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Is an 18 year old a child to you?!

Is an 18 year old a child to you?!

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It really depends. At 18 I was on my own with a kid, but my son was still very much a teenager at that age.
Anyone over 16 isn't a child.

A child is someone who is physically and mentally incapable of being independent and making decisions that impact their life.

An 18 year old is a young adult.

The West needs to stop infantalizing young people that are legal adults just because they learned about power dynamics yesterday.

Then we wonder why this crop of young adults can't do shit.

Part of the reason is because motherfuckers that wanna call an 18 year old a baby, actively disenfranchised them due to not respecting their autonomy and desire to be independent from their family.

Older generations ain't even giving them the tools to be adults. No jobs, homes, cars lol. Just sending them to college with debt and being like, "You still a kid, you don't know anything."

Lol, then we wonder why we got 30 plus year olds that are just now buying their first home.

They been infantalize by the greed and faux concern of the older adults around them.

Older people today know they don't got any of the resources to make motherfuckers adults, so now we just call them kids and they are 25.

Adults are made by chains of responsibility. You give your kid 30K to buy a house. You give them a car. You sit them down and talk through life altering decisions with them as a peer.

You just don't call them kids forever until they reach a particular number.
18yr old a child??? To me its weird when folks try and force that label on them. Thats that parent mentality because they not mentally ready for their grown ass adult child to jump off the porch.

No man. At 18 I was already taking on the world and adult responsibilities and im sure most do and thats across the globe.
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