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Has anyone seen this McDonald's commercial?

Feel free to show me where I said there was an "agenda" at all or that I gave a fuck that an "agenda" was at play at all. Shit funny to me. If I don't want to watch something because of the content I simply won't.

You however deduced that people who do have a problem with gay content secretly. I just asked how you got there. You don't have to dance around it or wait for a gotcha moment to present itself anymore tho I'm cool.

You dodging.
Ok… you see them doing it. Does it work on you? No? Ok now what?

Not even being facetious… just what’s the endgame?
Its not meant to work on me

its meant for the youth and the impressionable and the naive who don't know any better

Everything circles back to anti blackness. Black people are the only ones going against the grain as a group. The end game is less blackness, diluted blackness, more controllable blackness.....

That's why they're not gonna advertise products with a straight black nuclear family. That's taboo to them

So while you brothers rationalize the ideas of white liberals remember they're not gonna show you images that reflect YOUR upbringing
Its not meant to work on me

its meant for the youth and the impressionable and the naive who don't know any better

See… this right here is the only thing you said that I disagree with.

I reject the notion that you can be “taught” to be gay/trans.

I do believe it’s a mental defect, tho. Some people say their sexuality is on a spectrum. Mine is very much NOT.

I didn’t have to be “taught” or conditioned to like girls. I just did.

Outside of situations where an adult is directly coercing, grooming or molesting children of the same sex… but even then, that’s an abuse of authority and unfair power dynamic at work.

I don’t think that just seeing these people exist in media can switch your brain, in that way, where one day just out the blue you be like “fuck it… today ima try some dick.”

Nah… that was already in you.
I am idealogically/religiously against homosexuality.

But also… the only place I ever deal with, talk about or hear ANYTHINGabout the LGBTQs is on the internet… and it’s always from people who supposedly hate this agenda that they can’t fucking seem to stop talking about.

Any of the latest news about trannies/drag queens is actually always “forced” upon me by people who claim to be against it.

That’s what seems weird to me. If it wasn’t for y’all I would be almost completely ignorant to what they’re doing. I don’t see them, don’t hear from them, dont know what events they have planned. I don’t feel particularly bombarded by it in the media. Maybe I’m not sitting in front of a TV as often as I used to.

But they literally don’t affect my life off the internet.

But on the internet it’s treated like the greatest existential threat to civilization. I need help figuring out the logic behind that.
People view it as a threat because they vastly overestimate how big these groups are. This poll came out last year and Americans are fucking idiots when it comes to knowing just how big certain things are but because their personally curated timelines on social media, another tell that people purposely seek out this stuff, are inundated with these topics they think they're everywhere when in reality it's a very miniscule population and part of society. 3% of people identify as gay but you'd think it was near 50% the way people react

Right. The question I always have for the agenda folks is…if the so called gay agenda can make the straights gay…

Then why hasn’t the hundreds of thousands of years of hetero normative human existence eliminated homosexuality yet?

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thats a good question - it will never be eliminated because homosexuality is a deeply ingrained aspect of a person's identity that is influenced by a variety of biological and environmental factors (INCLUDING MEDIA).

Regardless of your stance on this lifestyle - if you were born after the year 2000, we can agree that there has been a shift in mass media - and more specific to us as black people - how we are portrayed

For me atleast - This isnt about whether homosexuality is right or wrong

Remember - this discussion got sparked by a fast food ad that has 2 black men sitting in a living room with 2 asian kids.

Why was this small percentile setting used? the purpose of an ad is to showcase a product - this add doesnt do that.

we're 8 pages in discussing the obvious and not big macs
thats a good question - it will never be eliminated because homosexuality is a deeply ingrained aspect of a person's identity that is influenced by a variety of biological and environmental factors (INCLUDING MEDIA).

Regardless of your stance on this lifestyle - if you were born after the year 2000, we can agree that there has been a shift in mass media - and more specific to us as black people - how we are portrayed

For me atleast - This isnt about whether homosexuality is right or wrong

Remember - this discussion got sparked by a fast food ad that has 2 black men sitting in a living room with 2 asian kids.

Why was this small percentile setting used? the purpose of an ad is to showcase a product - this add doesnt do that.

we're 8 pages in discussing the obvious and not big macs

Whose fault is that? Did the gays make this thread?

I don’t remember any particular hyper focus and deep discussions on grooming/sexualing children being had about that mid ass white bitch on the mechanical bull in those old Carl’s Jr (or Hardee’s depending on where you’re from) commercials.

And those commercials were ACTUALLY sexual in nature, being seen by children every day. I remember because I was one of them.

It didn’t do anything to further an attraction to white women for me either.
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I still don't see how this can't be two guys watching their friend's kids while he runs to the store for some ice cream.

Boy… if that don’t circle back around to my first post in this thread

Imagine paying this much attention to commercials.

That’s that “agenda” brain rot at work. Let them tell it, it got “shoved down their throats”.
Whose fault is that? Did the gays make this thread?

I don’t remember any particular hyper focus and deep discussions on grooming/sexualing children being had about that mid ass white bitch on the mechanical bull in those old Carl’s Jr (or Hardee’s depending on where you’re from) commercials.

And those commercials were ACTUALLY sexual in nature, being seen by children every day. I remember because I was one of them.

It didn’t do anything to further an attraction to white women for me either.

People will take their children to Hooters but a commercial with a gay couple is "pushing sexuality on kids". People call little boys "future heartbreaker" but gay people in a commerical is pushing sexuality on kids. Beauty contests for little girls, being judged by grown adults, where they're in full makeup and in some instances bathing suits for people to judge them but a random trans person grooming their kid is the worry. They worried about all the wrong shit
People will take their children to Hooters but a commercial with a gay couple is "pushing sexuality on kids". People call little boys "future heartbreaker" but gay people in a commerical is pushing sexuality on kids. Beauty contests for little girls, being judged by grown adults, where they're in full makeup and in some instances bathing suits for people to judge them but a random trans person grooming their kid is the worry. They worried about all the wrong shit

Don’t forget the rampant child grooming and molestation by catholic priests and so called Christian “youth pastors”.

I dont see nobody protesting these churches tho
Don’t forget the rampant child grooming and molestation by catholic priests and so called Christian “youth pastors”.

I dont see nobody protesting these churches tho
Folks protest the church and religion all over fam those gay priests gotta go

Since they are mostly gay pedos, do they fall under…….

Lololololol let me stop
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Folks protest the church and religion all over fam those gay priests gotta go

I’m talkin about standing out front in a line with rifles they same way like when they harassing Gertrude the librarian because a drag queen story hour happened like 2 states away.

The energy just ain’t the same.

Y’all wanna know what agenda is wild

The LeBron ain’t clutch one

I’m with you here tho brotha, I’ll fight this agenda til the day I die, or LeBron stops playing for the Lakers. Whichever comes first.