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Movie Night (Official Movie Discussion Thread)

Attempting to watch mad max fury road for like the 5th time

I’m so confused

Haha same shit with me. Its got such great reviews and everyone i talk to about it loves it, but i watched it like 3 times and while i dont hate it, i dont understand the hype for it either. Its a long movie too and i find myself paying attention to other shit part way through it, but ill try giving it an honest shot again sometime.
Haha same shit with me. Its got such great reviews and everyone i talk to about it loves it, but i watched it like 3 times and while i dont hate it, i dont understand the hype for it either. Its a long movie too and i find myself paying attention to other shit part way through it, but ill try giving it an honest shot again sometime.
Did you ever see it in theaters?
Did you ever see it in theaters?
Nahh i didnt. I never seen the original one and had no idea wtf it was about so i never checked for it. That may be a reason why i dont understand the hype for it either.

The freak playing guitar on the truck was cool though
Nahh i didnt. I never seen the original one and had no idea wtf it was about so i never checked for it. That may be a reason why i dont understand the hype for it either.

The freak playing guitar on the truck was cool though
Yeah, it was much better in theaters and keeps your attention much better. I watched it at home and it wasnt the same.
Hereditary was..... ok. slow burn type of flick.. a lil creepy but I wouldn't really call is SCARY.

I gave up trying to watch Oceans 8 after 3 attempts. Shit just couldn't keep my interest
Yeah, it was much better in theaters and keeps your attention much better. I watched it at home and it wasnt the same.
at least you had a choice


the woods in Mayfair
Watched Clerks for 1st time


Fuckin waste of my 90mins. And ppl consider it a classic???
Upgrade 4/5

Dope fighting scenes

story was kinda meh, didnt suck but wasnt nothing stellar about it either
Upgrade was fucking dope! STEM was that nigga!

Cosign on the fight scenes. They were put together very well. The plot was pretty good. The concept was great.
I just checked out that movie TAG last night about the group of friends who have been playing tag for 30 years. Shit was pretty funny. Odd mix of a cast but they all had they're funny ass moments. The scenes with Jeremy Renner were hilarious as he evaded getting tagged. Worth watching. Has Jeremy Renner, ed helms, hannibal buress, and a couple other guys.

All the stuff w hannibal was funny. Everything else was meh. Such a deep cast, but jus okay overall

Danny Mcbride is back! Jus watched this. This shit is dark af. Its not as funny as vice principals, but i fux with it. Hell of a ride. lol

Summer of 84. Anybody watch this? Got to about 20 mins in and stopped. Jus wasnt that interesting n the pacing is off. Feels like a netflix movie. Might go back to it.

Danny Mcbride is back! Jus watched this. This shit is dark af. Its not as funny as vice principals, but i fux with it. Hell of a ride. lol
Always check out anything with McBride. Never heard of this though, gonna peep later today!