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Movie Night (Official Movie Discussion Thread)

Just watched 3 billboards outside Ebbing Missouri and it was a pretty good movie.

I read that it is loosely based off of something that happened in a small town in Texas.


Ironically she's won Oscars in the leading role for both roles...

Captain America :Civil War

Saw this last week or so This shit was thorough as fuck and the best Popcorn comic book movie Black Panther showed out here.. most definitely recommend this joint.. and this was my introduction to the new Spiderman


Spiderman: Homecoming

There are so many damn spidermans but i pretty much like them all. I like the Garfield kid... Anyhow i really didn't know what to expect with this one.. As i mentioned before i was introduced to Spiderman by watching Civil War. Spiderman has a particular charm about him that no other hero seems to have.. He bring the excitement of a kid who is in awe of his heroes, while discovering his abilities and tackling the responsibility of being one himself. I just love the whole take.. With him having is homie find out and pestered the hell out of him like any teen would i thought that was pretty cool and grounding. Zendaya played a small but great role as the stoic, whatever, chick whose plainness puts everything into perspective. I kinda hope whole crew sticks around for a handful of movies

Just watched this movie last night. This movie was fucking AWESOME. Very surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Had a good amount of seriousness, but a lot of laughs along the way. Franco did a fucking awesome job with this movie. Acting, Writing, and Directing.

A coworker told me this was good but I’m not a big fan of James or David Franco. He said it was based off of an actual actor and all the stuff he went through to get a movie mad or something like that.

I might check it out.

Ten episodes of greatness... And if you're a military personel or vet or historian or just a plain old American.... Please watch this

I finished it on January. Started last year on it. It's a war that has fascinated me since I was a teen and I've still been gripped on how a mighty power like the USA lost to very small looking people in a calamity that ran for years

The atrocities America has committed against smaller countries around the world since the beginning of time is heart breaking...

Highly recommended... Five stars

Ten episodes of greatness... And if you're a military personel or vet or historian or just a plain old American.... Please watch this

I finished it on January. Started last year on it. It's a war that has fascinated me since I was a teen and I've still been gripped on how a mighty power like the USA lost to very small looking people in a calamity that ran for years

The atrocities America has committed against smaller countries around the world since the beginning of time is heart breaking...

Highly recommended... Five stars

Does Ken Burns Narrate The Whole Cuz That Dudes Voice Is Audio ZZquil
A coworker told me this was good but I’m not a big fan of James or David Franco. He said it was based off of an actual actor and all the stuff he went through to get a movie mad or something like that.

I might check it out.

Yeah its based off the creation of the movie "The Room" which has been considered the worst movie of all time when it was released. It was made my Tommy Wiseau, who is a bit.. slow. I wouldnt say hes full on retarded, but the rumor is he got into a car accident when he was young and thats why he talks/acts the way he does. Back in the 90s he came out of nowhere and financed the Room all by himself. Cost like 5 million to make, but hes such a private person that nobody really knows anything about him. Nobody knew where his money came from or anything and people suspected him of being involved in Organised Crime, but as the years progressed that theory changed haha.

The Disaster artist is pretty damn good though. Franco did a good job, both of them.

Just saw The Strangers Prey at Night and that shit was TRASH (I actually liked the first one). I wanted to walk out 45 mins into it. Every single character had abysmal survival instincts to the point where I was getting pissed off.

I’d rather watch Black Panther in Chinese than see that garbage again.
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Just saw The Strangers Prey at Night and that shit was TRASH. I wanted to walk out 45 mins into it. Every single character had abysmal survival instincts to the point where I was getting pissed off.

I’d rather watch Black Panther in Chinese than see that garbage again.

Thats super disappointing. I loved the first Strangers movie and was really looking forward to this new one.

Peeped this on Netflix. This shit was dope af. Legit horror movie.

Basic plot is A mom and her son move to the moms sisters Mountain house after the death of her husband while they get back on their feet. As the days go by creepier and creepier stuff happens.

Shit was dope though. Definitely recommend for any horror fans.

On Netflix ..

Just footage of VHS recordings and news footage from the Rodney King trial to the return to normalcy... No explanations or voice overs. The viewer takes whatever they want watching it

Also the correlation with the 1965 Watts riot was dope ..

Five stars

Found this on Netflix and gave it a watch after hearing good things, very solid watch I like this kind of thought provoking shit.
Justice league

I wanted to hate this, and while I don't hate it, I just don't like it.

It's too many ideas that don't come together. The third act was just so bad

Peeped this on Netflix. This shit was dope af. Legit horror movie.

Basic plot is A mom and her son move to the moms sisters Mountain house after the death of her husband while they get back on their feet. As the days go by creepier and creepier stuff happens.

Shit was dope though. Definitely recommend for any horror fans.
About to watch this now
so....The Open house

wtf did i watch lol

it wasnt bad at all though...a solid 3.5/5