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Movie Night (Official Movie Discussion Thread)

Movie looks interesting though and did have a very "get out" vibe to it. Ill check it out once i can.
I actually thought it was going to be a mix between Get Out and this old movie
surviving the game was a good ass movie lol

LLS I liked that joint myself. It was so different than anything I had seen before plot wise when it came out. I was like these people really hunting a fucking person. They tricked a homeless man into thinking they were doing a good deed by helping him out.
LLS I liked that joint myself. It was so different than anything I had seen before plot wise when it came out. I was like these people really hunting a fucking person. They tricked a homeless man into thinking they were doing a good deed by helping him out.
wouldnt be surprised with the climate these days, it gets remade

damn, i wonder how well its aged..might try to find it and see if i can watch it

Has anybody been to the movies to see this or heard anything about it?

This shit was intense.

Drunk white guys are scary mayne.

Starts off kinda slow first half hour. But then Michael Cera shows up things get goin.


had solid action and a lot of depth. Alot of cold blooded shit went down



Moral of the story dont sell out stay grounded. and dont be a company man


Started off interesting then trailed off GET OUT... more like gtfoh with that bs

about the only black man in uncomfortable/awkward white spaces.. where he cant relate

Tyrel meets his white friends white friends at a weekend birthday party at a cabin he is basically trying to get the fuck out of dodge Last moment of the movie is him taking a group selfie that...
Aptly shows the tokenism of him being at the cabin(hell in the movie in the first place)

Yall buggin that shit was good.

even tho nothing happens the tension is always there. U feel like something will. The way the camera is handheld and the focus gets played with was annoying me at first but as the film goes on (and gets drunker) it makes u feel drunk with them. I think thats what they were going for.

I thought they was gonna turn on him any moment.

The drunk slapping match was very Deer Hunter Russian Roulette.

When he put on the fur coat and snuck away in dark i was 99% sure he was gonna get shot.

The final scene i didnt even trust the whites. I was like "No no no! Dont turn around!" ...i dont think tyler made it home.
I think it fell short. It had a lot of potential but Tyler made it more awkward then the white guys and I started wanting them to fuck with him.

Has anybody been to the movies to see this or heard anything about it?

i just looked at the trailer again, and its misleading af. almost all the ominous ass music and the cuts and edits are super out of context. lol and who is the mf from vanity fair that was writing all that shit in their review?
Parents just gave me their log in to Amazon prime. Pretty dope selection of stuff. Anyone got recommendations? So far I just been binging stand up specials haha
Parents just gave me their log in to Amazon prime. Pretty dope selection of stuff. Anyone got recommendations? So far I just been binging stand up specials haha
Mean Streets
Raging Bull
One Flew Over Coocoos Nest
How The Universe Works
The Sopranos
Unsolved Mysteries
Classic Looney Tunes
It's a documentary but this shit was very eye opening for someone like me. Very good watch