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Has anyone seen this McDonald's commercial?

Oh for sure, you'll never actually *be* gay. It's not about actually changing you, I'm talking more of the idea of having people move in a direction counter to who they truly are. Placing certain expectations on you societally that pressures you in to believing "this is the way", ya know?

I think I follow what you're sayin. But the folks that are less tolerant of lets say interracial couples, same sex couples, or interracial same sex couples... aint gonna be convinced to be more tolerant because they are seeing it on tv more than they used to. I guess im still not seeing what the end goal is.

Seeing somebody that looks like me cop a mcrib from mcdonalds aint gonna make me wanna try the shit lol
convos like this end up fruitless way more often then it should
That's because there's a segment of black men who refuse to hold certain white folk accountable

I've asked @Inori three times to criticize the oppressor and he can't do it.

Until black men stop tapdancing and carry water and being doormats for others; until black men start seeing white people for who they are ain't no fruit coming
I mean I feel like theres a productive conversation to be had here. Shout out to @Swabbie for being willing to have the conversation/debate
I dare you to criticize white liberals

Just name one thing they do that you're against

Please 🙏🏽

I understand you didn't become coolest guy 5 years in a row by criticizing people but this ignoing is bordering on coonery nigga lmao

Its frankly disgusting you value them so much
Your cape for white people is long and flowing...

This is a bad faith question because you're being condescending and not trying to receive the answer. Once you do receive the answer the goal post will move

I'll pretend you're asking this in good faith and answer it accordingly

The goal for the agenda is LESS BLACK PROCREATION

That's why you're going to see more gay black men and more interracial couples than not

Pairing black women with white men disproportionately is persuasion, not a representation of what's really going on in society. Its a projection

Now I know what your response to this will be Inori... You will deflect the intentions of white liberals to take the onus off them....annnd GO!

Gay black people do not lead to less procreation though. Lesbian women have babies all the time. Again it seems like having a liberal mindset and being liberal white are the same thing in your mindset. You need to make a separation. I can be pro black and pro lbgqt people, and for abortion. I really want to know why in you mind Pro Black means anti liberal?
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Ok so this is about the liberal agenda now. If it was two black men with black kids is that the issue. Or they have to be straight?