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Feminism, is it for black people

just came back to say this conversation cant be truly had without input from women...

thats all I got left for this thread lol

Imo that's a weak ass take when one the facts are in the thread and you can easily track or learn about each wave and ask the questions as such.

You just wanna say shit for the sake, sidelining and shit, the women can chime in but if they are not upon factual history of each movement, we are just hearing feelings and opinions just like the feminist men on this board.
Nigga asking for women but ain't @ not Nan woman to the thread.

As I said, niggas just say shit just to say shit for likes

Nigga at the women if you wanna hear their opinion so badly

All that sidelining and shit to get likes and cosigns..boy smh.

You niggas funny
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Nigga asking for women but ain't @ not Nan woman to the thread.

As I said, niggas just say shit just to say shit for likes

Nigga at the women if you wanna hear their opinion so badly

All that sidelining and shit to get likes and cosigns..boy smh.

You niggas funny

You called all of her point opinions tho the one woman that came to thread. Tell me tho how has feminism hurt our community in your city? Putting niggas in child support or something
I don’t really

Stfu you bitch ass nigga. You have made no black family or added anything but conspiracy bullshit and insults. A facade.
I don't want kids hoe. It might seem a little contradictory to my Pro blackness but I don't want my offspring to end up like you...and yall. Compromised. Indoctrinated. Feckless. Docile. Complacent.

There's too many entities that are out of my control that could turn my child into a Hellczar. I'm the type to crash out and I knew that at 17, give me my props for being aware and not reckless

I don't want my fucking Nuts to be influenced by the sources you were influenced by. I don't want them to be influenced by white liberals and coming home asking me what my pronouns are and telling me men can have vaginas

I don't want my children coming home telling me feminism was good for black America when I know damn well feminism is a tool of white supremacy
I don't want kids hoe. It might seem a little contradictory to my Pro blackness but I don't want my offspring to end up like you...and yall. Compromised. Indoctrinated. Feckless. Docile. Complacent.

There's too many entities that are out of my control that could turn my child into a Hellczar. I'm the type to crash out and I knew that at 17, give me my props for being aware and not reckless

I don't want my fucking Nuts to be influenced by the sources you were influenced by. I don't want them to be influenced by white liberals and coming home asking me what my pronouns are and telling me men can have vaginas

I don't want my children coming home telling me feminism was good for black America when I know damn well feminism is a tool of white supremacy

Bruh you don’t got any women to procreate with or a job. Stfu
I think conversations like this are difficult to have on this website, because why wouldn’t the same white people who had an incentive to keep black men and women down, not use intersectionality to keep black men down by way of using our women to fight against us because he sent out his white female agents to do it?
Can you expound a little more

I know you probably got like five more minutes of posting until next quarter but I enjoy your thoughts on topics like these
Basically....patriarchy and misogyny is a function of capitalism as is racism, class, etc. Attempting to undo or at least restructure how we arrange ourselves under the system is a good thing for the people.

Niggas can squabble about third wave feminism or racist white women...idgaf. the status quo harms everyone and going against it is a win.
Grass roots feminism, yeah. I can respect that. It was all about equality and equity for women, and I think we all want that for everyone.

The new Third wave feminism tho is some contradictory bullshit. And there's a TON of misandry in it as well. You can't say to women one hand hand "Be Independent" and on the other say "Don't accept a man unless he makes xxxxx and can provide for you." That literally contradicting yourself.

Plus I'm not with all this shit about not needing to practice simply hygiene and grooming. I don't give a shit what any of y'all say: muhfuckas freely running around bleeding all over the place on their monthlys with no pads on, talking about "That's me. That who I am." is fucking GROSS.
Grass roots feminism, yeah. I can respect that. It was all about equality and equity for women, and I think we all want that for everyone.

The new Third wave feminism tho is some contradictory bullshit. And there's a TON of misandry in it as well. You can't say to women one hand hand "Be Independent" and on the other say "Don't accept a man unless he makes xxxxx and can provide for you." That literally contradicting yourself.

Plus I'm not with all this shit about not needing to practice simply hygiene and grooming. I don't give a shit what any of y'all say: muhfuckas freely running around bleeding all over the place on their monthlys with no pads on, talking about "That's me. That who I am." is fucking GROSS.

Ain’t no black women free bleeding
All ima say is feminism attempts to undermine patriarchy ie capitalism and that's a win for everybody.
The patriarchy is the foundation of pretty much every successful human society in human history.

Capitalism is the most successful economic system in history, and why so many were able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Let's hear about all those successful non-patriarchal and socialistic societies

The patriarchy is the foundation of pretty much every successful human society in human history.

Capitalism is the most successful economic system in history, and why so many were able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Let's hear about all those successful non-patriarchal and socialistic societies

There was no poverty before capitalism bookie. Capitalism created the poverty and disparities you touting ppl pulled themselves out of
There was no poverty before capitalism bookie.
1+ bil of 8 bil ppl live in systemic poverty

CaPiTaLiSm is SuCcEsFuL
Poverty has been around since forever. It's only really the last few centuries that the concept of middle classes even existed. You had the well to do and the poor before. Hell, look around the world today at those 8 billion and tell me how many in poverty live under capitalism versus other systems like communism or socialism.
Poverty has been around since forever. It's only really the last few centuries that the concept of middle classes even existed. You had the well to do and the poor before. Hell, look around the world today at those 8 billion and tell me how many in poverty live under capitalism versus other systems like communism or socialism.
Poverty is constructed. Mfs draw lines on a map and arbitrarily decide who gets a decent shot at life. "Poor people" have always existed but prior to capital and industrialization, how would you define someone as poor without a money system.

Majority of the globe operates under capitalism and a good chunk of ppl are struggling, and/or in poverty or outright dying under it.
Poverty is constructed. Mfs draw lines on a map and arbitrarily decide who gets a decent shot at life. "Poor people" have always existed but prior to capital and industrialization, how would you define someone as poor without a money system.

Majority of the globe operates under capitalism and a good chunk of ppl are struggling, and/or in poverty or outright dying under it.

There's always been a currency system going far back as Mansa Musa

Feminism is way to include white women in white men affairs. It's a nothing burger for black women.
There's always been a currency system going far back as Mansa Musa

Feminism is way to include white women in white men affairs. It's a nothing burger for black women.

You can still say capitalism is bad despite it being around for centuries. It’s crazy you tell a black woman feminism is a nothing burger.