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Feminism, is it for black people

In what sector of the activities in society, there are 7 that black men control that hinders black women?,


And I can't think of the other 2

Black men don't hinder black women from doing anything

How does feminism help black women and men when we are both at the bottom?

Shit is a joke and black feminist need to get off that shit. Imo
No I'm asking you for clarity

Were you talking about society as opposed to say a household

I was talking society and but one of my post that I quoted Dwayne I said we, us, black people, live in a matriarchy society where there are more black women that are head of the household
Over 50%

Again i am speaking on black folks.
I was talking society and but one of my post that I quoted Dwayne I said we, us, black people, live in a matriarchy society where there are more black women that are head of the household
Over 50%

Again i am speaking on black folks.

I'm having trouble connecting the dots

Why is this relevant?

I'm having trouble connecting the dots

Why is this relevant?

Good question

Black women and men are the free-ist that they've ever been, they can go to school, get jobs, own businesses, travel etc. But yet still at the bottom
Black women and black men should not be yelling feminism

Back then black men and women were limited. Both genders. We both together Jim Crowed, Slavery, Red lined, Discriminated, police brutality etc, still is, this is not because of the gender
It's because of our skin

That's racism.

It's still happening.

Being a feminist, you are fighting for the advancement of white women to dabble more into white wealth.
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I'm having trouble connecting the dots

Why is this relevant?

I stated that black men don't hinder black women from progressing in society. I asked you to state what things in society, phases of life that black men hinder black women, there are 7 of them.
There are none out of those 7 areas where black men hinder black women
Then I stated that we, us black people live in a matrichary society where the black woman is the head. She is the head of household in our society
Many kids grew up with the women being head of household. That's not a patriarchy Society.
That's a matrichary society

I say all that to say Feminism is not a black thing. That's a white woman thing.

Our black asses face racism.

White women and white men and other non black people practice racism on black people, not feminism.

We as a group, black men and women encounter racism.

Feminism is a joke and if you are a feminist you are helping white women progression. Imo. But you can use logic and see that

Black women are still at the bottom
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In society?

Not really.

I don't really agree with the whole "black women didn't need feminism" schtick that some push. However, I will say that the dynamics that white women were fighting in their community wasn't the same as what black women were fighting. Black feminists themselves acknowledge that now. The damage has been done though because black women kinda came at black men the same way white women went at white men and that was unwarranted. Black men didn't have a significant role any hindering black women in anything outside of our community.
Feminism cause black women to be separated from black men, thats all the shit is for.

White women use feminism to control white men and their assets, wealth that white men have held on to for 500 or so years in this country.
Thats their struggle or fight between them two fuckers. Who gonna spend the wealth.

They gave black women feminism and it drifted them from black men and black women are still at the bottom. White women, Asian women non black women don't fight for black women cause, if so why they are at the bottom still. But they want black women to fight hard for their progression

A nothing burger, egg on your face
Leave that shit to white folks

Black men and black women are in this shit together. It's us against every dayum body.

Until we get on this page, we won't get shit. Reparations, land, peace, etc

Some black women are leaving that shit though.

Separation is not good for us

Get you a black woman or black man and create a black family. This is how we start to get shit back on board and start letting sharing love.
Use logic folks

Leave all that fake shit alone
America is a patriarchal system ran by white men who give white women certain avenues to flourish, most of what’s happened is purposeful, cuz now these white women they told to embrace things they did, them hoes hate men and hate manhood and that’s why you see so much red pill MGTOW shit.
That's fair. That's a little different from what you said before though.

To this point, changing how men and women deal with each other doesn't necessarily impact the systems in place at all if we all still continue to let the people at the top string us along like puppets. The same goes for race. We all have to stop falling for the BS and letting people in power pit us against each other for their gain.
I see what you saying. But where we differ, and maybe I'm being too optimistic about it, but societies run from the bottom up. Everything starts with the ppl. The system is built on women being below men, black ppl being below white ppl, poor ppl being below rich ppl. If enough ppl reject any of that that's gonna have an effect on the system bc it's changing a foundational tenet of how the system wants us to interact.
I see what you saying. But where we differ, and maybe I'm being too optimistic about it, but societies run from the bottom up. Everything starts with the ppl. The system is built on women being below men, black ppl being below white ppl, poor ppl being below rich ppl. If enough ppl reject any of that that's gonna have an effect on the system bc it's changing a foundational tenet of how the system wants us to interact.

You're not wrong. The problem is the system is designed to keep us all divided. As long as people guy into those divisions, it will be difficult for enough of us to come together an affect the system from the bottom up. I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm just not as optimistic as you. lol