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Is an 18 year old a child to you?!

Is an 18 year old a child to you?!

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18yr old a child??? To me its weird when folks try and force that label on them. Thats that parent mentality because they not mentally ready for their grown ass adult child to jump off the porch.

No man. At 18 I was already taking on the world and adult responsibilities and im sure most do and thats across the globe.
You are speaking from a place of exception and not to rule my brotha
If I'm still paying insurance for you, you are a child 🤷🏾‍♂️
Not once have I heard yall say 18-25 year old shouldnt be voting, Buying houses, owning businesses

But now they are still kids…. Lmao

But When he comes to turning yourself into the opposite gender or getting on hormones it’s all good they are old enough to y’all

Stay consistent yall
If y’all stand for this they are still kids vibe till mid 20s yall should be advocating for restricting all the things they can do

Lol...that already happens. There's things you legally can't do until you reach a certain age even after you turn 18. Nuance exist for a reason. Trying to ignore it just makes a person look dumb
Lol...that already happens. There's things you legally can't do until you reach a certain age even after you turn 18. Nuance exist for a reason. Trying to ignore it just makes a person look dumb
Name them.

I can give you two. I’ll take the two easy ones off the table. Owning a semi automatic weapon and buying alcohol

Now give me 10 more
18-25 year can shape the direction of an entire country with voting, they can join a military, they can make money full time, they can get married, they can purchase property, they can adopt, they can travel anywhere in the world by themselves, they can consent to sexual acts, they can create life changing laws/meds/apps. I can can go on and on.
yes at my last job I worked with 2 kids fresh and outta high school and whom turned 19 during my time working with them. They both were making what I consider decent money for their age and had a car and their own place. They possessed grown man worth ethic but were very naive to how the world works sometimes. One used to constantly ask me questions that I wonder then Id realize that this was dude first real job. The other I would have to counter his know it all attitude with experience to get him to understand sometimes.

I fucked up my relationships with both by forgetting that they were in fact still kids.

regardless of what they are doing or where they are at 18 is still 18. and they have to learn and grow into the men and women they will become.
Not once have I heard yall say 18-25 year old shouldnt be voting, Buying houses, owning businesses

But now they are still kids…. Lmao

But When he comes to turning yourself into the opposite gender or getting on hormones it’s all good they are old enough to y’all

Stay consistent yall

I still don't understand what's wrong with the term "young adult"?

Lol, like why you gotta call them kids just because they don't know certain things?
18-25 year can shape the direction of an entire country with voting, they can join a military, they can make money full time, they can get married, they can purchase property, they can adopt, they can travel anywhere in the world by themselves, they can consent to sexual acts, they can create life changing laws/meds/apps. I can can go on and on.

18-25 year olds are literally the lifeblood of a nation and we calling them children lol.

America lost.

18-25 year olds used to fight wars, go on voyages, discover shit, lead movements, make groundbreaking art.

Lol, now they are kids. This is what happens when your society is full of old people that won't share the wealth or die already.
The simple answer is that life isn't fair or equal. Its cultural. So to define adulthood based on responsibilities or capacity doesn't clearly defined age. I knew 12 year old parents, were they adults because they had a child? Or can children do things we say only adults can? Depends where you grow up. As an 11 year old seeing that, I knew I wasn't going to be an adult as soon as they were.
Name them.

I can give you two. I’ll take the two easy ones off the table. Owning a semi automatic weapon and buying alcohol

Now give me 10 more

The fact that there exists things at all disproves your black/white view of it. You already disproved your own point. Again...nuance exists for a reason. Your black/white view of things always falls short for that reason. Nobody is denying that young adults are legal adults but there is a difference in being 18 vs being 38 and a reason why socially younger adults and older adults have vast differences in their quality of life and responsibilities they take on. Pretending that's an even playing field is not smart at all.
The fact that there exists things at all disproves your black/white view of it. You already disproved your own point. Again...nuance exists for a reason. Your black/white view of things always falls short for that reason. Nobody is denying that young adults are legal adults but there is a difference in being 18 vs being 38 and a reason why socially younger adults and older adults have vast differences in their quality of life and responsibilities they take on. Pretending that's an even playing field is not smart at all.
So you said all of this and didn’t list 1 thing

The work arounds you pull when asked a simple question is hilarious

And you the one that brought up “it’s things you can’t do when you’re 18”.

I gave you two and when it comes to the drinking it’s varies in different countries

So you said all of this and didn’t list 1 thing

The work arounds you pull when asked a simple question is hilarious

And you the one that brought up “it’s things you can’t do when you’re 18”.

I gave you two and when it comes to the drinking it’s varies in different countries


It's not a work around. It's you disproving your own point. You're the one who brought up "10 things". I just mentioned theres stuff in general which you on your own agreed with by giving examples. The world don't operate the way you want it to without any gray area. Who cares if it's 2 or 10 things. No matter how hard you try to pretend those things don't exist they do and you acknowledge them. But if you want one more...you can't rent a car until you're 25 without a 2nd driver over 25. So now you have 3 things on your list.
It's not a work around. It's you disproving your own point. You're the one who brought up "10 things". I just mentioned theres stuff in general which you on your own agreed with by giving examples. The world don't operate the way you want it to without any gray area. Who cares if it's 2 or 10 things. No matter how hard you try to pretend those things don't exist they do and you acknowledge them.
You skills are trash bruh lol

Dude can’t give me a handful. But had the nerve to bring it up.

Americans got the drinking rule age. Countries that y’all considered so much better have that age younger.

You can still own a gun at 18 but not semiautomatic handgun but still own a rifle

I had you from the jump with the gun being age restricted lolololololo

Too easy