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Feminism, is it for black people

You can still say capitalism is bad despite it being around for centuries. It’s crazy you tell a black woman feminism is a nothing burger.

How can you say that it's bad when you weren't even living around for centuries?

It's crazy to YOU, but it's not to me. That's how I feel and I've backed it up with FACTS
This thread is filled with your typical liberal-social justice warrior garbage waste bin.

Barely any facts, documents, books, etc.. to back up what they saying. Everybody is a marxist/anti-capitalism until you tho' a bag at they azz. Capitalism (like everything else, even me) has flaws and is not perfect. However, it's waaaay better than the most if not all of the alternatives. Don't like this capatalist society, please move to a communist filled shyt hole. They never do.

About the facts/books, etc.. Feminism also has flaws but has it's benefits. Pros and cons just like everything else. I had these for years, bout 2020 and earlier. I'll share some.





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I'd agree with the patriarchy part. I'm not sure how modern feminism undermines capitalism when a primary goal seems to be getting women better integrated at the top of the capitalist structure.
capitalism depends on a constant supply of a working class...ppl having kids. If women have more choices and autonomy over their lives and less and less buy into patriarchy that's a threat to the system.
I don’t feel we live in a patriarchy Society.
We don't, black men, black people own less than a half of them wealth in this country.

You take 100 pieces stick of gum, you take 1 piece outta that 100 and break that 1 piece of gum in half, thats how much of weath black folks been having in this country since the Reconstruction Era from 1867 - 1916 The shit ain't change and black folks will have less come 10 years from now.
Voting won't improve that wealth % at all until them checks get cut and land is allocated to black people.

Black men and black women are not in the feminism bag. That shit don't apply to black folks.
If feminism worked like these feminist say it does, tell me why are black women still at the bottom in almost all categories in life that matters?

Income wage
martial rate
Pregnancy fatally
I can keep going
Meds, 1 or 2 out 4 black women are on some kinda meds.

I'ma gone on the record to say we live in a matriarch where over 50% majority black house holds are heading by a woman. Again I'm speaking on the black race,

Not white folks, We are talking about US as i said in the OP
Folks coming into the thread grouping ALL women.

Everything that these white and black feminist stand on, they use the black woman struggle, denial, abuse, that they themselves, white woman and white men and other groups, did to black woman.
Tell me how feminism is working when black women are dead last in the important categories in this country

Yall need to stop believing in that shit. That shit is for white women, they use black women as mascots
Use the black woman struggle that white women and white men put on black women to ask for shit lol.

Yall need to get off that fake shit imo
How can you say that it's bad when you weren't even living around for centuries?

It's crazy to YOU, but it's not to me. That's how I feel and I've backed it up with FACTS

You do know slavery is a direct product of capitalism. Capitalism is the reason New Orleans and Baton Rogue have high crime. Capitalism says if you don’t have money you ain’t shit. In America who has the least money? US. Who has the most social issues and educational issues? Us. Like my nigga come on. Just cuz some rappers made money don’t mean it’s not filled with a slew of problems.

Shit private prisons is capitalism. Drugs. Way more bad shit
Tell me how feminism is working when black women are dead last in the important categories in this country

Yall need to stop believing in that shit. That shit is for white women, they use black women as mascots
Use the black woman struggle that white women and white men put on black women to ask for shit lol.

Yall need to get off that fake shit imo

Black people are dead last in a lot of categories. To many women what feminism was about helped them. And not just the jobs but treatment even down to how people view sex crimes.
You do know slavery is a direct product of capitalism. Capitalism is the reason New Orleans and Baton Rogue have high crime. Capitalism says if you don’t have money you ain’t shit. In America who has the least money? US. Who has the most social issues and educational issues? Us. Like my nigga come on. Just cuz some rappers made money don’t mean it’s not filled with a slew of problems.

Shit private prisons is capitalism. Drugs. Way more bad shit

@Dwayne what is it now
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Black people are dead last in a lot of categories. To many women what feminism was about helped them. And not just the jobs but treatment even down to how people view sex crimes.

If Feminism is for black women and one poster said it helps black men

Why are we in last buddy?

Must not be working if we are in last place right ?
Black people are dead last in a lot of categories. To many women what feminism was about helped them. And not just the jobs but treatment even down to how people view sex crimes.

How is feminism helping with black women sex crimes.?

Has it stopped the sex crimes that are happening to black women and teens

Before you answer, you do know women assist and participate in these crimes
If Feminism is for black women and one poster said it helps black men

Why are we in last buddy?

Must not be working if we are in last place right ?

lol was it supposed to put us in first place? Ain’t you from the south? Tell me what movement is gonna end racism in the south? What movement is gonna end racism in the US? If that’s your standard then we shouldn’t have any movements.

If feminism is so bad why aren’t women rejecting it in large numbers?
How is feminism helping with black women sex crimes.?

Has it stopped the sex crimes that are happening to black women and teens

Before you answer, you do know women assist and participate in these crimes

You gotta stop. So feminism was supposed to eliminate all sex crimes forever? And yes we know that women can be predators too. Shit you co-signed when boosie paid for his kids to get head so you were ok with that sex crime.
lol was it supposed to put us in first place? Ain’t you from the south? Tell me what movement is gonna end racism in the south? What movement is gonna end racism in the US? If that’s your standard then we shouldn’t have any movements.

If feminism is so bad why aren’t women rejecting it in large numbers?

Yes, according to you feminist, it was supposed to improve lives

White women will never reject it

Some black.women are seeing what it is and rejecting it

By your own words, so if racism is there and in place, how is feminism helping black women and they are facing racists?

It doesn't work

You're just proving my points
You gotta stop. So feminism was supposed to eliminate all sex crimes forever? And yes we know that women can be predators too. Shit you co-signed when boosie paid for his kids to get head so you were ok with that sex crime.

So if women are predators, how is feminism helping with sex crimes??

Has feminism cut sex crimes in half?