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monkey see, monkey do

Yawn yawn yawn "you not from here" I understand your ideas are difficult to defend but seriously.

What do you mean by covert racism and does it lead to real actions like stoppin' blacks from votin'? Coz the Republicans' overt racism does that

again, youre not from here so its wild to see you speaking over Black americans and their lived experiences lmaooo like who does that?

europe is riddled with racism and socioeconomic disparities and yet youre focused on american politics.....for what???!!?!?

futhermore, yes It’s true repubs more so than dems are the ones placing obstacles in the path of black voters, but it’s easy to see the scam in suggesting that black voters should ONLY vote dem without protest or critique because dems want their votes.

Jesus apparently told my dad to that, and also told my mom and sister to follow my dad.

Yup, same here - my parents shoulder lean hard to the right all because of their religious beliefs...

...and that’s cool, they have a right to do that - it just irks me how they can blindly follow anybody that gets up there and purports themselves to be a conservative - they’re so die hard that shit is weird.

I knew The Capitol went too far when my super-Republican ass parents were like, “why aren’t they gettin’ shot?!” tho...

Yup, same here - my parents shoulder lean hard to the right all because of their religious beliefs...

...and that’s cool, they have a right to do that - it just irks me how they can blindly follow anybody that gets up there and purports themselves to be a conservative - they’re so die hard that shit is weird.

I knew The Capitol went too far when my super-Republican ass parents were like, “why aren’t they gettin’ shot?!” tho...


all of yall are conservative

theres little difference between repubs and dems
I never even knew my parents' political beliefs until very recently.

Do you think that was a good or bad thing or made no difference?

I knew early on my father ain't fuck with politics or religion. My mother votes democratic like most of my family members. I was young when I heard my aunt say she doesn't care who is running as the democratic candidate that who she is voting for. She said in a sense of she doesn't need to pay attention to the platform they're running on as long as they were democrat they had her vote. Even as a kid that shit didn't make sense to me.
so why do people have more of an issue with a black republican than a black democrat?

Just asking questions (also known as JAQing off) is a way of attempting to make wild accusations acceptable (and hopefully not legally actionable) by framing them as questions rather than statements. It shifts the burden of proof to one's opponent; rather than laboriously having to prove that all politicians are reptoid scum, one can pull out one single odd piece of evidence and force the opponent to explain why the evidence is wrong.

@dos in a nutshell

@dos in a nutshell

This is very true. LLS at "JAQING OFF"
Do you think that was a good or bad thing or made no difference?

I knew early on my father ain't fuck with politics or religion. My mother votes democratic like most of my family members. I was young when I heard my aunt say she doesn't care who is running as the democratic candidate that who she is voting for. She said in a sense of she doesn't need to pay attention to the platform they're running on as long as they were democrat they had her vote. Even as a kid that shit didn't make sense to me.

For me it wouldn't have mattered but I've always been a person that was pretty fierce about going my own way and making up my own mind on things.

However, I do see how it could be problematic for a lot of people. It's easy for parents to indoctrinate their kids. I don't think it's wrong for parents to be open to their kids about their political leanings, but they shouldn't make their kids feel like their beliefs are the absolute right beliefs. White people are crazy with that shit. Like they will literally disown their kids for believing something differently.
For me it wouldn't have mattered but I've always been a person that was pretty fierce about going my own way and making up my own mind on things.

However, I do see how it could be problematic for a lot of people. It's easy for parents to indoctrinate their kids. I don't think it's wrong for parents to be open to their kids about their political leanings, but they shouldn't make their kids feel like their beliefs are the absolute right beliefs. White people are crazy with that shit. Like they will literally disown their kids for believing something differently.

I agree
if youre accepting and subscribing to the exchange of corportist white figureheads every 2 to 4 years, youre conservative

if youre dimwittedly voting for RACIST democrats to replace RACIST republicans, youre a conservative

if youre against programs/policies that will help the marginalized because theyre “too radical”, youre a conservative

if you say things like “thats not realistic” or “we just have to wait and see” or “imma hold my judgement until” youre a conservative

if youre rationalizing voting for a cop and the leader of the crime bill after one of the biggest anti- carceral movements of our lifetime, youre a conservative

and if you have heat towarsds Black ppl for highlighting the contradictions and continuous failures of the dem party, more than the white mfers you pledge your votes to, YOU SIR ARE A CONSERVATIVE
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if youre accepting and subscribing to the exchange of corportist white figureheads ever 2 to 4 years, youre conservative

if youre dimwittedly voting for RACIST democrats to replace RACIST republicans, youre a conservative

if youre against programs/policies that will help the marginalized because theyre “too radical”, youre a conservative

if you say things like “thats not realistic” or “we just have to wait and see” or “imma hold my judgement until” youre a conservative

if youre rationalizing voting for a cop and the leader of the crime bill after one of the biggest anti- carceral movements of our lifetime, youre a conservative

and if you have more heat for other Black ppl for highlighting the contradictions and continuous failures of the dem party, more than the white mfers you pledge your votes to, YOU SIR ARE A CONSERVATIVE
Put real money on on that.

Show me where I said that or apologize

I said what the fuck I said and it will be a cold day in hell before i ever apologize to you

beat it!