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COMMUNITY Let's talk Black Nationalism

i can tell you first hand that is far from true.

china runs china and africa but still have heavy white influence.
most asian countries have companies headed by white males.
white is seen as knowledgeable everywhere on the planet without having to prove they are knowledgeable.

Lol you don't know what you're talking about
"The Devil you know is better than the Devil you don't."

Africa is far from a Utopia.

They can't even unite amongst themselves, so it's kind of naive for us to think that we can go to Africa and have any significant influence over the current power structure over there.

'Might as well go to China since African leaders have already given them the green light to rape the continent of it's resources.
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If I gave you the books would you still be naive as you are now
i have been to china and worked with many companies in japan and singapore.

the heads of most pharma companies are white men.

your books cant tell me what i witnessed with my eyes.
your books cant tell me what i hear with my ears.

this is one of those times i think alot of people are unaware of who is in control.

sooo let me say this tho.....if the US and europe stopped buying chinese products what control over what will china have control over.

they are where they are because of the cheap things we like to buy
i have been to china and worked with many companies in japan and singapore.

the heads of most pharma companies are white men.

your books cant tell me what i witnessed with my eyes.
your books cant tell me what i hear with my ears.

this is one of those times i think alot of people are unaware of who is in control.

sooo let me say this tho.....if the US and europe stopped buying chinese products what control over what will china have control over.

they are where they are because of the cheap things we like to buy
I don't want derail the thread but I'll address this in the political thread. I already know what you have done. I think you just a lil confused on the White man power. Whoever Runs africa runs the world! #facts
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I don't want derail the thread but I'll address this in the political thread. I already know what you have done. I think you just a lil confused on the White man power. Whoever Runs africa runs the world! #facts
bruh.....china is trying to come into africa and buy up shit....but when the white dude is ready to flex...china is outta there.

hell even in tanzania.....the people worship white people like you have never seen. but china is coming over and people are chasing their money.

again influence and control.

the white man seems to be in the mental make up of africans....

its sad to see.
bruh.....china is trying to come into africa and buy up shit....but when the white dude is ready to flex...china is outta there.

hell even in tanzania.....the people worship white people like you have never seen. but china is coming over and people are chasing their money.

again influence and control.

the white man seems to be in the mental make up of africans....

its sad to see.

I don't disagree with you on Africans view on white people. Besides SA and Zimbabwe .

AA think the white man can't be defeated and believe in white supremacy more that whites do. That's why you have those who dont want a black nation
I don't disagree with you on Africans view on white people. Besides SA and Zimbabwe .

AA think the white man can't be defeated and believe in white supremacy more that whites do. That's why you have those who dont want a black nation
man shit...i would love a black nation.....but we need communities first.

we need to believe in ourselves on the most basic level before what you are saying is possible.

the only way to believe in ourselves is to control something....first our mindframe.
so....a black american country is possible,.......but the mind needs to be right for it to happen
man shit...i would love a black nation.....but we need communities first.

we need to believe in ourselves on the most basic level before what you are saying is possible.

the only way to believe in ourselves is to control something....first our mindframe.
so....a black american country is possible,.......but the mind needs to be right for it to happen

We going to keep running into the same problems with our economic survival depending on white people. When you say build up our communities do you mean on a moral level or economic? Because white people want you to be poor and happy and that doesn't mix well at all
We going to keep running into the same problems with our economic survival depending on white people. When you say build up our communities do you mean on a moral level or economic? Because white people want you to be poor and happy and that doesn't mix well at all
on a moral level and economic level.

we depend on them too much...so they can treat us like they want.

how many people stated they didnt want to start a business in the business thread?

back on the IC how many people was about starting a business?

if we dont control what comes and goes in our communities.....all our money goes to those who are willing to come in and set up shop.

im not downing dominican people.....but i will be damned if a third world non educated person is willing to start a business in my hood while im standing outside that establishment trying to look my hardest to hold down my hood.

you think foreigner can open up shop in a white hood? fuck no.

bruh its levels
we cant start at the problem and try to move forward like aint nothing broke.

we have to ....no,

we must understand what the problem is and fix it in order to move forward.
we cant even properly disown certain niggas if we dont acknowledge they are a problem.

i will only respect black businesses that respect the customer. same with black people. man, i am the most confused and lost looking nigga on the planet...yet niggas think i am the same as a nigga who walks in the store with a thousand friends being loud an shit.

if i approach a person with respect and calm tone i expect the same in return regardless of what another nigga did.

otherwise......niggas acting like scorn abused woman who cant forget the next man for what the previous man did.

so i say....fuck those type black businesses and fuck them type niggas who make shit hard for everybody.
I wanted to let that other exchange to run its course to prove my point of how these conversations usually always stall because we get so caught up in who's not doing what or who's doing wrong and rarely are we solution oriented. The finger pointing can only get us but so far. History is written daily and if we are all being honest, we know who is doing what. The lazy, the liars, the thieves, the criminals, the abusers, the addicts, the morally and politically corrupt are all eventually exposed at one time or the other but blaming our wrongdoing without providing the alternative of what to do right and how to correct those wrongdoing is a fruitless discussion.
I wanted to let that other exchange to run its course to prove my point of how these conversations usually always stall because we get so caught up in who's not doing what or who's doing wrong and rarely are we solution oriented. The finger pointing can only get us but so far. History is written daily and if we are all being honest, we know who is doing what. The lazy, the liars, the thieves, the criminals, the abusers, the addicts, the morally and politically corrupt are all eventually exposed at one time or the other but blaming our wrongdoing without providing the alternative of what to do right and how to correct those wrongdoing is a fruitless discussion.
but i have always stated what needs to be done.

we need to control us...starting with households and community onwership