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Movie Night (Official Movie Discussion Thread)


On Amazon Prime...

Pretty good lean British period drama based on a Russian novel I think...

Also if you're familiar with Shakespeare's Macbeth you know about his missus and her shenanigans

Chick was innocent looking but cold blooded... Race, class, erotic sex, sexism and murder all feature

Just watched Dunkirk. I gotta put some respeck on that movie yo...shit had no main characters, the best actor in the movie didn't say a word, and Nolan was just visually styling on everybody.

I expected it to be boring but it held my attention.
Babadook 2/5

I wasn't scared, frightened or anything

Movie kinda sucked
sooooooo which one of you nignogs recommended "jailbait"

that shit was bad!! LMAO

Damn, thats dissapointing how do mess up batman and anime?? But, ill still check it out eventually

Yeah Man I Was Expecting Some Ninja Scroll Meets Batman Type Steez But Some Other Wack Shit Instead...I Just ) Barely Finished It Last Night....IGN Was Wrong (9.7) And IMDB Had It Right (5.9)
Somebody recommended it

But it's about this girl who accidently kills her stepfather. He had been molesting her and she tried to defend herself and killed him in a freak accident.

She goes to jail and gets turned out.

Mad nudity in there
Jesus i didnt even realize Marc posted above i thought i been talking to AP this whole time. Im going to get some coffee.
sooooooo which one of you nignogs recommended "jailbait"

that shit was bad!! LMAO

I recommended Jailbait.

Don't forget about the context it was recommended and what I said about the movie.

We was on the IC and Bossexcellence was talking about how Wentworth was women's prison series but it didn't have any titties in it. So I said Jailbait wasn't a good movie at all but the shit had plenty of titties in it.
I recommended Jailbait.

Don't forget about the context it was recommended and what I said about the movie.

We was on the IC and Bossexcellence was talking about how Wentworth was women's prison series but it didn't have any titties in it. So I said Jailbait wasn't a good movie at all but the shit had plenty of titties in it.

I remember now

You right, I forgot why you recommended

The chick did have some nice titties. I think they were fake but I couldn't see any scarring. I thought I saw a lil bag from the side though