities like jayz and killer mike to speak on subjects that affect Black communities???

none of these niggas are credible

you never see any race of ppl do this other than us

Gotcha. Understood. Disagree. But understood.
@mryounggun Just let it go. Black owned businesses were burned in some of those riots and she's calling two black men monkeys because they asked protesters to refrain from setting the city on fire. She's a birdbrain like I've said before.
@mryounggun Just let it go. Black owned businesses were burned in some of those riots and she's calling two black men monkeys because they asked protesters to refrain from setting the city on fire. She's a birdbrain like I've said before.

Black owned businesses doesnt always mean fair and just practices. they can get looted and booted too

stay mad

@mryounggun Just let it go. Black owned businesses were burned in some of those riots and she's calling two black men monkeys because they asked protesters to refrain from setting the city on fire. She's a birdbrain like I've said before.
Unless those that burned them down helped them rebuild.....They now need whute owned insurance companies, handouts frim "elites" or build from scratch to get back on their feet.

Becky 39 miles away was sure put on alert
So an activist saying burn shit down should be more respected than an activist saying care for our shit?
Black owned businesses doesnt always mean fair and just practices. they can get looted and booted too

stay mad


So Moms and Pops businesses that in some cases didn't even have enough money to have insurance deserved to be looted? Got ya. That's super pro black of you.

Unless those that burned them down helped them rebuild.....They now need whute owned insurance companies, handouts frim "elites" or build from scratch to get back on their feet.

Becky 39 miles away was sure put on alert

Exactly, and we're not talking about Tyler Perry or some black elite. It was just regular black people losing everything because...reasons.
Unless those that burned them down helped them rebuild.....They now need whute owned insurance companies, handouts frim "elites" or build from scratch to get back on their feet.

Becky 39 miles away was sure put on alert

fuck the businesses
Black lives >>>>>> businesses

whats not clicking???
So an activist saying burn shit down should be more respected than an activist saying care for our shit?

Black business owners still perpetuate harm

plus fuck capitalism and Buy Black will never be the answer in curbing state violence

youre a capitalist and hold an anti-Black POV the majority of the time

your ideas always fall short for me because well...i know you have 0 clue on what you be speaking about.
the conversations would be different if they spoke to real organizers and activist

lebron could have led a strike that would have probably flipped society upside down but instead this nigga went to motherfucking obama for advice

and that 12 hr stunt he pulled turned into:


'none of these nig nogs have consulted with ppl in the field that have been doing activist/organizing work for quite sometime and that is telling'

Both your statement above in quotes and the bolded quote CAN'T be true. Either He did seek advice from niggas that have organized in the past, like Obama...or he didn't.

It sounds like this comes back to you just DISAGREEING with him. You acknowledge that he sought out someone with more experience in these matters, you just don't like WHO he reached out to and what the result was.

I mean, whatever. Like I'm not willing to die on this hill. But sometimes I think people have more to offer than what you give them credit for. I think maybe if you gave other schools of thought a chance - not to be swayed by them, but just to understand why someone with a pretty high level of smarts might be doing or saying something that you think is stupid or counterproductive - you might view some of this differently.

Or maybe not. I dunno.

Either way, good talk.

Killer Mike is a fucking idiot. Brian Kemp literally removed thousands of black voters and stole the election from Stacey Abrams and this nigga thinks sitting for a meaningless discussion and photo op with him during a fucking Pandemic in which Kemp is deliberately neglecting that is leading to the deaths of thousands of black people is a step in the right direction?

Fuck that clown ass nigga. That fat ass nigga is the classic example of a black celebrity, entertainer, athlete, who thinks he's smarter than what he is and that he knows the way for all black people. get this ignorant nigga out of the fucking spotlight. What the fuck is a seat at the table gonna do for niggas in GA with Brian Kemp? he stole your fucking election you dumbass nigga. The hell are you gonna get out of talking with him? And why the fuck is he posing for pictures as if a discussion with Kemp is gonna change anything? Fucking idiot.
'none of these nig nogs have consulted with ppl in the field that have been doing activist/organizing work for quite sometime and that is telling'

Both your statement above in quotes and the bolded quote CAN'T be true. Either He did seek advice from niggas that have organized in the past, like Obama...or he didn't.

It sounds like this comes back to you just DISAGREEING with him. You acknowledge that he sought out someone with more experience in these matters, you just don't like WHO he reached out to and what the result was.

I mean, whatever. Like I'm not willing to die on this hill. But sometimes I think people have more to offer than what you give them credit for. I think maybe if you gave other schools of thought a chance - not to be swayed by them, but just to understand why someone with a pretty high level of smarts might be doing or saying something that you think is stupid or counterproductive - you might view some of this differently.

Or maybe not. I dunno.

Either way, good talk.



So an activist saying burn shit down should be more respected than an activist saying care for our shit?

"Our shit"

What the fuck is our shit in downtown Atlanta? The fucking CNN building? Slave monuments? The police cars that were destroyed?

I'm sorry but what exactly was destroyed in Atlanta that was so precious it brought T.I. and Killer Mike out of the comfort of their suburban mansions to get on TV and tell niggas to chill?