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Has anyone seen this McDonald's commercial?

pretty much the point ive been attempting to make all along.

The agenda folks seem to think(and feel free to let me know if im misinterpreting) that if people keep seeing different relationships or different lifestyles on their screens it's somehow going to influence them to behave differently. People gon like what they like regardless *shrugs*
So what's the issue with people not liking what they don't?
And on the flip side… I knew far back as kindergarten that I liked girls. I had a friend whose name and face I can’t remember, but I remember I had a crush on his big sister who came and picked him up every day.

She was probably like 5th or 6th grade but seemed HUGE(not fat) to me back then, with what at the time looked like some big thighs.

Young Inglewood had a type before he knew he had a type. 30 years later I still like em with big thighs/nice ass.

Ain’t no amount of agenda/conditioning can make me not like soft body feminine women with thick thighs/ass combo.

Also… had a cousin who even back then would push around his sister’s toy Barbie cars while the rest of the boys rode bikes and did little boy shit.

Spoiler alert: the nigga gay as hell.

No amount of being around the boys, watching the “strong black nuclear family” Cosby show, and multiple examples of heterosexual relationships all around him made him straight.

The funny shit is if you ask some people who think an agenda can change your sexuality is they are basically saying at some point in their minds the option of being attracted to the same sex was on the table and they actively chose otherwise...meanwhile they don't understand when others say that there never was a "choice" and like you just described in this post your attraction to certain things was just there before you even realized what was actually happening.
So what's the issue with people not liking what they don't?

I suppose it aint really an issue in my mind as long as no-one is being harmed, sometimes I just be trying to understand the thought process in the outrage
The funny shit is if you ask some people who think an agenda can change your sexuality is they are basically saying at some point in their minds the option of being attracted to the same sex was on the table and they actively chose otherwise...meanwhile they don't understand when others say that there never was a "choice" and like you just described in this post your attraction to certain things was just there before you even realized what was actually happening.

It does seem like a bit of a weird self report. Like their urge to be gay is stronger than their will to be straight, and they’re afraid that if they see too many gay people on TV, they won’t be able to resist sucking dick or something.

Also the whole “they keep shoving it down our throats” line a lot of them love to say when referring to this subject seems like a Freudian slip.
pretty much the point ive been attempting to make all along.

The agenda folks seem to think(and feel free to let me know if im misinterpreting) that if people keep seeing different relationships or different lifestyles on their screens it's somehow going to influence them to behave differently. People gon like what they like regardless *shrugs*

Your point of view is so cowardly

Nothing you type on this message board ever will point the finger at white people huh?

Your whole thing is "well is what they're doing working?" instead of saying i see wtf they're doing
Right. The question I always have for the agenda folks is…if the so called gay agenda can make the straights gay…

Then why hasn’t the hundreds of thousands of years of hetero normative human existence eliminated homosexuality yet?

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Don't be like Inori

Again, the argument is the INTENTIONS of whites, not whether or not their plans are working. The point you're making is deflecting from the main point
It does seem like a bit of a weird self report. Like their urge to be gay is stronger than their will to be straight, and they’re afraid that if they see too many gay people on TV, they won’t be able to resist sucking dick or something.

Also the whole “they keep shoving it down our throats” line a lot of them love to say when referring to this subject seems like a Freudian slip.

Very much a Freudian slip with alot of those types of comments. And the funny shit is for the most part you can still go the vast majority of your day without seeing anything relating to homosexuality unless you intentionally seek certain shit out.

It's also even more of a sign that their issue is with homosexuals in general because many of the same laws and reasoning behind these laws being used to restrict LGBTQ folks are also being used to strip reproductive rights away from heterosexual people as well because folks are willingly giving up control over what they can do with their bodies to government regulation all to do away with the gays. Niggas shooting themselves in the foot supporting shit that will ultimately harm them too. It's not a coincidence that issues around contraception are also being attacked right now too by the same groups of people who are anti LGBTQ everything.
It does seem like a bit of a weird self report. Like their urge to be gay is stronger than their will to be straight, and they’re afraid that if they see too many gay people on TV, they won’t be able to resist sucking dick or something.

Also the whole “they keep shoving it down our throats” line a lot of them love to say when referring to this subject seems like a Freudian slip.

Lmao wait so niggas that find it weird that the media always seems to find a way to shove that type of stuff in every TV show or film secretly want to suck dick?

That's the logic?
Lmao wait so niggas that find it weird that the media always seems to find a way to shove that type of stuff in every TV show or film secretly want to suck dick?

That's the logic?

I find it weird that it occupies so much of your mental bandwidth, if you aren’t gay.

I see mostly white people on tv all the time… I don’t wanna be white.

Even tho I don’t like half of them, they still exist. Why cry about it? They not gon stop existing just because a lot of them bug me, a little bit.
Your point of view is so cowardly

Nothing you type on this message board ever will point the finger at white people huh?

Your whole thing is "well is what they're doing working?" instead of saying i see wtf they're doing

Ok… you see them doing it. Does it work on you? No? Ok now what?

Not even being facetious… just what’s the endgame?
I find it weird that it occupies so much of your mental bandwidth, if you aren’t gay.

I see mostly white people on tv all the time… I don’t wanna be white.

Ok... lemme get this uh... straight... qyou couldn't careless about the shit so much your mind somehow shifts instantly to niggas sucking dick everytime it gets brought up and somethings wrong with niggas.

I am idealogically/religiously against homosexuality.

But also… the only place I ever deal with, talk about or hear ANYTHINGabout the LGBTQs is on the internet… and it’s always from people who supposedly hate this agenda that they can’t fucking seem to stop talking about.

Any of the latest news about trannies/drag queens is actually always “forced” upon me by people who claim to be against it.

That’s what seems weird to me. If it wasn’t for y’all I would be almost completely ignorant to what they’re doing. I don’t see them, don’t hear from them, dont know what events they have planned. I don’t feel particularly bombarded by it in the media. Maybe I’m not sitting in front of a TV as often as I used to.

But they literally don’t affect my life off the internet.

But on the internet it’s treated like the greatest existential threat to civilization. I need help figuring out the logic behind that.
Seems you came to an understanding that niggas who complain about that type of content must want to suck dick. Just trying to understand how you got there but it's cool.

Explain the goal of the “agenda” right quick. I’m tryin to see something.
Explain the goal of the “agenda” right quick. I’m tryin to see something.

Feel free to show me where I said there was an "agenda" at all or that I gave a fuck that an "agenda" was at play at all. Shit funny to me. If I don't want to watch something because of the content I simply won't.

You however deduced that people who do have a problem with gay content secretly. I just asked how you got there. You don't have to dance around it or wait for a gotcha moment to present itself anymore tho I'm cool.