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Feminism, is it for black people

Yes, according to you feminist, it was supposed to improve lives

White women will never reject it

Some black.women are seeing what it is and rejecting it

By your own words, so if racism is there and in place, how is feminism helping black women and they are facing racists?

It doesn't work

You're just proving my points

Do you even understand what you’re saying. You saying if a movement did not defeat racism it’s a pointless movement. That’s dumb shit knock. You ignored the women actually telling you what it is because some YouTube doc told feminism is bad and you rolled with it.
capitalism depends on a constant supply of a working class...ppl having kids. If women have more choices and autonomy over their lives and less and less buy into patriarchy that's a threat to the system.

I hear you, but that's a bit of a stretch. People aren't going to stop procreating, so they'll always have that fodder. Not to mention that as grunt work becomes more and more autonomized, corporations will need fewer level workers. I still maintain that you can't say feminism works against capitalism when it has encouraged women to give up their roles in homes to become working class cogs. Don't get me wrong. I'm not arguing that women shouldn't work. I'm just saying that if you believe controlling the available working units is a way of fighting capitalism, feminism has traditionally advocated for the opposite.
Do you even understand what you’re saying. You saying if a movement did not defeat racism it’s a pointless movement. That’s dumb shit knock. You ignored the women actually telling you what it is because some YouTube doc told feminism is bad and you rolled with it.

Feminism is a nothing burger for black women

Black women are still at the bottom bro.
If the shit was real, black women would be in better positions.

The movement is supposed to defeat something, it has not for black women.

Black men don't own wealth bro, so who is feminism targeting??

White men and white women who are the main ones that speak feminism

Black men and black women are at the bottom, how the hell can black men prevent black women from progressing when we don't own shit and have little wealth??
Most, many black men don't hate black women, so who is oppressing black women..

White men and women and other groups and what do we call that??

Racism, not no dayum feminism

White folks use feminism to fight their husbands who have assets and wealth.

Most Black men don't have that
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I don’t think y’all know what a patriarchy is.

Because this damn sure ain’t one
I asked you to define it

You said there's only one definition

Are you going to define it so we can make sure we are starting from the same basis of understanding
I asked you to define it

You said there's only one definition

Are you going to define it so we can make sure we are starting from the same basis of understanding
I’ll keep it simple a

country that’s ruled my man and women has no authority.

We live in a racist society, not a patriarchy
I’ll keep it simple a

country that’s ruled my man and women has no authority.

We live in a racist society, not a patriarchy
I'm out of mental battery to continue this tonight. I'll try again tomorrow
I hear you, but that's a bit of a stretch. People aren't going to stop procreating, so they'll always have that fodder. Not to mention that as grunt work becomes more and more autonomized, corporations will need fewer level workers. I still maintain that you can't say feminism works against capitalism when it has encouraged women to give up their roles in homes to become working class cogs. Don't get me wrong. I'm not arguing that women shouldn't work. I'm just saying that if you believe controlling the available working units is a way of fighting capitalism, feminism has traditionally advocated for the opposite.
I'm not arguing feminism = ppl stop procreating....im arguing feminism over time altered the rules of engagement between men and women. If women now don't need men for financial security or just their general approval like they've had to for thousands of years prior, that changes the makeup of interpersonal relationships across the board....which also undermines the thousands of years of socialization about what it means to be a man and what it means to be a woman and what is acceptable behavior between the two.

effects of this won't be felt for decades or maybe even centuries depending on how fast or slow the culture changes.....im not tryna get into a convo about the merits and critiques of capitalism but ultimately my point is if we're changing how we think about/feel/deal with each other, it'll inevitably change our relationship to the systems we live under.
Yes, according to you feminist, it was supposed to improve lives

White women will never reject it

Some black.women are seeing what it is and rejecting it

By your own words, so if racism is there and in place, how is feminism helping black women and they are facing racists?

It doesn't work

You're just proving my points
If feminism hasn't improved any women's lives then that means we live in a patriarchy....
I'm not arguing feminism = ppl stop procreating....im arguing feminism over time altered the rules of engagement between men and women. If women now don't need men for financial security or just their general approval like they've had to for thousands of years prior, that changes the makeup of interpersonal relationships across the board....which also undermines the thousands of years of socialization about what it means to be a man and what it means to be a woman and what is acceptable behavior between the two.

effects of this won't be felt for decades or maybe even centuries depending on how fast or slow the culture changes.....im not tryna get into a convo about the merits and critiques of capitalism but ultimately my point is if we're changing how we think about/feel/deal with each other, it'll inevitably change our relationship to the systems we live under.

That's fair. That's a little different from what you said before though.

To this point, changing how men and women deal with each other doesn't necessarily impact the systems in place at all if we all still continue to let the people at the top string us along like puppets. The same goes for race. We all have to stop falling for the BS and letting people in power pit us against each other for their gain.