Welcome To aBlackWeb

monkey see, monkey do

@dos in a nutshell
This is very true. LLS at "JAQING OFF"
Both y’all hoes

@dos in a nutshell
One day y’all will learn
again, youre not from here so its wild to see you speaking over Black americans and their lived experiences lmaooo like who does that?

europe is riddled with racism and socioeconomic disparities and yet youre focused on american politics.....for what???!!?!?

futhermore, yes It’s true repubs more so than dems are the ones placing obstacles in the path of black voters, but it’s easy to see the scam in suggesting that black voters should ONLY vote dem without protest or critique because dems want their votes.

What does it mean to speak over someone in an Internet forum?

OK so you do understand why black people tend to vote Dem (I've always known you're a troll) great glad to see we agree
What does it mean to speak over someone in an Internet forum?

OK so you do understand why black people tend to vote Dem (I've always known you're a troll) great glad to see we agree
It means you're still insisting your non American obedient loyal pov matters more than her lived experience
Lmao sure it does bro now go away. You're whiter than allbuildingsmatter
Fuck you Queen's boy

You have no integrity. You don't stand for shit but the establishment

You're a coward who wants all black ppl to be as cowardly as you are

You don't fight white supremacy you want to find your place in it

Worry about England


Worry about the Caribbean Island your people fled
Imagine being a from a small island, voluntarily immigrating to a majority white country then having the audacity to tell black Americans how to feel about a place our ancestors built

Runners can't tell fighters shit
Migrating to give your kids a better chance is damn near the same as moving out one city for opportunity.

just more paperwork.

takes a lot to relocate to another country
@Race Jones how can Dwayne speak on character? Stop arguing with him and let him ignore you. I hope @Dwayne ignores me. Dude is a straight idiot.

Same person who said his involvement in the community slowed up due to Covid. Yet in another thread saying everything been open where you live?

Talking about character. lol I don’t even take him serious.

This white boy mad. And want me to risk catching COVID to bring to my family. You can make this shit up lmao

fuck you and yours. And I mean it with all disrespect.
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@Race Jones @Disanthrope this the same broke ass bum ass bitch who was talking shit about people wanting stimulus checks quick. The politician who turned @Dwayne into a faKKKit said he would issue checks immediately. He was talking shit like he was a boss because people wanted them. @Dwayne you qualify for the check you broke bitch how you gonna shame someone else? Didn’t you vote for a Biden because people were hurting under Trump? I’ve seen you do nothing but talk down to posters since that white man you voted into office took over. You broke and you a bitch :lol10: A dumb broke bitch:foh3:

Talking about character? You a broke bitch. Wasn’t you just in a thread talking about how posters were discussing posters family members? Look at you, you dumb broke boy. And I still don’t care what you say about me or mine. I’m still gone get money and I’m still gone laugh at you. While you follow me around the board posting under me like a stalking ass broke bitch. Get a hoppy. Covid is over right? Everything is open right? Why yo broke ass ain’t in the community like you said you couldn’t do because of Covid? Don’t even answer. Just be a broke bitch. Put me on ignore you broke bitch.

Fuck you and yours. With all the Disrespect

“iM tOUgh iM fRoM CHicAgO” head ass

You caught your boyfriend doing the silhouette challenge or something?
@Dwayne doesn’t even thin Native Americans come from Africa. How can me and him discuss anything? Plus he broke :lol10:

got the nerve to talk about character..

“You broke”

lmao. That’s the best you got. You and your butt buddy need to regroup and formulate a plan of attack because writing me a 4 page letter ain’t gon do it