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Movie Night (Official Movie Discussion Thread)

Yea. not sure I agree with that ranking at all. although the editor did get their worst films the correct ranking(Ladykillers, Intolerable Cruelty), the rest of the list is where we diverge. Raising Arizona, Miller's Crossing, Barton Fink, and A Serious Man should be way higher. And although many deem The Big Lebowski a cult favorite and the best work they've done (even Non-Coen fans seem to have this sentiment) I wouldnt consider it their best work. Hell, I don't even consider it their best comedy.

Watched it last night. I loved it especially after watching it after playing a shitload of red dead haha. It was late so I cant recall the last 2 stories too well. That monologue the bounty hunter did in the last story was fucking GOAT though. You could feel the eeriness as he performed it. When he finished I felt just like the other passengers haha.

3rd story was fucked up.

Loved all of them though. They kept me interested and almost always ended In an unexpected way.

I wouldn't say it was the coens best film, but It was definitely a fun watch and would recommend to anyone that's a fan of their movies.

Just saw they have a number of coen films on Netflix that I can barely remember like burn after reading so will probably be watching those all day.

Spot on. And might I add, after the first viewing, I simply thought it was an exceptional film. But now after seeing it 3 times, like with most Coen films, it's slowly but steadily rising up the list among their best. It's a culmination of everything they've done so well throughout their career: Dark humor, melancholic moments, gorgeous cinematography, poetic dialogue, and absurd slapstick situations

It seems the one thing that ties all the segments together is the themes of death and fatalism. something the Coens love to explore so well and with great execution. While all of the stories were great, My favorites were the Near Algodones (the one with James Franco) and the Mortal Remains (the last segment)
Yea. not sure I agree with that ranking at all. although the editor did get their worst films the correct ranking(Ladykillers, Intolerable Cruelty), the rest of the list is where we diverge. Raising Arizona, Miller's Crossing, Barton Fink, and A Serious Man should be way higher. And although many deem The Big Lebowski a cult favorite and the best work they've done (even Non-Coen fans seem to have this sentiment) I wouldnt consider it their best work. Hell, I don't even consider it their best comedy.

Spot on. And might I add, after the first viewing, I simply thought it was an exceptional film. But now after seeing it 3 times, like with most Coen films, it's slowly but steadily rising up the list among their best. It's a culmination of everything they've done so well throughout their career: Dark humor, melancholic moments, gorgeous cinematography, poetic dialogue, and absurd slapstick situations

It seems the one thing that ties all the segments together is the themes of death and fatalism. something the Coens love to explore so well and with great execution. While all of the stories were great, My favorites were the Near Algodones (the one with James Franco) and the Mortal Remains (the last segment)

Yeah I definitely think the James franco story might have been the best one for me too. I'm gonna have to rewatch it soon, movie definitely didnt disappoint. The opening story was absolutely perfect as well. Really set the tone for the remaining stories. Some funny bits, but they didn't necessarily end happily. The 4th story was wild with the old man that discovered a gold vein lol. Thought he was for sure dead but he fucked that dude up and walked off happy af

Over the weekend i saw this movie. Im a big fan of comedian Tom Segura and on his podcast he had been talking about appearing in this film and had the director tell his story on how the film came about and the inspiration he got from events in his own life and it seemed really interesting.

Quick plot: Mark Wahlberg and his wife are in a minor rut in life. They begin speaking on taking new challenges and end up at a foster care center. A little bit after, Rose Byrne (the wife) is inspired to adopt a child and discusses it with her husband. They agree and go to a foster fair event where its like a meet and greet for potential adoptive parents to meet the child. They hope to get a young child but after a brief encounter with a young teen named Lillie, they decide they would like to adopt her and return to the care center. When having their second meeting with Lillie, they discover that she has two younger siblings and decide to adopt all 3. The movie continues on with all the stuff they have to learn being new parents to 3 decently older children and their struggles with their new life.

I had thought this was going to be some sappy family movie, but went out and supported as Tom Segura kept promoting it. It wasnt the most well acted or directed film, but it exceeded all of my expectations. Its a pretty damn good movie. The kids are hilarious, Tom Segura is hilarious, Mark and Rose were decently funny as well.

Support it in theaters if you have the extra cash to spend, but if not at least give it a watch at home. Fun little movie. 7.5/10

Directed by Sean Anders who's other work includes Thats My Boy w/ Adam Sandler and Andy Samberg and Daddy's Home with Wahlberg and Will Ferrell.

As perhaps someone who would consider themselves one of the biggest Coen Brothers fans in existence. and also someone who has seen all of their short stories and major films (with the exception of The Hudsucker Proxy), You had to know that I was overwhelmed with both excitement and anticipation when hearing they would soon release a western anthology film by the name of Ballad of Buster Scruggs on Netflix. Well, the release date has finally come. And it will now be getting my undivided attention

Wasn't my cup of tea. I actually didn't even finish it. I'm going to give it another shot before I write it off as some shit I just don't think is any good.
Wasn't my cup of tea. I actually didn't even finish it. I'm going to give it another shot before I write it off as some shit I just don't think is any good.
Ballad of Buster Scruggs was pretty weird, but in a kind of good but not great kind of way. It was dark humor but not very jarring or very funny, just in between. Luke warm on all accounts I'll say.
Ballad of Buster Scruggs was pretty weird, but in a kind of good but not great kind of way. It was dark humor but not very jarring or very funny, just in between. Luke warm on all accounts I'll say.

The best thing about it is I don't really remember much of it cause it didn't pull me in. So when I watch it again it'll be like a new movie.
Wasn't my cup of tea. I actually didn't even finish it. I'm going to give it another shot before I write it off as some shit I just don't think is any good.

Yea...by the 4th or so story I was kinda over it...it started out ok then I was just like

Question about "Sorry to bother you"

I haven't watched and probably won't cause I don't like watching purposefully convoluted shit (which it looks like from the outside in) but was it really "horse-people" at the end or is my nigga trolling me. Cause I was ready to swing on him when he said that shit. Nigga gonna argue with me that it's not convolutedthen to mr about some horse people called equisapiens or some shit. Who trolling?the movie or my nigga?
Question about "Sorry to bother you"

I haven't watched and probably won't cause I don't like watching purposefully convoluted shit (which it looks like from the outside in) but was it really "horse-people" at the end or is my nigga trolling me. Cause I was ready to swing on him when he said that shit. Nigga gonna argue with me that it's not convolutedthen to mr about some horse people called equisapiens or some shit. Who trolling?the movie or my nigga?

your homie wasn’t lying
Watching 10x10 on Netflix. Tapping out after 33 mins. This chick is a fucking idiot.
I can't tell what it's about either but eazy e usually plays in solid movies so it made me curious
I think its just about a black dude who spends a weekend in the woods with his white friend who also has other white friends out there and you kind of examine the relationships between the races. Probably some shit said like "I'm not racist... but..".

The quote of "The scariest movie of 2018 that isnt a horror movie" has me interested though. I bet the whites get drunk and some shit goes to far and the black guy fears for his life. I know my white people.