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Should Black Entertainers Defer To Black Activists On Black Topics

like obama is not an organizer and probably one of the worst ppl to consult with during a strike/stalemate.
"Our shit"

What the fuck is our shit in downtown Atlanta? The fucking CNN building? Slave monuments? The police cars that were destroyed?

I'm sorry but what exactly was destroyed in Atlanta that was so precious it brought T.I. and Killer Mike out of the comfort of their suburban mansions to get on TV and tell niggas to chill?


We aren't on the same page with this one, I think. You originally said that they didn't consult with anybody with any experience and it shows. Then later said that they consulted with Obama and you clearly thought he was the wrong nigga to consult with. Lol.

My point is...they DID consult somebody with more experience. You just don't like the person that they consulted. But they didn't just get up there and say some shit and do some shit. They sought out the wisdom of a nigga who used to do this for a living.
We aren't on the same page with this one, I think. You originally said that they didn't consult with anybody with any experience and it shows. Then later said that they consulted with Obama and you clearly thought he was the wrong nigga to consult with. Lol.

My point is...they DID consult somebody with more experience. You just don't like the person that they consulted. But they didn't just get up there and say some shit and do some shit. They sought out the wisdom of a nigga who used to do this for a living.

How does obama have more experience when it comes to striking?!?!?!?!?!?!???

i legit want to throw my phone
Black business supports black Iives.

The reason we are in this position is because we have no economic power thus most black people need to follow their rules and patronize their racist establishments.

But if we move this a bit......Tear up our hoods because police killed a black man?
You can say the life should be worth more than the building......And it's true. But people were burning the wrong buildings.

Take the fight to them if you mad. They are the problem. Everything black should be spared and supported. That includes business, homes and people.

Hurting anything black related help them and makes their job easier.
Black business supports black Iives.

The reason we are in this position is because we have no economic power thus most black people need to follow their rules and patronize their racist establishments.

But if we move this a bit......Tear up our hoods because police killed a black man?
You can say the life should be worth more than the building......And it's true. But people were burning the wrong buildings.

Take the fight to them if you mad. They are the problem. Everything black should be spared and supported. That includes business, homes and people.

Hurting anything black related help them and makes their job easier.

Naw man.

Black business must be burned to the ground. Who the fuck needs to make an income and build a future for themselves and those of the same hue

Fuck black businesses

If I’m understanding it correctly

Why did Obama need to be consulted by the NBA players? Why would he even need to be brought in? These niggas were that lost in their "protest" that they needed a president to guide them through? Really?????

You got niggas protesting all over the country for all types of shit with way less resources than these millionaire athletes yet as soon as shit gets real these niggas need guidance from a President?

How is it that us regular, degular, smegular niggas can protest just fine with way less resources and get results yet these niggas needed to consult Obama? This shit ain't have shit to do with Obama.

A lot of these athletes and celebrities open their fucking mouths and think that just because they are black and we're black that we all need to listen but if you listen closely a lot of them ain't really saying shit. They're look dumb and they are holding back real change every time they think we all need to sit down and come to these imaginary tables and put our heads together.

I don't need to see no more of this it takes all of us bullshit. Fuck that. It doesn't take all of us. It doesn't even take black people because these aren't our problems to fix. All of the issues in this country for black folks lie at the doorstep of White America. It's their problem to fix and they need to fix it alone. After 400 years what could possibly be left for black people to even say anymore? It's all on white people to actually change but they can't do that because they don't even want to acknowledge that they are the sole problem in all of this.
How does obama have more experience when it comes to striking?!?!?!?!?!?!???

i legit want to throw my phone


Race YOU said 'none of these nig nogs have consulted with ppl in the field that have been doing activist/organizing work for quite sometime and that is telling'.

Then YOU made reference to Lebron James and the NBA protest.

Then YOU made mention that he consulted Obama.

YOU drew those parallels.

I wanna throw MY phone, nigga! Lol.
We aren't on the same page with this one, I think. You originally said that they didn't consult with anybody with any experience and it shows. Then later said that they consulted with Obama and you clearly thought he was the wrong nigga to consult with. Lol.

