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Feminism, is it for black people

The wage gap itself isn't a myth. The idea that the wage gap stems from women being purposely paid less is a myth. Your own source confirms that.

This is indicative of a bigger problem with feminists and the gender war. A lot of them want to chalk every difference in how men and women are treated up to sexism. That's silly. Men and women are fundamentally different. They say they want equality under the law, which is good. The problem comes with their expectation that if women get that equality then everything should be the same for men and women. That's not necessarily true.

I mean realistically I don’t think anybody is asking for the exact same. Maybe equity is a better word. I’m not saying the girl who is welding with one year experience should get the same as the guy with 20 years.

And if the reasons for the gaps were things like education attainment and work segwration seemed like something feminism would get on. The question would be why women were having the same educational attainment. But I think education wise it’s getting smaller
You said the 1st wave of feminism helped black women when that's been debunked by articles stating that black women, even though on paper they could vote, they still were not allowed to vote across the country.

So some could vote and a lot couldn’t. That does not mean they didn’t use the right to vote
How in your opinion did the 2nd wave help black women?

I think having the right to snort and decide the fate of the baby you carry is a big thing and yes I think it helped. I don’t think most aborted kids were going into good situations especially back then. And no I don’t see abortion as something that hurt us. A lot of folks can barely manage the kids they have now
2nd wave of feminism results still did not help black women

These legal victories gave some women more autonomy in both public and private life. However, many women of color were still disenfranchised.
So some could vote and a lot couldn’t. That does not mean they didn’t use the right to vote

What percentage of black women from 1920s to 1965 would you say could vote with it being counted, not being harassed, killed etc?

What percentage would you say if black women across the country in 1920 to 1965 could walk up to the polls all freely and cast their votes without any hiccups?
I think having the right to snort and decide the fate of the baby you carry is a big thing and yes I think it helped. I don’t think most aborted kids were going into good situations especially back then. And no I don’t see abortion as something that hurt us. A lot of folks can barely manage the kids they have now

Most black women were married in the 60s and 70s, What are you talking about going into good situations?

Can you break that statement down. It's a blanket statement.

I feel like you are using it as a cop out to try and angle that the 2nd wave somehow helped black women

Could you unpack that statement?
So some could vote and a lot couldn’t. That does not mean they didn’t use the right to vote

When the second wave of feminism began, the Civil Rights Movement was already in full swing. After emancipation, African American men and women still had to fight against racism, violence, and segregation to exercise their basic human rights. In addition, even after the ratification of the 19th Amendment ensuring that both men and women were able to vote, African American men and women were still restricted from voting by Jim Crow laws, literacy tests, and grandfather-clauses
I mean realistically I don’t think anybody is asking for the exact same. Maybe equity is a better word. I’m not saying the girl who is welding with one year experience should get the same as the guy with 20 years.

And if the reasons for the gaps were things like education attainment and work segwration seemed like something feminism would get on. The question would be why women were having the same educational attainment. But I think education wise it’s getting smaller

But it is. Societal changes don't happen instantly. Again, your source proves that the gap is decreasing, so as women get more educated and rise up ranks, they are making more money. Women are actually outpacing men when it comes to education. If nothing changes, then the wage gap could be flipped. Women don't even want that. Even high earning women still look to practice hypergamy. A chick like Eboni Williams makes a lot of money but considers it an insult for people to suggest she get with a man making less than her. If every chick becomes a boss babe and outearns her male counterparts, they will run out of suitable mates by their own standards.
Feminism has unquestionably had good results for women. That doesn't necessarily mean the results have been better for society as a whole. It seems to be a mixed bag. You can't blame women for not wanting to be second class citizens though. Whatever bad may have come from feminism could have been avoided if men had been more fairminded in the past.
Feminism is great for white elitist women, the same group who created it. It doesn't help women of color or in the middle/working class.

