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Has anyone seen this McDonald's commercial?

I see you ignored when Inglewood…..

Never mind. You can play your favorites.

Be blessed bruh.

Well if Inglewood also spends the next 3 years stalking people from thread to thread yelling "Do you like trans women. Why don't you date them" he gonna get these jokes too. So far you're the only poster with this obsession. Maybe you got something within yourself you need to explore
Well if Inglewood also spends the next 3 years stalking people from thread to thread yelling "Do you like trans women. Why don't you date them" he gonna get these jokes too. So far you're the only poster with this obsession. Maybe you got something within yourself you need to explore

Sounds like you have some unfulfilled fantasies.

It’s plenty website and sex stores to help with that

I'm good. I'm not the one interrogating people about who they sleep with. That's your lane. Maybe one day you'll get the answer you want and that person can help you on your journey. They got people you can talk to to help.
I'm good. I'm not the one interrogating people about who they sleep with. That's your lane. Maybe one day you'll get the answer you want and that person can help you on your journey. They got people you can talk to to help.
Already got my answers.

But be blessed bruh. I really mean it. You don’t rock with me but I wish you the best brethren.
The amount of mixed families in commercials these days is pretty crazy. Even just seeing straight up white families is becoming rarer. From a business standpoint, most of these pushes are just about pandering to agendas to get those people as customers. I'm not really sure who the whole mixed family angle is supposed to attract though. Maybe that's just their way of checking off as many racial categories as they can with the fewest commercials needed? I don't know.
Mixed couples are a representation of the changing family / couple landscape. We are moving away from the accustomed "norm" of same race couples and families to biracial and mixed race. That's a fact. If you barely see it in real life it's because you probably live and work in a community that is predominantly same race.

I'm all on board for that, the gay agenda however is disgusting and evil. And yes that is the true agenda. But back to my first point, the agenda isn't mixed race couples and families, it's pushing homosexuality and trandgerderosm using what bases that people are accustomed or growing accustomed to.. ie mixed race families and couples.
Muslims have been behind terrorist activities globally... No lie

But to just only single out Islam as a terrorist backing religion and exclude Christianity is being oblivious

White people in the 17th century in America created laws that entangled Christianity with the continuous slavery of black people (for example barring baptised blacks from becoming free citizens...) ...

There also wasn't a worse and savage form of terror than chattel slavery