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Should Black Entertainers Defer To Black Activists On Black Topics

Mike's quote:

It's not your duty to burn down your own house out of anger for the enemy.

That is not at all what you were claiming he said. You are misrepresenting his stance. They love Atlanta and didn't want to see it burn. They weren't sticking up for the police or the interests of the black elite or any of that shit you were claiming.

this even worse clown ass lmao
niggas crying while folks are dying lmaooo

wearing a kill your masters t shirt and referencing wakanda

“they should be allowed to speak!!!”


folks dont read enough on anything to speak about things.

i think yall feel so inclined to defend the Black elite because you too give your take on things you fully dont understand and havent studied.

i think its asinine that you find it ok for hypervisible Black folks to speak on subjects that can potentially harm other Black ppl because they have a large platform lol

none of these nig nogs have consulted with ppl in the field that have been doing activist/organizing work for quite sometime and that is telling

riddle me this, how come white folks dont enlist katy perry or tom hanks to speak on issues that plague their communities like the opioid crisis?

but we have kamala and biden looking to killer mike and goddamn t.i for answers??? when you have ppl like angela davis and kaba that are still alive

is you dumb? or is you blind?

It's almost like you refuse to accept that it could be anything OTHER than that. I don't think you give people enough credit for being critical thinkers, if their opinion differs from yours in any meaningful way.

You don't want black celebrities to speak on subjects that can potentially harm black people? It sounds like you are trying to muzzle hypervisible black people, because...you disagree with them. Maybe I'm wrong. What are these subjects that you don't want them to speak on?

And what are you basing this off of? An assumption? Or is there actual information out there that confirms that none of these people have spoken to people in the field who have been doing the work? Serious question. Maybe there is some info out there that I missed.

At a certain point, the litmus test for what WE find acceptable and and for the quality of OUR standard operating procedure has got to be something OTHER than 'Are white people doing this?'. It's silly. We been combating the 'white is right' mentality since we came to this bitch. Why are we still perpetuating it in private, among family, on forums like this, when we all know that it's bullshit?
It's almost like you refuse to accept that it could be anything OTHER than that. I don't think you give people enough credit for being critical thinkers, if their opinion differs from yours in any meaningful way.

You don't want black celebrities to speak on subjects that can potentially harm black people? It sounds like you are trying to muzzle hypervisible black people, because...you disagree with them. Maybe I'm wrong. What are these subjects that you don't want them to speak on?

And what are you basing this off of? An assumption? Or is there actual information out there that confirms that none of these people have spoken to people in the field who have been doing the work? Serious question. Maybe there is some info out there that I missed.

At a certain point, the litmus test for what WE find acceptable and and for the quality of OUR standard operating procedure has got to be something OTHER than 'Are white people doing this?'. It's silly. We been combating the 'white is right' mentality since we came to this bitch. Why are we still perpetuating it in private, among family, on forums like this, when we all know that it's bullshit?

this is so boring lmaooo

like what are we debating here? for folks that whine about trump not listening to doctors and scientist yall sure do give leeway to celebs to speak on shit they have no full understanding of

color me shocked
are you even Black?


Just say you can't defend your stupid stance and leave it at that.
I am about radical change. i also know i rather listen to “looters” and “rioters” than lebron james when it comes to making a difference in this country

No one gives a fuck who you'd rather listen to. That's not even what's being discussed here.

Mike believes that the police system in this country should be torn down and rebuilt. You agree with that right? But you believe he shouldn't be allowed to speak seemingly solely because he didn't want to see his hometown burning. That makes sense to you?
No one gives a fuck who you'd rather listen to. That's not even what's being discussed here.

that is whats being discussed dumbass

read the title of the thread and also someone asked me the question

you just tight because you always in Black folks business and i have to remind you each and every time that you arent Black and therefore your opinion doesnt mean shit.
this is so boring lmaooo

like what are we debating here? for folks that whine about trump not listening to doctors and scientist yall sure do give leeway to celebs to speak on shit they have no full understanding of

color me shocked

And all that is fine. But can you address what I actually said...like I did with you? I'm directly replying to your direct comments about hyper visible black people...and you talking to me about this hoe ass nigga in the White House and masks, etc.
it countered your point!! they deadass was painting the picture that were good cops in the city!!!!!

Don't move the goalpost. Mike and Tip never said, insinuated, implied, 'painted a picture' of, hinted at, or otherwise suggested that 'You shouldn't burn Atlanta down because there are good cops in the city'. At any point. In any way. Tip didn't even make MENTION of police. And Mike just started by saying that he has police in his family and that he has respect for cops.

Race, you're not dumb. You're really intelligent. And not on a surface-level. You seem to understand abstract concepts and have a grasp of real world knowledge that actually matters, not just silly shit that doesn't matter. I honestly am having a hard time accepting that you really don't get that that comments by Mike and Tip weren't telling people not to riot because there are good cops in Atlanta. It's ABUNDANTLY clear that the message is 'Fuck the bullshit. These niggas don't fuck with us. The cops don't fuck with us. The politicians don''t fuck with us. But this is OUR city. And us fucking it up ain't a good look.'
that is whats being discussed dumbass

read the title of the thread and also someone asked me the question

you just tight because you always in Black folks business and i have to remind you each and every time that you arent Black and therefore your opinion doesnt mean shit.

No. The topic is whether those entertainers should defer to activists. Whether or not Race "Can't argue a point for shit" Jones would rather listen to their opinions or not is irrelevant.

And you can claim I'm not black as much as you want, but that doesn't make it true and it doesn't make your silly points any more valid.
And all that is fine. But can you address what I actually said...like I did with you? I'm directly replying to your direct comments about hyper visible black people...and you talking to me about this hoe ass nigga in the White House and masks, etc.

idk what you want me to say????

mike and tip werent saying nothing profound per usual and turned their backs on protestors.

they also championed police and gave voting as a resolution for state violence

it was a hot ass mess
No. The topic is whether those entertainers should defer to activists. Whether or not Race "Can't argue a point for shit" Jones would rather listen to their opinions or not is irrelevant.

And you can claim I'm not black as much as you want, but that doesn't make it true and it doesn't make your silly points any more valid.

I can argue a lot.

I just dont care to argue with someone thats not Black

so with that being said

good day
Don't move the goalpost. Mike and Tip never said, insinuated, implied, 'painted a picture' of, hinted at, or otherwise suggested that 'You shouldn't burn Atlanta down because there are good cops in the city'. At any point. In any way. Tip didn't even make MENTION of police. And Mike just started by saying that he has police in his family and that he has respect for cops.

Race, you're not dumb. You're really intelligent. And not on a surface-level. You seem to understand abstract concepts and have a grasp of real world knowledge that actually matters, not just silly shit that doesn't matter. I honestly am having a hard time accepting that you really don't get that that comments by Mike and Tip weren't telling people not to riot because there are good cops in Atlanta. It's ABUNDANTLY clear that the message is 'Fuck the bullshit. These niggas don't fuck with us. The cops don't fuck with us. The politicians don''t fuck with us. But this is OUR city. And us fucking it up ain't a good look.'

LMAO ok.

I saw two monkeys on stage fighting aganist the good fight. they should have been in those streets burning shit up with the ppl.

not on tv crying and breathing heavy trying to conjure up more bullshit to spew