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It's that bad?
It’s…not ideal for a demo I’ll say that

Hardly any gameplay in 20-25 mins

What’s happening story wise it’s hard to care about so the cutscenes don’t even do it for me

I just wanted to fuck around with this for like a half hour before going to bed lol
My homeboy was just talking about playing this...

Not my speed
I could see the complaints about to much cgi... but that's final fantasy especially after 7 ( like playing mgs - after ps1 verison- and not expecting long cut scenes). But I really enjoyed it didn't do the eikon challenge yet. Pre-ordered.

Gonna need a bit getting used to but I really enjoyed the combat more than I thought I would. I'm not to big on DMC beyond the 1st 2. And that was the guy who made that fighting system. Haven't played any beyond the 1st 2.

Words of Bart Scott..

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It's more of the same in terms of combat from most games these days, which may be a good thing?

They didn't reinvent the wheel but guess they don't need to.

Story wise I'm sure it's GOT meets FF just right now I don't care. Maybe the full game will get me enthralled.

I have yet to finish the demo though. Just found myself struggling to do so