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Should Black Entertainers Defer To Black Activists On Black Topics

Black entertainers are actually obstacles in the way to true progress and change. you niggas dont remember when niggas in ATL were uprising and killer mike and t.i tried to say folks shouldnt riot because the cops in atl were decent ppl?????

then boom they shot and killed a brother days later lmaoo

the Black elite only wish to protect their assets and are only brought out to lull Black ppl back to sleep when shit gets real.

youre a plum fool thinking we need these shit heads to speak for us
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Can you name a black entertainer than tries to speak with authority on a subject but doesn't know what he/she is talking about? This is an honest question because most of the comments hear are general and safe shit that everyone should be able to say.
Just to be clear, I wasnt just talking about entertainers. I really meant black celebrities in general. And its the ones that have been had money, and a platform, but never bring attention to shit unless its trending. That surface level caring.

lmaooooooooooo who cares if he can write a book

he still doesnt no jack shit about organizing and how to really lead a movement

You said, they need to do some research before they speak. Like I said, he's written two SOURCED books. That means he has done research on what he speaks on. And what activists out there really know how to lead a movement. Sure, lots of people are good at getting a lot of people riled up and at the right place and right time, but then outside of some shouting, sign waving, and picture taking, nothing gets accomplished. So how are DL or some of these other people you guys are naming any less qualified to speak on matters than the so-called activists.
Black entertainers are actually obstacles in the way to true progress and change. you niggas dont remember when niggas in ATL were uprising and killer mike and t.i tried to say folks shouldnt riot because the cops in atl were decent ppl?????

then boom they shot and killed a brother days later lmaoo

the Black elite only wish to protect their assets and are only brought out to lull Black ppl back to sleep when she gets real.

youre a plum fool thinking we need these shit heads to speak for us

This is a gross mischaracterization and just flat out didn't happen.
If it was directed at a specific poster I would @ them. I don't speak indirectly. If it was about a specific athlete or entertainer I would name them as well.
I'm not saying a poster.....When these athletes speak.......Who is the message directed at.
Black entertainers are actually obstacles in the way to true progress and change. you niggas dont remember when niggas in ATL were uprising and killer mike and t.i tried to say folks shouldnt riot because the cops in atl were decent ppl?????

then boom they shot and killed a brother days later lmaoo

the Black elite only wish to protect their assets and are only brought out to lull Black ppl back to sleep when she gets real.

youre a plum fool thinking we need these shit heads to speak for us

Both Killer Mike and TI have been involved in protests, charitable ventures, and agendas put together to help blacks. Are ya'll really giving them hate just because they didn't want to see ATL burned down. Just because you don't support rioting and looting doesn't mean you're uninformed or not really standing for the cause. Can any of ya'll name one time where rioting and looting actually led to substantive change? From what I've seen, all it ever does is give opponents a way to attack the legitimacy of our movements.

All that said, I agree with you that we shouldn't be relying on entertainers to get our messages and feelings across.

Just to be clear, I wasnt just talking about entertainers. I really meant black celebrities in general. And its the ones that have been had money, and a platform, but never bring attention to shit unless its trending. That surface level caring.


Ok, I feel you.

I definitely feel TI should have someone more knowledgeable by his side when he speaks on things. I think his heart is in the right place, but sometimes he legitimately doesn't know what he's talking about.

Diddy and Jay have always struck me as being guilty of what Race is saying, but that's just my opinion. I don't follow either enough to really say if that's true or not.
I'm curious to know who @Race Jones think is an appropriate person to speak on the black lives

If we all in agreement that Blacks as a whole don't all want or need the same thing, it stands to reason we could never have just 1 leader to be our voice. Multiple voices for multiple topics, for multiple reforms

I find it odd that a person can be wrong about a topic and suddenly they dont need to speak on anything every again
Both Killer Mike and TI have been involved in protests, charitable ventures, and agendas put together to help blacks. Are ya'll really giving them hate just because they didn't want to see ATL burned down. Just because you don't support rioting and looting doesn't mean you're uninformed or not really standing for the cause. Can any of ya'll name one time where rioting and looting actually led to substantive change? From what I've seen, all it ever does is give opponents a way to attack the legitimacy of our movements.

All that said, I agree with you that we shouldn't be relying on entertainers to get our messages and feelings across.

Ok, I feel you.

I definitely feel TI should have someone more knowledgeable by his side when he speaks on things. I think his heart is in the right place, but sometimes he legitimately doesn't know what he's talking about.

Diddy and Jay have always struck me as being guilty of what Race is saying, but that's just my opinion. I don't follow either enough to really say if that's true or not.

I honestly think that even he would tell you the same. I remember hearing him say that he defers to Mike with a lot of political stuff, because he has limited knowledge of the nuts and bolts.
I honestly think that even he would tell you the same. I remember hearing him say that he defers to Mike with a lot of political stuff, because he has limited knowledge of the nuts and bolts.

Yep, and Mike definitely knows what he's talking about. Now you might not agree with his stance, but you can't say dude hasn't studied enough to have an informed opinion. He's able to quote more stats, historical trends, and thoughts from proven activists from the past than most of the people that are organizing events these days. As a matter of fact, I believe, he's actually organized a few events. So you can't just throw all these names out and act like they are all the same.
The public
But what part of the public.

Because a black athlete can speak on black issues and should not have to be articulate to us if we live it. They can be pulled from cars and tased and shot too.

If it's to white people......What right words can say shit is not in our favor and we want equality and reparations?
Who is getting finessed from those "conversations"?
20% of something is better 100% of nothing if we are not at a point of unity in house. I won't fault anyone for trying..If he's getting crumb and bringing it back to the community...I'm all for it. We can't say much until we move as a unit and have our own and control some shit so these "conversations" can be a thing of the past.
I'm curious to know who @Race Jones think is an appropriate person to speak on the black lives

If we all in agreement that Blacks as a whole don't all want or need the same thing, it stands to reason we could never have just 1 leader to be our voice. Multiple voices for multiple topics, for multiple reforms

I find it odd that a person can be wrong about a topic and suddenly they dont need to speak on anything every again

folks dont read enough on anything to speak about things.

i think yall feel so inclined to defend the Black elite because you too give your take on things you fully dont understand and havent studied.

i think its asinine that you find it ok for hypervisible Black folks to speak on subjects that can potentially harm other Black ppl because they have a large platform lol

none of these nig nogs have consulted with ppl in the field that have been doing activist/organizing work for quite sometime and that is telling

riddle me this, how come white folks dont enlist katy perry or tom hanks to speak on issues that plague their communities like the opioid crisis?

but we have kamala and biden looking to killer mike and goddamn t.i for answers??? when you have ppl like angela davis and kaba that are still alive

is you dumb? or is you blind?

read or stfu

Mike's quote:

It's not your duty to burn down your own house out of anger for the enemy.

That is not at all what you were claiming he said. You are misrepresenting his stance. They love Atlanta and didn't want to see it burn. They weren't sticking up for the police or the interests of the black elite or any of that shit you were claiming.

Also, you point out that people should be listening to people like Angela Davis instead of Mike. He agrees. When they asked if he would go to the White House if invited, he said only if they also invited Michele Alexander, Angela Davis, and Ameena Matthews. In other words, he's more than willing to defer to people who have established themselves. So really, what is your problem with him other than he's not an advocate for burning shit?