My point is...they DID consult somebody with more experience. You just don't like the person that they consulted. But they didn't just get up there and say some shit and do some shit. They sought out the wisdom of a nigga who used to do this for a living.

What was there to be consulted about? I mean, what needed to be consulted?
Why did Obama need to be consulted by the NBA players? Why would he even need to be brought in? These niggas were that lost in their "protest" that they needed a president to guide them through? Really?????

You got niggas protesting all over the country for all types of shit with way less resources than these millionaire athletes yet as soon as shit gets real these niggas need guidance from a President?

How is it that us regular, degular, smegular niggas can protest just fine with way less resources and get results yet these niggas needed to consult Obama? This shit ain't have shit to do with Obama.

A lot of these athletes and celebrities open their fucking mouths and think that just because they are black and we're black that we all need to listen but if you listen closely a lot of them ain't really saying shit. They're look dumb and they are holding back real change every time they think we all need to sit down and come to these imaginary tables and put our heads together.

I don't need to see no more of this it takes all of us bullshit. Fuck that. It doesn't take all of us. It doesn't even take black people because these aren't our problems to fix. All of the issues in this country for black folks lie at the doorstep of White America. It's their problem to fix and they need to fix it alone. After 400 years what could possibly be left for black people to even say anymore? It's all on white people to actually change but they can't do that because they don't even want to acknowledge that they are the sole problem in all of this.

Listen, rarely do i ever read something that makes me want to jump and shout

thank you

fucking thank you!!!!

that is it! and that is all!!

Race YOU said 'none of these nig nogs have consulted with ppl in the field that have been doing activist/organizing work for quite sometime and that is telling'.

Then YOU made reference to Lebron James and the NBA protest.

Then YOU made mention that he consulted Obama.

YOU drew those parallels.

I wanna throw MY phone, nigga! Lol.

obama is not in the field tho.

that was my whole point.
obama already played his hand and showed us he didnt give a rats ass about the ppl so why would you go to him for guidance????

he only cares about his corporate interest.

further proving these niggas dont know what tf they are doing
Why did Obama need to be consulted by the NBA players? Why would he even need to be brought in? These niggas were that lost in their "protest" that they needed a president to guide them through? Really?????

You got niggas protesting all over the country for all types of shit with way less resources than these millionaire athletes yet as soon as shit gets real these niggas need guidance from a President?

How is it that us regular, degular, smegular niggas can protest just fine with way less resources and get results yet these niggas needed to consult Obama? This shit ain't have shit to do with Obama.

A lot of these athletes and celebrities open their fucking mouths and think that just because they are black and we're black that we all need to listen but if you listen closely a lot of them ain't really saying shit. They're look dumb and they are holding back real change every time they think we all need to sit down and come to these imaginary tables and put our heads together.

I don't need to see no more of this it takes all of us bullshit. Fuck that. It doesn't take all of us. It doesn't even take black people because these aren't our problems to fix. All of the issues in this country for black folks lie at the doorstep of White America. It's their problem to fix and they need to fix it alone. After 400 years what could possibly be left for black people to even say anymore? It's all on white people to actually change but they can't do that because they don't even want to acknowledge that they are the sole problem in all of this.
So after 400 yrs.....They need to fix it?

They live a certain comfort and lifestyle....And you think they gonna fix it after it was running fine for them for so long?

I can not depend on THEM to fix shit for us. Because with them fixing anything they want input .....f them folk
What was there to be consulted about? I mean, what needed to be consulted?

I mean...you'd have to ask Lebron for the specifics. But from what was being reported, he consulted Obama on how to turn the fact that they had decided to sit out the game into some sort of actionable plan to get some demands met. They came up with forcing owners to allow NBA arenas to be used as voting places, donations to causes, etc.
Yeah we are debating two different things. You keep talking about the quality of the advice that was given, if it was helpful or not, whether or not the nigga was even the right person to consult, etc.

I'm not arguing with any of that.
I mean...you'd have to ask Lebron for the specifics. But from what was being reported, he consulted Obama on how to turn the fact that they had decided to sit out the game into some sort of actionable plan to get some demands met. They came up with forcing owners to allow NBA arenas to be used as voting places, donations to causes, etc.

And this couldn't have been done without Obama?