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Is #AmINext the next #MeToo or just a branch off the tree?

I guess I can see using social media as means to get the word out about a potential rapist, but then that leads to other questions like why didn't the female go to the police initially? If the man served time for the crime, should be punished for the rest of his life? Or what if the woman is telling a complete lie? it's a slippery slope.
well child molesters have to register as offenders for the rest of their lives so... while I agree it's a slippery slope, there has to be a deterrent right?
The burden of proof of what?

It's just women on Twitter telling their own stories about allegedly being raped. Nobody is complaining them together, saying they are legitimate and then giving that information to the public.

Hope that makes sense.

We don't know that it's TRUE. Could just be someone on some salty shit.

It's on the burden of the proof not the burden of the tweet. Foh.

If you gonna go to social media like that come with the receipts. Otherwise take yo ass to the nearest police station and make a report.

My name and photo pops up on some shit like that everybody getting sued with a side of uppercut.
We don't know that it's TRUE. Could just be someone on some salty shit.

It's on the burden of the proof not the burden of the tweet. Foh.

If you gonna go to social media like that come with the receipts. Otherwise take yo ass to the nearest police station and make a report.

My name and photo pops up on some shit like that everybody getting sued with a side of uppercut.

I don't think you understand what I'm saying. I'm prolly not explaining it right or asking in the right way. It's all good.
The burden of proof of what?

It's just women on Twitter telling their own stories about allegedly being raped. Nobody is complaining them together, saying they are legitimate and then giving that information to the public.

Hope that makes sense.

No, it doesn't make sense.

Those women aren't just telling stories, those women are publicly accusing someone of a crime. More than likely hoping someone takes it as legitimate. They need proof the crime happened more than ever now that it's on the net. Without any proof the allegations open up the accusers to being sued for slander and libel. Something they may be aware of when their identity is conveniently hidden.

And if these are indeed false allegations, these men might have their lives ruined over nothing. The public may hold trial on them over the net. Treating them as guilty before being proven innocent. There's also possible legal consequences such as malicious prosecution and false imprisonment.

There are very serious ramifications with these situations. Probably more than what I've mentioned in this 2019 landscape. So proof is important in this kind of situation for possible victims on either side.
No, it doesn't make sense.

Those women aren't just telling stories, those women are publicly accusing someone of a crime. More than likely hoping someone takes it as legitimate. They need proof the crime happened more than ever now that it's on the net. Without any proof the allegations open up the accusers to being sued for slander and libel. Something they may be aware of when their identity is conveniently hidden.

And if these are indeed false allegations, these men might have their lives ruined over nothing. The public may hold trial on them over the net. Treating them as guilty before being proven innocent. There's also possible legal consequences such as malicious prosecution and false imprisonment.

There are very serious ramifications with these situations. Probably more than what I've mentioned in this 2019 landscape. So proof is important in this kind of situation for possible victims on either side.

Your entire reply lets me know that I was correct and that you don't understand my point. It's all good. Like I said, Im prolly doing a poor job of explaining.
Muthafuckas is insane with what these broads is doing and some of the shit I'm reading.
They are posting pics of dudes that they say raped them with no evidence.

You dont see how that can be viewed as foul

What type of evidence they supposed to have if it happen years ago. They supposed to save the semen or something
And this is South Africa a country with a rape problem. If they were from India another rape problem country would y’all still be mad?
When y’all say proof what proof can they show you on Twitter? What if the rapist beats the charges are victims required to never speak on what they been through with out a video tape or something? Because what can we prove over social media
Your entire reply lets me know that I was correct and that you don't understand my point. It's all good. Like I said, Im prolly doing a poor job of explaining.

You're asking your question under the assumption that the women are telling the truth.

In that context, it's nothing wrong with them warning other women about the person who raped them.

The problem most people seem to have with your question is that you're not factoring in the possibility that the women are not telling the truth.
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You're asking your question under the assumption that the women are telling the truth.

In that context, it's nothing wrong with them warning other women about the person who raped them.

The problem most people seem to have with your question is that you're not factoring in the possibility that the women are not telling the truth.

I'm not assuming that they're all telling the truth. I'm not assuming anything. It's all good, bro.
What type of evidence they supposed to have if it happen years ago. They supposed to save the semen or something

Something would be better than nothing.
They deserve the skepticism and criticism they receive if they've got nothing but anonymous accusations.
I'd rather that than the unjust idea of running with false accusations.
Doubly so when it comes to accusing people of a crime. Even more so when accusing people of a crime over the internet.
Something would be better than nothing.
They deserve the skepticism and criticism they receive if they've got nothing but anonymous accusations.
I'd rather that than the unjust idea of running with false accusations.
Doubly so when it comes to accusing people of a crime. Even more so when accusing people of a crime over the internet.

I feel you people are falsely accused of rape and a lot plays into it. But if they did get raped and it’s no longer any evidence is the person wrong for talking about it in public?

I get it tho a false accusation of anything can ruin your life. I don’t know how South Africa views rape but if it’s a country in a rape epidemic shit like this could happen.

I think because people are more willing to talk about it and want justice I get it. As far as going to police I mean what can they do years after the fact? Maybe that’s why they went to social media.
I figure these women are using social media as the tool to get the word out because of the lack of faith in the justice system.

Also the social stigma of sharing your story. Going to the police or making it to court and having your character and account of events scrutinized every step of the way can be exhausting and not something ppl may wana deal with.
"What if she lyin?" is literally the first thing that comes outa ppls mouth when rape is mentioned and it's very telling...but if you just post your story to twitter, it's out there and it's done. Burden lifted.