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This game any good, is it worth the purchase?

The gameplay is very linear and one-dimensional. The story is ok but there's just way too much of it. The combat is either button mashing or QTE's and the upgrade paths are borderline pointless.

I wouldn't have bought this at anywhere near full price if I knew how poor the combat system, gear and exploration was going to be.
SneakDZA making me hesitant to even get this?

What I will say is from what ive seen so far.. yeah its alot of cut scenes.. I can deal with that.

I've done maybe 2 "boss fights" and them joints feel... I think the best word I can use to describe is "muddied".. like the shit is all over the place and in some instances it cuts from you mashing buttons to just cut scenes of a fight that you no longer have a part in.. im sitting there like fuck I coulda did them moves if yall gave me the opportunity.

Its still early tho.. im not gonna toss it in the trash just yet
I mean I have no issue being linear damn near every game is open world just for the sake of it. I like combat better but it’s kind of lacking just a bit cuz I’m really just pressing square a lot.

I like games for their stories so it’s good im
At like level 25
I had a boss fight where I fought the same asshole for two 20 minute boss fights back to back.

After I already cut his fucking hands off in my previous 20 minute boss fight with him.
I had a boss fight where I fought the same asshole for two 20 minute boss fights back to back.

After I already cut his fucking hands off in my previous 20 minute boss fight with him.

And dying and getting my potions back makes it easy but I know old school dudes hate it
i took a pause before the final mission, I can't tell if I live or hate this game.

Gonna do the final side missions and hunts later on this week.
game is confusing af. maybe its cause i skipped 70% of the cutscenes. seriously though on average your watching 4 cutscenes back to back. The gameplay saves this game. the Titan fights are underwhelming. i would suggest upgrading phoneix Super before venturing out to other Titans powers.