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Is an 18 year old a child to you?!

Is an 18 year old a child to you?!

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I had edited my post

So you're talking less about how society sees 18, and more about how families are handling their 18 y/os these days. Interesting. I can't say I interact with enough 18 y/os to really have an educated or experienced opinion there. All I can say is that the mindset of my 18 y/o niece and little cousin confounds me. They weren't coddled like children at 18, but they certainly don't think in the same way I did when I was 18.
Every argument against you is layup because you CAN NEVER GIVE EXAMPLES

I killed both of the ones I names just so I can string you along to see if you were going to go for it because you wasn’t going to name any that someone over the age of 18 can’t do.

I catch you switching stands at every turn

You can’t stand on shit bruh. I already peeped your game

Well I did name 1 thing so you're wrong there. And you didn't kill anything other than your own pov. Being able to see things from more than 1 angle isn't switching sides. It's called using your brain to think. But you're so caught up on being right you don't realize you consistently look like a dumbass
Well I did name 1 thing so you're wrong there. And you didn't kill anything other than your own pov. Being able to see things from more than 1 angle isn't switching sides. It's called using your brain to think. But you're so caught up on being right you don't realize you consistently look like a dumbass
Whatever dude
Yes, cherrypicking definitions in an effort to win arguments leads to semantic discord. It's a really stupid thing to do, but a lot of people do it for whatever reason.

The definition has to apply to whatever situation is being presented. That's why words having different meanings and them being used correctly matters. It's It's why when folks to to stubbornly stick to one that doesn't fit they end up flailing around screaming into a void.
So you're talking less about how society sees 18, and more about how families are handling their 18 y/os these days. Interesting. I can't say I interact with enough 18 y/os to really have an educated or experienced opinion there. All I can say is that the mindset of my 18 y/o niece and little cousin confounds me. They weren't coddled like children at 18, but they certainly don't think in the same way I did when I was 18.
me being 36 and seeing my younger cousins that rage from 12-27 and seeing them grow up I notice they had much less responsibility in their lives from simple shit like have dedicated chores.

And seeing the older ones struggle to have any type of discipline in their lives is hard to swallow.

And then getting into coaching I see how much kids are coddled. Mosty millennial parents.

Kids don’t even have keys to their houses anymore. It’s like we are so paranoid we shield our kids/young adults from so much but they have the internet and think that’s how things really are good or bad.

It’s a different time but that’s expected
I don't know. That's not completely fair. I wouldn't say 18 is a child, but to say that's why people in that age range are completely lost is wrong. Again, we have expectations for people in that age range, but the way our society has moved has made it effectively harder to accomplish those expectations within that age range. As I said before, it's a lot harder to achieve some basic life accomplishments at 18 than it was decades in the past. So maybe an 18 y/o isn't a child, we still might need to adjust what we expect from someone who has only recently transitioned to adulthood.

He gets it.

The fact, 18-25 has become an extended childhood in some people's eyes is due to socioeconomic reasons.

It has nothing to do with the "immaturity" of 18 to 25 year olds.

It's due to the fact that society has failed them, by not allowing the same opportunities and resources that their parents and grandparents got, therefore, they aren't as responsible because they never got the opportunity to be.

Lol, that's not a reason to perceive them as "children". It's a call to have better politics.
He gets it.

The fact, 18-25 has become an extended childhood in some people's eyes is due to socioeconomic reasons.

It has nothing to do with the "immaturity" of 18 to 25 year olds.

It's due to the fact that society has failed them, by not allowing the same opportunities and resources that their parents and grandparents got.
The shielding is major part of it too.

I’m only 36 and see the HUGE difference when it comes to parenting and given young folks responsibilities even around the house
Go back to 1984 and say a 18 year old is a kid

We bought our kids gaming monitors and told them it’s okay not to be outside and get bitches so now they don’t act like 18 year olds 40 years ago until they move out at 23

You guys aren't wrong, but again, shit is not the same as it was 40 years ago. When I graduated from high school, a person could go get a job at a grocery story and there was actually a career path there that could reasonably allow someone to take care of a family. That shit isn't happening today.
I'm not saying that kids aren't coddled more nowadays, but let's not sit here and act like opportunities are the same. If you got a mind for school, you still have college as an option at 18, but you going to be taking on twice the amount of student debt now as 30-40 years ago. So, even that isn't always seen as an appealing option.
The shielding is major part of it too.

I’m only 36 and see the HUGE difference when it comes to parenting and given young folks responsibilities even around the house

People shield their kids because that's all they really have to offer them.

I said before, most people my age, took all the damn money and there ain't gonna be none until we die.

In my days, parents gave their kids cars and houses. When big momma die, the eldest sister got the house and it's the family house. Then that shit gets passed down.

People don't understand that in America before Regan Era, motherfuckers owned shit. And the responsibility that you had was to be prepared to have it and pass it down to your kids. Or you was preparing your kids to head West or head North because your uncle got the factory job and he just brought a house and he's putting people on.

Now, nobody owns anything and everyone is in debt. So what you gonna prepare your children to actually do?

Especially if you not a philosophical motherfucker with an idea of adult life being more than buying bullshit, raising kids and paying bills.

The phenomena of young adults being children isn't just happening in America, it's happening all over the developed world. From South Korea to Japan to the UK.

Young people have gotten their adulthood stolen from them and parents don't really know what to do because parents don't wanna tell their children that they don't have shit. So they want their 19 year old to be as ignorant as possible until they get about 25. But their 19 year old knows but they don't know what to do about it.

Everywhere they turn is a life of "bad" decisions and their parents also too know that.
I have no issues with being considered a legal adult at 18....

But most decision making is still pretty childish and immature till right right around 22-23
Go back to 1984 and say a 18 year old is a kid

We bought our kids gaming monitors and told them it’s okay not to be outside and get bitches so now they don’t act like 18 year olds 40 years ago until they move out at 23

The world in 1984 ain't the same as it now. That's part of why the definition socially is different now for alot of things including this topic.
true.. plenty 30, 40, 50 year olds still immature and making childish decisions so im not sure thats a good barometer of what an adult is
And they get called childish, immature, and told they too old for that shit....

A nigga 45 hiding in the shower cuz a chick boyfriend came home from work early..

19, boy you wild
45, nigga you too old for that shit
And they get called childish, immature, and told they too old for that shit....

A nigga 45 hiding in the shower cuz a chick boyfriend came home from work early..

19, boy you wild
45, nigga you too old for that shit

Still adults tho lol
Still adults tho lol
Legally, but I still have lower expectations than someone in their mid 20's and beyond....

18 & 19 is still a kid to me.... I understand and recognize their decisions being considered those as an adult... And I'm totally cool with that... But my perception of them is still a kid...

A childish person in their 20's 30's 40's and beyond is hella childish.

A childish 19 year old is a normal 19 year old... What you expect, they still a kid to me 🤷🏿‍♂️

That's just how I see it though. If you don't... Fine... It's such a small window in life, it's cool if people have different perspectives on it..
It's funny that when we talk about gender and gender identity, it can be seen as a social construct but we don't get that adulthood is the ultimate social construct. Humans grow physically at different rates but we all have time periods that we call "prime years"(usually 18-25).

All adulthood is, is society's demand for people to contribute those "prime years" of fitness to society's continued function and and possible improvement. However, with the advances we as people have made, contribution requires more than just physical ability, and different societies have different needs. Hell, different families have different needs so the parameters of adulthood will never reach a consensus.

We now have been conditioned to think that doing certain things makes you an adult when in reality being an adult means "you've lived this long, it's time to contribute to society." Not being capable doesn't mean you're not an adult, it just means you're not a functional adult.