Taking women out of the home to be cogs in the workforce is dumb. If a woman wants to pursue a profession then by all means go for it, but feminism demonized women who stay at home and forced society into two parent working households. That killed the backbone of communities which was....women. The very people who head the PTA, community orgs, and watch over kids. And for what? To work a mindless 9 to 5 like men because that's "equality" I guess. Now women use prescription meds at a high rate to deal with all the depression and dissatisfaction many have in their lives. Men get displaced in the workforce and that causes fundamental issues in their lives too. Kids grow up in daycare and get more lost each generation.
So we know the 1st wave of feminism wasn't shit for black women

The 2nd wave of feminism wasn't shit either in my opinion, those who are for abortion may feel it was OK now for black women to abort kids freely.

Saints bout to play,

The 3rd wave can be discussed later.

But please, feel free to ask about the 1st wave of feminism. Unpack it to see if there's any juice, energy in that movement that helped black women

2nd wave as well. I could have missed something

All you feminist niggas, you're more than welcome to do so.

So far, the 2nd wave gave black women the right to abort and they still were being treated like shit.
I think having the right to snort and decide the fate of the baby you carry is a big thing and yes I think it helped. I don’t think most aborted kids were going into good situations especially back then. And no I don’t see abortion as something that hurt us. A lot of folks can barely manage the kids they have now
Women have the same responsibility that men do. If they choose to sleep around then that's on them. Once they bring a life into he world then it's not a choice.

Abortion is def the big marker to showing how fucked up society is
Feminism is great for white elitist women, the same group who created it. It doesn't help women of color or in the middle/working class.

Taking women out of the home to be cogs in the workforce is dumb. If a woman wants to pursue a profession then by all means go for it, but feminism demonized women who stay at home and forced society into two parent working households. That killed the backbone of communities which was....women. The very people who head the PTA, community orgs, and watch over kids. And for what? To work a mindless 9 to 5 like men because that's "equality" I guess. Now women use prescription meds at a high rate to deal with all the depression and dissatisfaction many have in their lives. Men get displaced in the workforce and that causes fundamental issues in their lives too. Kids grow up in daycare and get more lost each generation.

At the end of the day, women should have the choice to be what they want to be and what they are meant to be. They shouldn't be forced into being housewives because of sexism. They shouldn't be forced into the grind because of a misguided belief that men and women should behave the same. I think eventually things will correct themselves. Big societal change never occurs easily. America has been trying to course correct when it comes to racism for more than 100 years and still hasn't gotten it right.
So some could vote and a lot couldn’t. That does not mean they didn’t use the right to vote
Let me add more sauce to this.

If the voting site is in the white part of the town usually your town hall, downtown area, where white folks control, how are these black women voting ?
And it usually was one site where you go to cast votes, the shit was not spread all out with multiple voting sites. You usually went to one site which wa controlled by whites and their mob who was stationed there to keep black folks, men and women from voting.

You really think a group of white men and white women are letting black women cast votes, let alone black men

Breh this is in 1920 not 2024
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There’s good and bad in everything, we have a responsibility as caring human beings, to understand that opposition to anything, always uses the most extreme of that thing, to be the representation of that thing.

And that there are more people in the middle than there are on the right or left.

If you look at hiphop as a representation of our community, you are either rich or poor, but the vast majority of us, are somewhere in the middle.
If the pay gap was a thing, why would anybody ever hire another man to work a job when it would be legal to pay women less? Unless I’m just an idiot and don’t know shit. You can’t create a precedent and say things like these bosses are money hungry tyrants but then won’t accept that said same money hungry people wouldn’t go out their way to be money hungry and just hire all women.
As far as this conversation, when someone like Tom Brady, Jordan, Floyd, NaS, Kanye anybody gives you great content or legitimate antthignnhrpugh their work, they’re setting a precedent to let you know they’re good enough to make things work. That they’re talented enough to be what you need them to be.

So if the white man is everything negative enough when it comes down to holding our people back, why would they then not use feminism to a degree to make our communities harder to flourish in? Why wouldn’t he send his women to tell our women how much they don’t need us?

So working jobs, getting the option to better themselves? All good, but like anything, it morphed into something else. I’ll never understand how it’s written off as conspiracy when speaking on white racism when we have tons of examples to prove they have it in for us. You don’t think they convered all bases? I mean I’d founded to ruin the strength of black people, wouldn’t you?