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Is #AmINext the next #MeToo or just a branch off the tree?

But we also gotta be real many times for many years rape victims male and female were made to think they did something to cause it. Like we can’t act like the metoo movement came out of nowhere. They caught white boy in Cali in the act of rape and he got no time at all.

Yeah, but still they need to be able to support their claims.
Victims are only making it harder for themselves going in with just their word.
It's weird how some people get very pro-police when it comes to rape victims when it's a known fact that they don't even test the damn rape kits.

So with that said... what the other "rape proof" you guys looking for?
It's weird how some people get very pro-police when it comes to rape victims when it's a known fact that they don't even test the damn rape kits.

So with that said... what the other "rape proof" you guys looking for?
forgot about this

how many stories have we read where entire crime labs evidence were damaged b/c of some power outage

Would you feel the same way you do now if the following happened to YOU.

A chick takes a pic of you off your social media. Makes a post with your pic that says: Here is AP21 he used to date my friend 3 years ago and while dating my friend he sexually molested and abused her child. I making this post to let you all know that AP21 is a child molester.

So you still having no problems with that? You still understanding?

Would you feel the same way you do now if the following happened to YOU.

A chick takes a pic of you off your social media. Makes a post with your pic that says: Here is AP21 he used to date my friend 3 years ago and while dating my friend he sexually molested and abused her child. I making this post to let you all know that AP21 is a child molester.

So you still having no problems with that? You still understanding?
if im being honest, i'm a pretty rationale dude in some of the most hostile situations.

I understand things like this arent won in the court of public opinion or social media. I would go on the defense and get my evidence together to refute her claims

It also helps that I have zero history of these claims across the many females I've been with in various forms.

now im just using your example b/c i know what you are attempting to do, but let's say this happened. First thing is, 3 years ago I was married and nowhere on social media outside of this place/blackboard/IC, so I would just laugh b/c if you gonna try and out me, at least say some shit that was believable.
if im being honest, i'm a pretty rationale dude in some of the most hostile situations.

I understand things like this arent won in the court of public opinion or social media. I would go on the defense and get my evidence together to refute her claims

It also helps that I have zero history of these claims across the many females I've been with in various forms.

now im just using your example b/c i know what you are attempting to do, but let's say this happened. First thing is, 3 years ago I was married and nowhere on social media outside of this place/blackboard/IC, so I would just laugh b/c if you gonna try and out me, at least say some shit that was believable.

It was a yes or no question. If you know what I'm doing you know damn well I don't know you married and its really based off you dating a broad 3 years ago.

So since you want to bullshit around instead of giving a straight up answer I know what I need to know.
It was a yes or no question. If you know what I'm doing you know damn well I don't know you married and its really based off you dating a broad 3 years ago.

So since you want to bullshit around instead of giving a straight up answer I know what I need to know.
relax there pleighboi

i didnt think it was a yes or no question, but since i now know

relax there pleighboi

i didnt think it was a yes or no question, but since i now know


It was obvious it was a yes or no question.

Even though I think you lying like shit to say you wouldn't have a problem with having your face plastered over social media being called a child molester. I'm going to respect your answer.
It was obvious it was a yes or no question.

Even though I think you lying like shit to say you wouldn't have a problem with having your face plastered over social media being called a child molester. I'm going to respect your answer.

let me be more specific

would i have a problem with it? yes

but would i be trying to fight the fight in the court of public opinion and on social media? no
question for you though...this is no troll or anything like that

but do you know someone this has personally happened to? Your responses seem like this topic is a trigger for you

serious question
question for you though...this is no troll or anything like that

but do you know someone this has personally happened to? Your responses seem like this topic is a trigger for you

serious question

LLS no trigger at all. To answer your question, no.

I just find that people now a days to accepting of anything because of bullshit social conditioning. Like I said in the off topic thread this morning. Too many people have bought into that bullshit "Believe her" campaign and stuff like that letting shit that ain't ok slide.

I have a problem with any woman thats been raped and feel that all rapist deserve every fucked up possible thing that could happen to them to happen.

I agree that women should be allowed to tell their stories but I do not believe women should be allowed to post pictures of men who have not been found guilty of rape. Especially when there is shit like women accusing men of rape because they regret having some type of sex with said person the next day.

If its found out later on that said man was innocent of said rape and later freed from prison on said crime everything regarding him being a rapist should be scrubbed best as possible from the internet.

Topic doesn't matter I'm not ok with pics and accusations on people thrown around all willy nilly. Tell the story but names and pics should be off limits unless they have solid proof of what they are saying.
LLS no trigger at all. To answer your question, no.

I just find that people now a days to accepting of anything because of bullshit social conditioning. Like I said in the off topic thread this morning. Too many people have bought into that bullshit "Believe her" campaign and stuff like that letting shit that ain't ok slide.

I have a problem with any woman thats been raped and feel that all rapist deserve every fucked up possible thing that could happen to them to happen.

I agree that women should be allowed to tell their stories but I do not believe women should be allowed to post pictures of men who have not been found guilty of rape. Especially when there is shit like women accusing men of rape because they regret having some type of sex with said person the next day.

If its found out later on that said man was innocent of said rape and later freed from prison on said crime everything regarding him being a rapist should be scrubbed best as possible from the internet.

Topic doesn't matter I'm not ok with pics and accusations on people thrown around all willy nilly. Tell the story but names and pics should be off limits unless they have solid proof of what they are saying.

Look at my nigga DMo using his words and shit.

Na but for real though, just to recap and make sure we're all on the same page - and this is a yes or no question:

You don't think a woman should broadcast who raped them - thereby hopefully preventing others from being victimized by the same person in the same way - unless she also has proof of the assault?

Based on your answer, I have another question for you.

Hell, I got another question for your regardless of your answer. Lol.

Standing by...
Look at my nigga DMo using his words and shit.

Na but for real though, just to recap and make sure we're all on the same page - and this is a yes or no question:

You don't think a woman should broadcast who raped them - thereby hopefully preventing others from being victimized by the same person in the same way - unless she also has proof of the assault?

Based on your answer, I have another question for you.

Hell, I got another question for your regardless of your answer. Lol.

Standing by...


Showing the pic to friends and family, I have no problem with.

Showing the pic to friends and family, I have no problem with.

But I said 'broadcast'. I didn't say showing pics to 'friends and family'. I said 'broadcast'. Broadcast means 'to make widely known'. And it's a yes or no question. So let me be as specific as possible.

So...you don't think a woman should broadcast who raped them, with name, pic and details - thereby hopefully preventing others from being victimized by the same person in the same way - unless she also has proof of the assault?
But I said 'broadcast'. I didn't say showing pics to 'friends and family'. I said 'broadcast'. Broadcast means 'to make widely known'. And it's a yes or no question. So let me be as specific as possible.

So...you don't think a woman should broadcast who raped them, with name, pic and details - thereby hopefully preventing others from being victimized by the same person in the same way - unless she also has proof of the assault?

You not paying attention I said NO in that post.