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Has anyone seen this McDonald's commercial?

This has been said in our community for decades😂😂😂 this and the black actors/comedians in dresses the emasculate black men shit aye y’all gotta stop this shit
I didn't even realize she had a mustache 😂

I thought it was about the cost. I didn't know that was intentional

Aye bruh the first couple times i didn't even notice myself cause i wasn't paying attention but i kept hearing the song every break so i finally looked up to watch... when I noticed the stach in 4k I lost it lmao. Thought to myself "oh they trying to do something with this commercial" then I kept on seeing it literally every commercial break of the tourney.
I appreciate you at least attempting to have a dialogue tho.

I will admit that commercials and the media people consume can surely influence peoples actions to a certain degree.. but I dont personally think that same media can influence sexual orientation like that.

I dont eat pork. I dont care how many commercials I see advertising it.. or how appealing they might try to dress it up. No amount of commercials or visual exposure to it is gonna make me want to try it.

Same for sexual orientation. I've said this plenty of times on here. If you see some gay stuff on a commercial or a tv show and you wanna fuck around and try to experience it for yourself? The commercial aint make you gay IMO. I dont think sexuality works like that

And on the flip side… I knew far back as kindergarten that I liked girls. I had a friend whose name and face I can’t remember, but I remember I had a crush on his big sister who came and picked him up every day.

She was probably like 5th or 6th grade but seemed HUGE(not fat) to me back then, with what at the time looked like some big thighs.

Young Inglewood had a type before he knew he had a type. 30 years later I still like em with big thighs/nice ass.

Ain’t no amount of agenda/conditioning can make me not like soft body feminine women with thick thighs/ass combo.

Also… had a cousin who even back then would push around his sister’s toy Barbie cars while the rest of the boys rode bikes and did little boy shit.

Spoiler alert: the nigga gay as hell.

No amount of being around the boys, watching the “strong black nuclear family” Cosby show, and multiple examples of heterosexual relationships all around him made him straight.
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And on the flip side… I knew far back as kindergarten that I liked girls. I had a friend whose name and face I can’t remember, but I remember I had a crush on his big sister who came and picked him up every day.

She was probably like 5th or 6th grade but seemed HUGE(not fat) to me back then, with time at the time looked like some big thighs.

Young Inglewood had a type before he knew he had a type. 30 years later I still like em with big thighs/nice ass.

Ain’t no amount of agenda/conditioning can make me not like soft body feminine women with thick thighs/ass combo.

Also… had a cousin who even back then would push around his sister’s toy Barbie cars while the rest of the boys rode bikes and did little boy shit.

Spoiler alert: the nigga gay as hell.

No amount of being around the boys, watching the “strong black nuclear family” Cosby show, and multiple examples of heterosexual relationships all around him made him straight.

pretty much the point ive been attempting to make all along.

The agenda folks seem to think(and feel free to let me know if im misinterpreting) that if people keep seeing different relationships or different lifestyles on their screens it's somehow going to influence them to behave differently. People gon like what they like regardless *shrugs*
pretty much the point ive been attempting to make all along.

The agenda folks seem to think(and feel free to let me know if im misinterpreting) that if people keep seeing different relationships or different lifestyles on their screens it's somehow going to influence them to behave differently. People gon like what they like regardless *shrugs*

It's that and them having an issue with it being seen as normal aka people not being ostracized or forced to hide who they are to appease their discomfort. Even if they don't think they can be turned gay the fact that gay folks exist as they are without hiding it bothers them.
pretty much the point ive been attempting to make all along.

The agenda folks seem to think(and feel free to let me know if im misinterpreting) that if people keep seeing different relationships or different lifestyles on their screens it's somehow going to influence them to behave differently. People gon like what they like regardless *shrugs*

Right. The question I always have for the agenda folks is…if the so called gay agenda can make the straights gay…

Then why hasn’t the hundreds of thousands of years of hetero normative human existence eliminated homosexuality yet?
