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monkey see, monkey do

it's the same thing as my first response in the thread. ppl don't want to put the fundamentals of their beliefs on trial. it's scary facing the proposition that some of the very roots of your self-identity could fall apart under scrutiny. even when ppl are presented with facts that defy their perspective, the resulting cognitive dissonance betrays any chance to grow.

on the other hand, some like having their views challenged because it's a chance to find their right path.
Most people don’t want to challenge why they believe in something....they just like to say yes or no.
it's the same thing as my first response in the thread. ppl don't want to put the fundamentals of their beliefs on trial. it's scary facing the proposition that some of the very roots of your self-identity could fall apart under scrutiny. even when ppl are presented with facts that defy their perspective, the resulting cognitive dissonance betrays any chance to grow.

on the other hand, some like having their views challenged because it's a chance to find their right path.

my parents dont know shit about politics, but i know they voted democratic simply because thats what black folks are supposed to do

i've still never voted so I dont talk too much shit about it myself
liberals don’t like leftists, such as myself, because i think we make them feel like terrible people. thats why they get so angry and try hard asf to morally lash out whenever they can. sadly, @Marc123 @SneakDZA and @Mister B. cant seem to understand that many of the policies they advocate for are unethical but refuse to oppose a system they currently benefit from.

futhermore, i dont know why your corny ass is even in here @CeLLar-DooR once again you dont live in america. ive never seen someone so obsessed with american politics while living on the opposite side of the world.

stop coming to my threads and speaking to me before i stuff tea and crumpets down your fucking throat.

scram mate!
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these nig nogs try their damndest to convince others that an ethically and morally compromised center-left is the best america can do, which is why i ignore them crying in threads about police brutality or governement corruption because they refuse to push for policies that would not only protect themselves but those around them.

futhermore a gang of 40+ year old Black men sitting around on forums patting the democratic party on the back for offering up crumbs is embarrassing to say the least (but what do you expect from the washed up crew that been on forums since ‘88?)

these niggas @SneakDZA @Marc123 and @Mister B. and your weird ass @CeLLar-DooR since you want to be american so damn bad, are either too stupid, too blind, or too lazy (ill say all 3) to create any real change in society outside of running to the ballot box every 2 to 4 years.

and be having the nerve to put Huey P as their avi while quoting malcolm x ???? ??????

tuh! yall are too pussy to be anything other than democratic henchmen who cant think further than their eyelashes when it comes to solutions outside of electoral politics.

yall are not men, yall are not leaders, yall are cowards who are hogtied to the democratic party by dick and balls

the jokes on you.
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anywho, im not longer calling you liberals because anybody that doesnt support radical change is not a liberal, youre a conservative the same as republicans.

so thats what ill be calling you from now on

liberals shares too close of a meaning with freedom and we all know thats not what yall want or about.
Everything. same as for democrats.

Off principle alone black people shouldn't have any allegiance to any political party.
so why do people have more of an issue with a black republican than a black democrat?
If you kno' there is overt racism in the Republican party how can black people votin' against them be programmin'?

You type that as if black people don't know there is covert racism in the democratic party and that it being covert somehow makes it better for black people to vote for them.

Not going to waste my time. You're not from here and more important we fundamentally disagree on what black people in a country you not even from should be doing. So we have nothing to talk about regarding this subject.
Yawn yawn yawn "you not from here" I understand your ideas are difficult to defend but seriously.

What do you mean by covert racism and does it lead to real actions like stoppin' blacks from votin'? Coz the Republicans' overt racism does that
Shut the fuck up

You're still several time zones away trying to scold black Americans huh

You know nothing about our circumstances

Worry about England
Its that simple

But black men here are very obedient

I think too many of us are far too comfortable.

I feel like we fall in line with one of things Sonny from the movie Bronx Tales said it was something like. If you give your people too little and they're starving then they will turn on you. But if you give them just enough they will be loyal and break their back for you.